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Title Notes E-News             West Virginia Bankers Title, LLC            December 2017

Holiday Schedules, Office and Courthouse Closures 
  • Christmas:WVBT and the Courthouses will close at Noon on Friday, December 22nd and will be closed on December 25th. Courthouses will also be closed on Tuesday, December 26th.
  • New Year's:WVBT and the Courthouses will be closed on January 1st. Courthouses will also be closed on Tuesday, January 2nd.
The entire West Virginia Bankers Title Team wishes you a pleasant Holiday Season spent creating wonderful memories with family and friends. 
Click photo to watch video.
MBA Chairman on Trade Group's
Top 3 Priorities for Next Year
Should the industry expect GSE reform
in 2018?
by Brena Swanson
Fresh into his new position as chairman  of the Mortgage Bankers Association, Colonial Savings President  Dave Motley joined HousingWire to discuss the next big initiatives for the association heading into 2018.  In this video above, Motley talks about the three big things that the MBA is looking to work on under his leadership.  Make sure to watch to the end to see Motley's thoughts on GSE reform. Will it happen in 2018? 2019? Click  HERE  to learn more.

Here is an additional article related to   Mortgage Lending  you may enjoy: 
Why It's Up To You To Create a Civil Workplace
by Jennifer V. Miller
Did you know that nearly half of the people in your organization are afraid to be civil to one another? According to Georgetown University researcher Christine Porath,  more than 40% of employees say they hesitate to show civility at work because they fear people will take advantage of them.

The workplace, with its reliance on technology as a primary means for communication, increasingly distances us from face-to-face interactions. This, in turn, makes many of us a bit rusty on the social niceties necessary for a high-functioning workplace. 
Has your office become a less civil place to work? If you're in a leadership role, you have far more influence than you might realize regarding how others treat one another. Here are three things to consider when it comes to creating a more respectful workplace.  Click  HERE  to read on.

Here are additional articles related to   Leadership you may enjoy: 
14 Signs of a High-Performing Bank
How well does your community bank fit the profile?
by Jeff Gerrish
What are the characteristics of a high-performing community bank today? 
Many of the key elements of high-performance community banking come down to smart and diligent execution on community banking basics. But that doesn't mean it's easy. 
1.  Financial metrics 6.  A culture of compliance 11. Well-compensated
      management employees
2.  A fully engaged board 7.  The bank is based on
12. Significant employee
3.  CEO Leadership 8.  Diversification of income
13. Core funding
4.  Heaving involvement in the 
9.  Excellent asset quality 14. Knowing your strengths
5.  A culture of service 10.Utilizing franchise players  
Click  HERE  to read this article in its entirety.
Here are additional articles related to   Bank Leadership you may enjoy
The Perils and Pitfalls of the Gift Deed
by Rich Erdosy, Investors Title
What is a "gift deed?" Where the stated consideration is "love and affection," the deed is a gift deed. In Virginia, gift deeds present several challenges in regard to title.
One of these challenges is mitigating concerns in regard to the augmented estate. This challenge arises in instances when a non-owning spouse (if any) does not join in the conveyance, AND the marital status of the grantor is not given in the deed.  
The augmented estate includes real and personal property of the deceased, less allowances, exemptions, funeral expenses, charges of administration, and debts, to which is added (among other things) the value of property transferred by the decedent during the marriage to someone other than a bona fide purchaser, to the extent that the decedent did not receive adequate and full consideration. This is only true if the transfer is a transfer by gift within 5 preceding calendar years of the decedent's death, and is limited to the extent the aggregate value of the transfers to the donee (recipient) exceed $10,000 per calendar year. Click  HERE  to learn more.
7 Reasons Why You're Not Getting Closer To Your Goals
by Lidiya K
If you've set some goals but aren't seeing any progress, you need to do something about it.  It's usually because of a few mistakes we all tend to make that prevent us from getting farther. In this case, it's better to change your approach.
Here's why you're not getting any closer to your goals and what to do about it:
1. It's not what you want. 4. Too many distractions. 7. Keep your 'why' in mind.
2. They're not specific enough.  5. Not being consistent.  
3. You don't have a deadline.  6. You listen to naysayers.  
HERE  to learn more about how to achieve your goals.
The 6 B's of Effective Networking
by Joe Micallef

"So what do you do?" ..... and ....."How's business?"
Two of the most common questions asked at every business networking event .... yet we all have failed to deliver a response that solicits greater interest and, more importantly, new business!

For almost every Banker and Sales Person, a major component of their sales strategy is to engage in business and/or community networking activities. And clearly that makes sense - as networking is the art of connecting with prospects and clients.
Despite this, not all Bankers and Sales People are effective at connecting with prospects and clients at business networking events. Consider how many hours a month you invest in networking activities and how many actual new deals you have secured as a result.

Like all sales activity, it is important that you are deliberate and structured about your efforts in order to maximize the use of your limited business development time. Click  HERE to read more.
Here are 6 simple tips for highly effective networking:
1. Be Purposeful 3. Bring a Guest 5. Be Interesting By Being
2. Be "The Host" 4. Be Prepared 6. Be Proactive

Bipartisan Dodd-Frank Rollback Could Benefit Banks Big and Small
by Krista Gmelich
Reducing the compliance burden for community banks has been identified as a top priority, but the lawmakers are also discussing ways to free bigger regional lenders from some of the strictest post-crisis regulations. Also on the table, lawmakers say, are tweaks to measures such as the Volcker Rule limits on banks' trading, though it's unclear what will make it into the final bill.  Click  HERE  to learn more.

Here are additional articles related to   Banking you may enjoy: 


**Remember to offer your borrowers Owner's Coverage on their most valuable investment. It's a one time premium with a lifetime of security. In addition, they will receive a reduced premium rate when they obtain it simultaneously with your Lender's Coverage.**

What Topics Are On Your Mind?

West Virginia Bankers Title wants to provide you with pertinent information in future E-Blasts and Webinars. What questions are on your mind regarding the real estate and mortgage lending industry? What Topics would you like addressed in future E-blasts? Send Britney Shuck your thoughts.
Bob Drummond
Give us a call and let us know how we can better serve you and your team!
Vice President & Agency Manager
West Virginia Bankers Title, LLC
1547 Tulip Lane
Fairmont, WV 26554

Integrity. Security. Excellence.

At West Virginia Bankers Title, our goal is to provide security for your most valued investments, while offering exceptional customer service and delivering quality title insurance products in an accurate and timely manner.
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