Greetings Fellow Otakus From Anime Corner World Headquarters!
August 7th, 2020 | Issue # 1651
The dog days of summer are upon us, and we're offering some big summer savings on the Anime you want here at RACS!!

Between now and August 20th you can save an additional 10% off any IN STOCK order - no minimum order required! Just use the following coupon at checkout:


This offer includes pretty much EVERYTHING we carry as long as it's showing in stock at the time of your order. The more you purchase the more you save, so be sure to take advantage of this great opportunity to load up on some of the Anime stuff you've had your eye on!

Valid for new orders of IN STOCK items only. Offer not valid for pre-order items and cannot be combined with FREESHIP or any other discount or coupons offers.
Expires at midnight EST on Aug 20th, so don't wait!!
Store News and Tab Clearing

We got word from NISA this week that after two months of waiting, both the Toradora! Standard Edition Volume 2 (Blu-ray/DVD combo) and the A Lull in the Sea Volume 2 Standard Edition (DVD) are back in from repress and on the way to us. So everyone who's been waiting on a backorder, we'll have them coming your way early next week!

The Eastern Star backorders have continued to trickle in this week, with restocks arriving for titles like Angel Cop, Yowamushi, Project Arms, City Hunter, 5 Centimeters, Sorcerer Hunters, Fatal Fury, 8 Man After, and many others. There are still a lot of restocks we are waiting on, but any progress on all these COVID backlogs is more than welcome!

And in business news, VIZ Media Vice President Publishing Sales Kevin Hamric reported in an interview this week that Viz manga sales have been booming during the pandemic, and that they have seen very strong sales of manga boxed sets, saying:

"We also noticed that there seemed to be this binge effect, people were binging on manga, like they were binging on Netflix, because our box set sales exploded."

Now, I have never heard Kevin ever make a public statement that wasn't a net positive for Viz or the manga market, and in fact, he's paid to do exactly that. But he's not wrong about manga sales. While the US comic book industry has been floundering during the shutdowns, manga sales have done nothing but go up. For us here at RACS, the most difficult part of navigating the pandemic has been to keep up with demand and keep books in stock, and it's awesome to see fans support their hobby thru these difficult times.


Sentai announced this week that they had picked up the license for Demon City Shinjuku, but they weren't clear in the press release that it was only a digital license, forcing Discotek to make an announcement on their twitter page that they still had the rights to the DVD and BD release. I thought that situation was cute, but I do agree with Discotek in that their BD release of DCS does look pretty amazing!


Common Sense Co., Ltd. (Common Sense), previously known as Arms Co., Ltd. (Arms Corporation), has been declared bankrupt, according to a report by the credit and marketing information firm Tokyo Shoko Research. The company received a special liquidation order from the Tokyo District Court on July 22. Debt accumulated by the company is currently under investigation.

The studio primarily participated in television productions with Genco, including Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid, Queen's Blade: Grimoire, and Ikkitousen: Western Wolves. Arms also actively began accepting subcontract works from other animation studios. The company changed its official name to Common Sense in August 2017, as it began curtailing its business operations.

Arms was best known for Elfen Lied, Genshiken 2, Maoyuu Maou Yuusha (Maoyu: Archenemy & Hero), Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica (Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero), Gokukoku no Brynhildr (Brynhildr in the Darkness), and Wizard Barristers: Benmashi Cecil (Wizard Barristers).



WAS - JULY 4, 2020

WAS - Jun 23, 2020

WAS - Aug 4, 2020

WAS - Sep 29, 2020


Steve wrote in this week to tell us about his experience with his last order:

"I just wanted to thank y'all for sending an incredible figure. My order arrived quick and the figure was in perfect condition. Seriously, other companies can learn something from the care y'all place in packaging an order. I'm planning to place another order, hopefully within the next few weeks. Anyway, thanks again for the awesome order. Y'all stay safe out there. Take care. P.S. I still have my Play Arts Advent Children Cloud Strife figure that I ordered from y'all so many years ago. And yes, he is still the king of the shelf!" -Steve

And Irina gave us some great feedback on her first order with us:

"Very happy to have found a store staffed by real humans. None of that "we're sorry, ""the system"" cancelled your order". Fair prices, no hype, no discount culture, sale means sale. Plus you guys can read Cyrillic cursive, while robots are stumped by slightly misaligned Latin block letters. Buy at Robert's Anime Corner Store, don't let robots win, don't disappoint Maetel-sama!" -Irina

Thanks very much to both Steve and Irina for your business and support!
Upcoming Releases
This week we've added upcoming releases from several studios for pre-order plus another huge list of upcoming manga has been added to the site!

