langley eNews 
11/03/ 2017  

The first Senior Class Coffee is Nov 9, 9 am, at Cooper MS, room 130.  Hannah Wolff  will
guide us through the final steps of supporting our seniors in the college process. Refreshments will be available. Please sign up
here if you can bring something.

The Balfour rep will be at school on Nov 13 for Cap and Gown ordering during Saxon time. Caps and gowns for graduation are covered by your senior class dues. If your senior dues have not been paid yet and there is a financial hardship, your student should speak with their guidance counselor. 

The is deadline for Senior Yearbook ads (if quantities remain) is Nov 22. Click here and enter school code 4159.

Please help with the senior slideshow.  If you are interested, please contact Ana Carvajal at Send photos of the Class of 2018 (group shots are preferred) and identify students in the photo, if possible. Send photos to .

Save the NEW date for our Sophomore Class Dinner and Student Services Program:  Wed, Dec 13, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, LHS Cafeteria. Back by popular demand is catering by Moby Dick, House of Kabob. The fabulous Hannah Wolff has arranged for Franklin & Marshall College President Daniel R. Porterfield, PhD. Click here to see his bio. Mrs. Wolff and Dr. Porterfield will be sharing their perspectives on Best Fit colleges and what sophomores and their families can do now to help find and prepare for that Best Fit. If you did not already purchased tickets, please do so by clicking here by  Fri, Nov 17.

Please submit photos from fall sports and activities. Email to Include only pictures of the Class of 2020 and only Langley High School events. Please send us your best shot. Email subject line with name and date of event. See more helpful tips here.

eat chipotle for angp!
What's better than an early release Friday? An early release AND lunch at Chipotle! Meet up with friends after school and enjoy lunch at Chipotle in McLean. Freshman, sophomore, and junior classes are all welcome to join the seniors there! Mention Langley HS at the register and you'll help us raise money for the Class of 2018 All Night Grad Party. Fundraiser is 11 am - 4:30 pm at the McLean Chipotle,  6707 Old Dominion Drive.

more fundraisers!
Crew will be holding two fundraisers the morning of  Nov 4, 6 am - 12 pm, simultaneously in McLean at Greenberrys coffee house and in Great Falls at Katie's (aka, the Brogue). 
Come out to support our athletes!
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  Langley PTSA
Communications Committee
Caran McKee
Helen Miller 
Jane Riddle
  Anne Whipple
editor's note: Send submissions and photos by deadline. To keep  eNews concise, submissions will be edited for style and length, and links added to the appropriate webpage.
Submit items by Tuesdays noon for publication on Thursdays to
The PTSA eNews is published by volunteers who try to present only news that pertains to FCPS, LHS & PTSA. Any opinions expressed therein are those of the submitter & not necessarily those of FCPS, LHS or PTSA.
staying a step ahead
Staying informed and connected is one of the best ways to help our children safely navigate their high school years. Talking with other parents at meetings, coffees and while attending sporting and performing arts events is a great way to hear about what's going on with the children in our community. 

Most of us are well-versed about the dangers of alcohol consumption and tobacco use, but lately I have been hearing a lot of questions about vaping, vape pens and juuling. These are battery operated devices that heat a liquid containing nicotine, flavorings and various chemicals. Did you know some of them look like USB drives and are being charged by plugging them into computers? Did you know some of the vapors smell like fruity gum and you might not realize something has just been inhaled?
If you'd like to learn more about these devices and see what they look like, join us at the Principal's Coffee and PTSA General Membership Meeting on Wed, Nov 15 at 9 am at Cooper MS. After some brief PTSA business, we'll share data from the Fairfax County Youth Survey administered to 8th, 10th and 12th grade students in Fall 2016. It provides insight into numerous behaviors, experiences and factors currently influencing the health and well-being of our children. Information about drug, alcohol and vaping use at Langley will be shared with us by Fred Amico, LHS Principal, Betsy Shomaker, PTSA Family Network Co-Chair and LHS Saxon Service Liaison, and Brian Maslowski, M.D., Ed, FCPS Student Safety & Wellness. Hear about trends and consequences.
Most importantly, come to learn about "protective factors" to build resiliency in our children, decrease the likelihood of engagement in risky behaviors and help them respond to life challenges in a positive way.
Looking forward to seeing you on Wed, Nov 15 and don't forget to vote on Tues, Nov 7!
~ Jennifer Feinstein, LHS PTSA President
science honor society blood drive a huge success
Last week the Langley Science Honor Society members organized and held a Blood Drive -- and Langley students and staff stepped up. Science Honor Society sponsor Claire Lindner said approximately  100 units were collected. These vital donations will be used to replenish the blood supply depleted from recent tragic events in Las Vegas, Texas and Florida. 
"The SHS officers and members keep everything running," said Ms. Lindner, "but the blood drive would not be successful without the wonderful cooperation from teachers, administrators, custodians, and all faculty, as well as parents who allow their kids to donate." 
Thank you, LHS community, for your life-saving donations!
get tickets now for holiday renaissance feaste
Reservations are now open for the annual Renaissance Feaste. Langley Hall will be transformed into a medieval banquet hall for a dinner theater experience, with much singing, dancing and laughter from our lords, ladies, pages, and jesters. There are two performances, Dec 1 and 2, both at 7 pm in Langley Hall. Order your tickets now to ensure a seat at this festive holiday event that sells out! Questions? Contact Kathleen
vehicle donation month
As the year comes to a close, wouldn't you love to not pay tax on that old vehicle? Do you know a car dealer who would love to write off old inventory to a good cause? Now you can donate any car, truck, RV, motorcycle, or ATV, running or not, to benefit Langley.
Proceeds from the resale of the vehicle is donated to Langley PTSA and the donor gets a tax write-off for the full resale value of the vehicle. It's that simple! To learn more or donate today go to the Cause Network or download the app  today.
what's for lunch
Powered by food features the delicious lunches our cafeteria will be serving in the upcoming week. Tell your student what's dishing so they don't miss out on their favorites.

