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February 10, 2022

February 17th CMA Public Policy Meeting Draft Agenda & RSVP Link


Next week's meeting will be led by Public Policy Committee Co-Chairs, Drs. Stephanie Costa and Bill Cotton.

If you have not RSVP'd already, please click here to do so as soon as possible. Next week all who RSVP for the meeting will receive a Zoom link for the meeting.

This meeting will provide an opportunity to learn the latest on healthcare legislative issues, and also what is happening with Ohio politics. Where do we stand with new legislative and Congressional districts? Will there be votes on the November ballot for recreational marijuana and vaccination policy restrictions?

Additionally, meeting attendees will have the opportunity to register their interest in participating and help shape interaction in virtual small group meetings with Central Ohio legislators in our March: A Month of Advocacy program.  

Our draft agenda for this meeting includes:

  1. Introductions, Review Committee Purpose/Strategies
  2. Legislative Update
  3. Advocacy Training
  4. March: A Month of Advocacy
  5. CMA Support for Individual Physicians’ Work
  6. PAC 2022: June Interviews for Endorsement Recommendations
  7. Other Items/Next Meeting

If you have any questions or suggestions for the agenda, do not hesitate to contact CMA Public Policy Consultant Malcolm Porter at


Malcolm Porter

Public Policy Consultant

for the CMA

About the CMA's Advocacy Newsletter

Malcolm Porter is a public policy and political affairs consultant. He has done policy and political advisory work for the Columbus Medical Association, and affiliate organizations for nearly 20 years. As a local medical society, CMA physicians have supported and participated in public policy development with traditional physician stakeholder organizations. Additionally, CMA physicians have been directly responsible for initiating individual pieces of legislation that were driven by their own agenda.

Any CMA physician is welcome to contact Malcolm directly with your questions or concerns.

Contact Malcolm

Columbus Medical Association | 614-240-7410 |


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