Previously Owned
If you haven't noticed yet, we've added a previously owned section to the store site. That section keeps getting bigger and bigger, and I just wanted to give you folks the inside scoop. Everything we add there is a (1) unit only proposition, so be sure to check back often to make sure you don't miss out on anything cool we might just drop in there!
Featured Pre-Order:

When your day begins with being held hostage in a hijacking, can things get much worse? How about being kicked out of your own body? Or learning that if you can't re-possess your physical shell, you'll trigger a panty-fueled apocalypse that will wipe out all life on the planet?
Get Social With RACS!
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Or get the latest store updates on the RACS BLOG:

Be sure to share these links with your friends too - We Appreciate It!
Robert's Random Thoughts
It doesn't make much sense, but it's still a far more satisfactory ending
than the one HBO tacked on... ;-)

Thanks to fellow Trekker Sean for sending this over! :-)
Fund Your Anime Habit with BitCoin @ RACS!
You can now use BitCoin to satisfy your Anime addiction here at RACS, and it's easy! Just select BITCOIN as your payment method when you checkout. We will process your order and calculate the amount based on the current exchange rate for BTC and send you an e-mail with the amount of due and the wallet address to send it to. Once we confirm transfer of your funds, we will process and ship your order. It's easy, and you can fund your order in BitCoin from anywhere in the world without all those high bank fees or exchange rate woes. Many of our customers already buy their Anime this way, so why not give it a try!

Drop us a line if you have any questions!
Amazon Gift Codes? - You Can Use em @RACS!!
If you have an Amazon gift card or code (or codes), and you want to use them here at the Anime Corner Store instead, don't worry - you can! The process is simple - just setup and place your order, and while you are checking out, drop the Amazon code (or codes) you want to use in the comments box on the order form along with the amounts next to each code that you want to use. Then finalize and place your order. Once it's done, we'll manually apply the codes to your order on our end and only bill your credit card for the balance left over after we deduct them.

Easy peasy, but if you have any questions just drop us a line!
The Galaxy Express 999 continues its journey through the cosmos! Tetsuro and Maetel face some of their most challenging stops yet as they ride along in their quest to the
end of the line.
When Yuko Yoshida wakes up one morning to discover that she's sprouted horns and a tail, she learns something that her mother has been meaning to tell her.
Hinako is a surf-loving college student who has just moved to a small seaside town. When a fire breaks out at her apartment building, she is rescued by Minato, a handsome firefighter, and the two soon
fall in love.
Promare Collector's Edition includes a CD soundtrack; 52-page booklet which includes interviews, character profiles, and artwork; English souvenir script (Over 120 pages!); mini poster; and decal sticker all housed in a rigid case.
The death of Emperor Friedrich IV launches a power struggle that jeopardizes the Galactic Empire. Meanwhile, a coup d'état erupts within the Free Planets Alliance.
The power of the Clow is back! As Sakura settles into a normal routine, she prepares to face her newest challenge - junior high! While her classes are challenging, things start looking up when Syaoran reappears and says he'll be staying for good.
Yui Komori has spent her life sheltered by the Church and the man she thinks of as her father, but now she's going to a new home and there's a very different kind of family waiting for her.
Four unforgettable Naruto adventures come together for the first time in this 4-Movie Collection!
High school boys, be fools!

Follow the bizarre adventures of Tadakuni, Hidenori and Yoshitake at the
all boys, Sanada North High School.

This is a high school slice of life comedy that will keep you laughing.
Recent New Anime Figurine Arrivals - Now in Stock:
Trade In Your BDs, DVDs, CDs, Manga, or Games - IT'S EASY!
Did you know that you can trade in your previously viewed BD's and DVD's, CD's, Manga, and Video Games for store credit?
Trading in your excellent condition previously owned stuff for credit is now very easy, and we've even expanded the program for some non-Anime items too! Just click on this link to see the trade in values of your used stuff, then pack-up your items and send them to us - there is no need to contact us first or obtain an authorization number. Once they arrive and are inspected, we'll e-mail you with a credit code you can spend on our store.

It's that easy! So why just let your stuff collect dust? Trade it in and get something you really want!
Thank you for reading! Have a great weekend, and enjoy your anime!
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