On Wed, Nov 8, top billing goes to crunchy, delicious Baked Cheese Sticks with Marinara Sauce. If you haven't tried these yet, you're in for a treat. And who doesn't love smiley-faced potatoes? Get them, two pieces of fruit and milk along with your cheese sticks. They'll be ready for you in the Italian line.
volleyball:   LHS women are Volleyball Liberty District Champions! They play in the regional tournament tonight (Nov 2) at Langley, 7 pm. Come out and support your Saxons!

cross country: Both boys and girls teams advance to regionals for the first time in a long time, with third place for the girls and fourth for the boys. Congratulate these runners who received special recognition for being in the top 15 of their respective races: Anna Spear 6th, Sophie Brzezinski 7th, Genevieve Middleton 14th, Mason Greenblatt 6th, and Ignat Miagkov 7th.

wrestling: To join the Wrestling team, contact All experience levels welcome! First day of practice is Wed, Nov 8, 3:30 pm in Aux Gym.  

winter sports tryout information:  First day of winter sports tryouts begins Mon, Nov 6. Go to this  link for eligibility information. All requirements must be met before the first day of tryouts to be eligible to participate. Check each team's webpage under "NEWS" for specific teams tryout dates and times.
how to record volunteer hours electronically
Taking a giant step forward in making it easier to keep track of volunteer hours, x2VOL is the tool FCPS middle and high schools use to support students with finding, tracking, and verifying service hours electronically. Here's how your student can sign up:
1) Sign into Family Connection. Login to Blackboard and look for the Family Connection link.

2) Click on the x2VOL link under the "Resources" tab on the left hand side of your screen in Family Connection. Click "Continue."

3) The first time you access x2VOL, you will need to complete your x2VOL profile before logging hours.

4) Once your profile is complete, you'll still be on the account settings page of your profile, but now you have access to the rest of x2VOL and can begin to log your hours.

5) The next time you access x2VOL, you'll start on your Dashboard page. To log hours, click on the "Opportunities & Projects" tab, then "My Activity Log," and then "Create New" to enter a new volunteer activity.

5) All Saxon Service opportunities are listed on the Opportunities & Projects tab under Find Opportunities. Click on the Saxon Service date you participated in.

6) You'll need to enter the name of the person who supervised your project (for Saxon Service, the supervisor is Betsy Shomaker, ) the date of the service, the activity you participated with, and the amount of time. (Each Saxon Service period is worth one hour of service.)

7) When you click on the "submit" button, x2VOL will send a notice to your volunteer supervisor, who can verify your hours.

8) With your x2VOL password, you should be able to access x2VOL from any phone or device, making logging and tracking your volunteer hours a cinch.
Nov 3 
First grading period ends
Nov 6/7 
Student Holidays, no school
Nov 8 Report cards available in ParentVue
Nov 9 
Senior Class Coffee, 9 am
Nov 13
Senior Cap and Gown ordering, Saxon Time
Nov 22
Senior Yearbook ads deadline
2 hour Early Release
Nov 23/24 Thanksgiving Holidays, no school

For a full list of upcoming events, visit the LHS website Events page