July/August 2020 | Av/Elul 5780
A Message from Michelle Scheinkopf
WRJ Midwest District President 



Our new normal has been going on for four months, and through it all, the women of WRJ Midwest have stayed connected. Since April we haven’t skipped a beat and have been holding virtual board and committee meetings to conduct district business. We have joined together for Havdalah, schmoozes, book groups, inspirational and meaningful programming. I would dare say, that we have consistently “seen” and spoken more to each other these past few months than ever before.  

And why is this? One, because we had no choice: district business had to be conducted, but also because there is the human side to the equation. If you recall Abraham Maslow’s Theory of Self Actualization, Maslow describes needs that are necessary for human survival. One of these needs is for human connection and belongingness. We all know how difficult these past few months have been navigating the pandemic without in-person contact with many friends and family. Barring some absolute miracle, this will remain in place for quite a while. Though it is not perfect, our Zoom calls, whether they are schmoozes, meetings, or programs, have given us the gift of connection and belonging with long-time friends and new acquaintances from across our district. These virtual gatherings provide for many of us much of what has been missing since the pandemic started: a place to belong and a place of meaning. 

Maslow would be absolutely amazed at what we are able to accomplish with a simple Zoom call. For instance, we will be able to hold our 2020 WRJ Midwest District Convention from October 16-18, via Zoom. Though it will be a unique and different kind of convention, the experience of being together virtually over the course of the weekend for services, music, programs, the 2020-2023 Board Installation, and social time will be no less spiritual, informative, profound, and fun! First Vice President Zabe Williams will tell you more in her column.

This is all well and good, you may be thinking. The district has the know-how and human resources to put together all these Zoom events, but what about the sisterhoods/women’s groups that are not sure how to put a virtual event together? We all know how vital it is that we not lose touch with one another. If you are a SH/WG leader and are in need of the how to’s or technology involved for a Zoom event (such as a board meeting, program, or fundraiser), the district is here to help. The Kesher Connection Committee is creating a three-part Zoom series that will cover basic through advanced Zoom skills. The program “ What Zoom Can do for Your Sisterhood; How to stay Connected Virtually!” will be offered in late August and September. Information regarding this program will be sent in the coming days to the sisterhood/women’s group presidents and liaisons to share with their boards. Any questions, please contact me at mdwrjpres@gmail.com.

As mentioned earlier, the WRJ Midwest District Board Installation will be held on October 17 via Zoom. You may be wondering who is on the slate. Keep reading for information from Immediate Past President Janet Buckstein on the Nominating Committee’s proposed slate of officers and chairs for 2020-2023. What an amazing group of leaders this committee has put together for the next three years. And by the way, all committee work was done via Zoom.

Thank goodness we have the technological means to connect with one another. For the time being, Zoom and virtual events are our present and future reality. It’s the next best thing to being there! For our social, emotional, and mental wellbeing, I hope you will take advantage and reap the benefits of what our WRJ Midwest District has to offer over the next few months. I’m looking forward to seeing you at future schmoozes, programs, and of course celebrating at our Convention all that is great about being Midwest Women of Reform Judaism!

WRJ District News
Our Future is in Good Hands!
By Janet Buckstein, WRJ Midwest District Nominating Committee Chair
The WRJ Midwest District Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the nominees for your 2020-2023 WRJ Midwest District Board of Directors. Eleven women, representing every Area of Midwest District, worked extremely hard for many months to identify candidates and then find the best match of the skills of these candidates to the requirements of each position. How did we do that? 

  • We created, with the assistance of Marketing Technology Chair Linn Ullenbrauck, a streamlined online application form.
  • We distributed that form through every channel available to us (in person meetings were not an option!), including M’Kesher, direct mailings, announcements at Zoom meetings, and personal communication from committee members.
  • The committee held multiple meetings to review progress and a two-evening back-to-back Zoom session to slate the candidates.
  • Committee members called those who were slated to discuss the positions and, hopefully, have these women accept.

So many thanks go to the incredible members of the committee: Beth Ettinger, Carole Fefferman, Mary Fisher, Marcy Frost, Sally Frank, Barb Heinrich, Leslie Kemp, Cindy Levy, Kathy Madura, and Joanne Merritt. You are a great team and put the needs of the district above any personal feelings or relationships. And, of course, many thanks to everyone who applied for positions, demonstrating your commitment to WRJ and Midwest District. 

