Fall is upon us! Although I secretly would like 2020 to fade away into the distant past, I find myself wishing I could go back for at least a few moments and appreciate the time without the cloud of my anxiety and worry that has seemed to be ever present these days. Thus, this month's newsletter is all about Mindfulness. Continue reading and join me in my commitment to once again begin living each day to its fullest.
P.S. We can't forget to honor ADHD and Dyslexia Awareness Month...look further down for some interesting facts you may not have known!
All my best,
Dr. Pam McCaskill
McCaskill Family Services Newsletter
Term: Fall | Issue 10| October 21st, 2020
You've Been Hearing A lot About Mindfulness...
What is it? Why now? How?
Mindfulness has become quite the buzz word over the past few months, and rightfully so! Studies have shown that mindfulness techniques can help you to focus your attention, reduce anxiety and depression, and even lower your blood pressure. Mindfulness is all about being fully present in the here and now, given that the past and future are out of your control. Why spend your time and energy in a place that you are not? The only moment you can control, is this one. This sure sounds helpful in the midst of an ongoing pandemic, where many of us are suffering from a loss of control, frequent rumination about the past, and worry about the future. Our very own Dr. Nicole Wozniak is an expert at mindfulness practices, and this month, she gives us the low-down on how to start incorporating this therapeutic tool into our lives.
If you or someone you know could benefit from our services, please contact us! Our clinicians are trained in empirically-based techniques, such as mindfulness, and would be happy to promptly schedule an appointment in person or via tele-health. We can be reached by phone at 734-416-9098 or by email at office@mccaskillfamilyservices.com.
Visit Our Scarecrows In Downtown Plymouth
Join us for some fall fun in Downtown Plymouth! Find our MFS Scarecrows Bobby and Bobby Jr. in Kellogg Park, snap a picture with them, and tag us on social media @mccaskillfamilyservices We are so thankful to be a part of your community!
Am I OCD or Just COVID Anxious?
How to Spot the Difference
Presented by Jaclyn Rink, MS, LLP
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Webinar (Free Webinar)
Presented by Dr. Nicole Wozniak
Our Most Effective Stress Management Strategies
Survival Strategies for Parents on Coronavirus Triple Duty:
Teaching, Parenting, Working
New ! Virtual Mindfulness Group
For more info or to register for this group:
Dr. Nicole Wozniak is Clinical Director of our Brighton office. She also runs our Equine-Assisted Therapy Program.
Dr. Nicole is a Fully Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in treating adolescents struggling with behavior problems, self-esteem issues, depression and anxiety. In addition, Dr. Nicole is an avid horse lover, and a certified PATH therapeutic riding instructor.
Outside the office, Dr. Nicole spends most of her free time at the barn, training her own horse, MO, who is a former professional race horse.
If you and/or someone you know could benefit from participating in our Equine Program or individual treatment with Dr. Nicole, please contact our office at 734-416-9098 or email us office@mccaskillfamilyservices.com.
October Is ADHD & Dyslexia Awareness Month
Did You Know?
- Albert Einstein had ADHD
- 7.2% of children worldwide have ADHD.
- 3.4 % of adults are estimated to have diagnosed/undiagnosed ADHD.
- ADHD can be hereditary and runs in families
- Teens and adults with ADHD are often mislabeled as "lazy."
- Contrary to popular belief, people with ADHD have "too much" vs. "not enough" attention to the world around them.
Did You Know?
- Dyslexia has nothing to do with intelligence .
- Dyslexia affects more that just reading.
- Dyslexia is one of the most common language-based learning disabilities.
- Specialized multi-sensory learning education is the best type of intervention for Dyslexia.
- Left untreated, ADHD and learning difficulties can lead to low self-esteem, school drop-out, depression, school and other emotional issues.
- Thomas Edison was said to have Dyslexia.
ADHD and Dyslexia are often comorbid, meaning that many people whom have one, may have the other. Misdiagnosis of these disorders are often common in young children, gifted individuals, and those struggling with social and emotional problems. At MFS we specialize in comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations that can put the puzzle pieces together and provide you and your family with clarity, while getting you started on a road to successful intervention.
Newsletter Editor's Notes
In my home, October celebrates the kick-off to the holiday season! Unfortunately, it also means that we are in the thick of the school year, have less daylight, and our schedules are busier than ever. Around this time of year many of my patients, both young and adult, report feeling less motivated, scatterbrained and exhausted. They struggle to find the time to enjoy the moment.
Just like the other therapists in this newsletter, I am a big advocate for the practice of mindfulness. Ever eaten a bag of chips, gotten to the end of the bag unexpectedly, and didn't even realize you had eaten that many? Yep! When life moves so quickly, it feels almost impossible to be fully engaged and aware.
As humans, we are hard-wired to multi-task, and thank goodness for that! However, you know what can happen when you take on too many things at once and don't give something the attention that it deserves: cue careless mistakes, lots of incompletes, and all-around burn-out. I'm not asking you to be fully present in every moment of your life (that would be impossible), but finding those opportunities that deserve your awareness are critical to enjoying the life and achieving balance. Tune-in to the moment. Tune-out all the excess noise. Focus on one thing at a time, for life is ultimately a collection of moments.
Happy October! I'm a masters level clinician at McCaskill Family Services who specializes in the treatment of OCD, anxiety, self-harm and eating disorders for all ages. I co-run the McCaskill Family Services DBT groups for teens and adults, and specialize in psychological assessment. I am also our monthly newsletter co-editor and social media manager! I'd like to personally thank you for staying in touch with our practice, and hope you find this newsletter inspirational and informative. If you or someone you know would like to schedule an appointment with me, please contact our office at 734-416-9098 or email us at office@mccaskillfamilyservices.com.
I look forward to meeting you!
409 Plymouth Road, Suite 250, Plymouth, MI 48170 • 734.416.9098