Finally, CONGRATULATIONS to all of you (see below) who have been nominated to serve on the 2020-2023 WRJ Midwest Board of Directors. Our future is in good hands!



President - Zabe Williams
First Vice President - Rozan Anderson
VP Development & WRJ Projects - Marcia Koester
VP Marketing and Communications - Andi Blain
VP Service to Sisterhoods/Programming - Beth Ettinger
VP Social Good - Judy Wexler
Corresponding Secretary - Diane Kaplan
Membership Secretary - Marci Kops 
Recording Secretary - Cheryl Stern
Treasurer - Blythe Trilling
Immediate Past President - Michelle Scheinkopf
Metropolitan Chicago - Laura Cooper, Sheila Rosenfeld, and Karen Schwartz
Greater Illinois/Northwest Indiana - Marysue Austin and Mary Fisher 
Iowa/Nebraska - Lynne Turry 
Minnesota/Dakotas - Edith Pang 
Wisconsin/Western Illinois - Cindy Levy

The following women serve as ex-officio members of the Executive Committee (with voice and vote) by virtue of their serving on the WRJ Board of Directors: Carol Berger, Judy Lohr-Safcik, Sally Frank, Rachel Roth, and Jane Taves. 

By-Laws - Esther Schak 
WRJ Affiliates - Michelle Scheinkopf

Member Engagement - Janet Buckstein 
*Note: The First Vice President appoints the convention chair(s) and interim chair(s) who report to her

Communications - Ashley Burbul
Data Base/Directory - Barb Rosenberg
Historian - Barbara Heinrich and Peggy Kipp 
Marketing Technology - Linn Ullenbrauck
Social Media - Linn Ullenbrauck
Website – Jennifer Schneider

Camp - Reva Felder 
District Fundraising - Carole Fefferman
YES Fund - Sheri Frisque
WRJ Projects - Sandi Firsel 

Kallah - Marcy Frost and Kathy Madura
Programming - Karen Dillon 
Religious Ritual/Worship - Sally Frank
Speakers Bureau - Marilyn Glazer
Special Events - Carol Berger and Judy Lohr-Safcik

Education and Advocacy - Diane Zidman 
Social Action - Sandra Villa 

Alumnae - Alese Goers 
Nominating - Michelle Scheinkopf
Convention News
WRJ Midwest District 2020 Convention
October 16-18, 2020

Raising Women’s Voices . . . Telling Our Stories . . . Making a Difference

brought to you on Zoom

Friday, October 16
Evening Kabbalat Shabbat with Julie Silver and Rabbi Leora Kaye

Saturday, October 17
Afternoon Greetings from WRJ by Blair Marks, Immediate Past President
Listening to our Sisters of Color with Jessie Kingston, Edith Pang, and others
Evening Havdalah and Installation followed by celebratory songfest with
Julie Silver

Sunday, October 18
Morning Panel Discussion on Fighting for Women’s Reproductive Health and Rights
With Moderator: Sally Frank

Save the Date for
WRJ Midwest District In-Person Gathering
October 15-17, 2021
Doubletree by Hilton
South Bend, IN
2021 WRJ Board Application Announcement
By Judy Wexler, WRJ Midwest District
WRJ Nominating Committee Representative
Do you enjoy working with other like-minded Jewish women? Would you like to carry that work to a more global level? If so, consider applying to be a part of the WRJ North American Board of Directors.

The WRJ Board provides an opportunity to make a difference in the world - as you continue on your own personal and spiritual leadership path, work toward social justice, and support Progressive Judaism in North America and around the world.

The WRJ Board application is available on the WRJ website at https://wrj.org/BoardServiceApplication , until September 15. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Midwest District representative to the WRJ Board Nominating Committee, Judy Wexler, at judithmwexler@gmail.com .
Critical Issues – Racial Diversity
by: Marilyn Glazer, WRJ Midwest District Advocacy Chair
George Floyd was murdered by an officer of the law whose duty was to protect him; he died crying out for his mother, begging to breathe.  Ruach Elohim , the Divine Spirit, can be understood as the Breath of Life, a gift from the Creator of All Life. To deny a human being breath is idolatrous – and George Floyd’s murder comes after countless Black and Brown people have similarly been killed and countless others have suffered the brutal systems of racism in our country. 

The United States simply cannot achieve the values of “justice for all" to which it aspires until we address ongoing racism in all sectors and levels of society. 

After the URJ issued that statement, a group of Reform Jewish college students wrote to our leadership to ask what we plan to do about the scourge of racism that plagues this country – what tangible action items the Reform Movement will share, what actions we ourselves are taking to make this world one of justice, wholeness, and compassion. What we said in response to them, we now share, in part, with you, the rest of our community.  

The call to action below challenges our networks to act on local and national levels and includes guidance to support Black and Brown people both within the Jewish community and beyond, both directly and on a systemic level. It includes advocacy for policy change and for confronting racism within our own communities, including our congregations. And it is guided by contributions and feedback from Jews of Color, whose voices and experiences guide the rest of us in our fervent work to confront and put an end to racism. 

Here are a few things your congregation can do now, as well as information about upcoming resources, announcements, and other opportunities from the URJ and our partner organizations. 

Source: URJ and The RAC
Upcoming District Events
Sunday, August 9, 12:00 pm CT
Yoga Nidra – Connecting with the Body 

Yoga Nidra – Connecting with the Body  is a 50-minute session with Debbie Woods, a certified yoga instructor from Chicago's North Shore. Yoga Nidra works on softening your body first so meditation will follow, by bringing you to a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping like the "going to sleep" stage, typically induced by a guided meditation. Yoga Nidra helps relieve stress, and we are all in this stress reduction business together. Plan to Zoom in from a comfortable space where you can lie down with or without a mat/towel, and with or without your video on.

Debbie has completed extensive studies and holds additional certifications in Restorative Yoga, Therapeutic Aspects of Restorative Yoga, Yoga for Athletes, Yin Yoga, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), and Reiki.
Wednesday, September 9, 7:00 pm CT
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

The  New York Times  best-selling book by antiracist educator Robin DiAngelo is a “vital, necessary, and beautiful book”  (Michael Eric Dyson) , that deftly illuminates the phenomenon of white fragility and “allows us to understand racism as a practice not restricted to ‘bad people’  (Claudia Rankine) . Referring to the defensive moves that white people make when challenged racially, white fragility is characterized by emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and by behaviors including argumentation and silence. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium and prevent any meaningful cross-racial dialogue. DiAngelo examines how white fragility develops, how it protects racial inequality, and what we can do to engage more constructively.
August-September-October Afternoon Schmoozes - 4:00 pm CT
August 25
September 8
October 6
October 27

Afternoon schmooze registration:

August-September-October Evening Schmoozes -
7:00 pm CT
August 12
September 23
October 21

Evening schmooze registration:
Recorded Midwest District Programs
  WRJ North American News
Reproductive Health & Rights Campaign
You can make a difference in the lives of all women locally, statewide, and nationally by opening the links below and becoming more aware and empowered to further the cause of WRJ's Reproductive Justice Campaign:
WRJ Webinars
New WRJ Webinars and Programs

WRJ is a proud partner in the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism’s (RAC’s) Every Voice, Every Vote: the Reform Movement's 2020 Civic Engagement Campaign We encourage you to get involved in this project and launch this campaign in your communities and commit to participate in Every Voice, Every Vote.

We Don't Have a President Workshop! Can be found on Yammer. Date of program was June 16, 2020.

Let's Talk Money Workshop: Sisterhood /Women's Group Finance Workshop can be found on Yammer. Date of program was June 23, 2020
(Yammer access required)

Click the link to watch this webinar on Youtube!

(Yammer access required)

(Yammer access required)
Click the link to watch these webinars on Yammer!

Click the link to watch this webinar on YouTube!
Upcoming WRJ Virtual Events
Join the WRJ District Presidents as they lead a special Havdalah service, Saturday, August 15, 7:00 pm CT, honoring the 100th anniversary of women's right to vote. To register for this event click on Havdalah: Celebrating Sisters & Suffrage as we Separate from Shabbat .
to access the above information on Yammer, you will need to be registered for an account. Sign up at leadership@wrj.org
Sisterhood/Women's Group News
Need help publicizing your next event?

Please send a pdf flyer to your  Area Director and we will try to include it.  Materials must be received by the 15th of the month.
Social Media
WRJ Midwest is on Instagram and Facebook! Check us out!!

Leadership Change Form
Sisterhood and women’s group presidents, it’s that time of year again! Many of you have held your new board installations and there have been changes in your leadership. Please fill out the  WRJ Sisterhood Leadership Information Form  (for Midwest District sisterhood/women's groups to update WRJ with their new leadership) as soon as possible. By completing this form, you will be invited to join Yammer (if you aren't already on Yammer). Presidents will be invited to join the Sisterhood President's group. You will also be able to join the Midwest District Leadership group. WRJ will then forward your information to the Midwest District. You will then be kept up to date on the latest news taking place in the district and WRJ.
Be sure to check all your email folders. Contact Barbara Rosenberg, Data Management/Directory chair, at  brosenbergwrj@aol.com  with any questions.
Speakers Bureau Updates
Did you know you can request a District or WRJ speaker for a virtual program? We are pleased to announce that speakers from the Midwest District may be arranged for online Zoom meetings. Speakers Bureau engagements are scheduled based on availability and all requests must be submitted at least three months in advance of your requested date. Requests must be submitted via the WRJ or WRJ Midwest District Speakers Bureau.

There is no cost to your sisterhood/women’s group for an online speaker.

Request a District speaker for a virtual event.

Sisterhood Temple Beth Israel
Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop Update
Looking for Judaica items for your home or to give as gifts? Sisterhood Temple Beth Israel in Skokie, IL, has transformed their Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop to make merchandise available for you. Linn Ullenbrauck, Judaica Shop Chair, has created a catalog showing a variety of items that may be purchased. Linn will provide curbside transactions with a smile. Out of state, no worries! Linn will ship items to you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Linn with any questions at  linneupooh@att.net .  
To see the catalog on Temple Beth Israel’s website, click on
Women of North Shore Congregation Israel
Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop Update
Think of the Women of North Shore Congregation Israel Gift Shop for your holiday needs! Though we are closed right now, we can still assist you with your shopping. We have a great selection of Rosh Hashanah tableware, hostess gifts, and books and toys for children. For updated information about the shop, please go to  WNSCI Gift Shop - North Shore Congregation Israel.
Event Recaps
Pictures from the Sisterhood installation service at Temple Beth El in South Bend, IN, on June 1. Picture 3 is with Zabe Williams, First VP WRJ Midwest District and member of Temple Beth El in South Bend.
Pictures from the B'rith Sholom, Springfield, IL, Sisterhood Shabbat and installation service on June 12. District President Michelle Scheinkopf gave the d'var Torah at the service.
Midwest District Gift Giving
A gift to the Midwest District is a wonderful way to recognize, remember, or honor the special people in your life: your sisterhood/women's group board, your president, your district leaders, your mother, daughter, sister, friends, and other family members. You can even honor your clergy! Make a gift to WRJ Midwest District to say “thank you,” “happy birthday,” or congratulations,” or to send get well wishes or condolences. An acknowledgement will be emailed to each person whose email address is provided.

By clicking on the  Donate Button  in the M'Kesher or on the  WRJ Midwest District website , you are able to do just that. WRJ Midwest welcomes your support!
  Good & Welfare
Mazel Tov to WRJ Midwest Area Director and WRJ Board Member Cheryl Stern and her husband Ron, on the birth of their granddaughter, Eloise Ann. Proud parents are Cheryl's and Ron’s daughter and son-in-law, Alyssa and Patrick Reynolds. The family, including 2-year old big brother Jake, welcomed Eloise Ann on July 6. Messages of mazel tov may be sent to Cheryl and Ron at 402 E Hackberry Dr, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 or cbsternies@aol.com.

Mazel tov to Past District President and Past WRJ Vice President Sherri Feuer and her husband, Larry, on the birth of their grandson, Alexander Jacob Carrell Martin. Proud parents are Sherri's and Larry’s daughter and son-in-law, Elyse and Doug Martin. The family, including big sister Abigail, welcomed Alexander on June 10. Messages of mazel tov may be sent to Sherri and Larry at 3209 Galleria Unit 1204, Edina, MN 55435 or feuerslf@aol.com.
As you are putting together your newsletters & e-blasts, please use these forms: 
Contact: Ashley Burbul, M'Kesher Editor
WRJ strengthens the voice of women worldwide and empowers them to create caring communities, nurture congregations, cultivate personal and spiritual growth, and advocate for and promote progressive Jewish values.