Weekly Postings
November 24- December 3, 2017
In This Issue

Creation Care Team
WED. 5:30 PM

Two notes to Saint Paul's 
Beloved friends. 

I am deeply appreciative of you prayers and care for me during my recovery from open heart surgery in late summer.  I am doing remarkably well and finding the rehabilitation workouts to be exceedingly helpful. Jennie and I thank you for your care and support. Saint Paul's still has a very important place in our hearts. 

Peace and love. 
Rod Murray+

(Rod Murray was the rector of Saint Paul's 1975-1980)

I'm a 70 year old, Episcopalian who enjoys viewing services on the net, and I can assure you that yours are the best! Everything you post to the net is absolutely exquisite: the sanctuary, the sermons, the choir, the vestments. The recordings are flawless and show a careful attention to camera angles and sound quality.  

Much Appreciated!
Santa Clara, CA
Our Schedule This Sunday November 26

8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite I (no music)
8:30 - 9:30 AM
Continental Breakfast Tyler Hall

9:30 - 10:30 AM 
Christian Formation for all ages
10:30 - 10:45 AM 
Coffee & Conversation
Tyler Hall
11:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite II with the Saint Paul's Choir and our guest vocal ensemble, ChoRuss
Following 11  AM  Service 
Lemonade on the Lawn

5:30 - 6:15 PM
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
Lessons for This Sunday  are Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24; Psalm 100;  Ephesians 1:15-23; & Matthew 25:31-46.
This Sunday November 19
Russian Vocal Ensemble, "ChoRuss" 
This Sunday, November 26, 11 AM
The Russian vocal ensemble, ChoRuss, will sing this Sunday at 11 AM. This will be the group's second visit to Augusta. The name "ChoRuss" means Russian Choir. It was founded in 2012 and specializes in the spiritual music of composers from the 19th and 20th centuries that is part of worship in the Russian Orthodox Church. This music is performed without accompaniment in the tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church. The ensemble consists of Dmitry Petrov, Marina Trufanova, Aleksey Polischuk, and Anastasija Novoselova.  More information here. 

Adult Formation - Praying Over the News
Sundays, 9:30 -10:30 AM, Berlin Room 
Come join your clergy as we discuss our Christian response to current news stories.  
Angel Tree 2 Last Sunday to pick up an angel from the Angel Tree 
November 26, on the Portico
Angel Tree is in full swing. Angels will be available on the portico before and after the 11 AM service. Please stop by and pick up an Angel or make a donation, and let us do the shopping for you! 

Next Sunday, we will bless the gifts at our 11 AM service. Gifts can be dropped off in the parish office 9 AM - 3 PM during the week or brought to church next Sunday.   For more information on how you can get involved, please contact Kim Butler at or (706) 833-8541. 

Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion
with Prayers for Healing 
Sundays, 5:30 PM

Carl Purdy is our guest musician. 
Next Week November 27 - December 3
Creation Care Team Meeting
Wednesday, November 29, 5:30 PM, Conference Room 
The Creation Care Team, fresh from its Celebration on the River event on October 27th, is holding its next meeting on Wednesday, November 29th, 5:30 PM in the church conference room. The agenda will include future projects. All interested are encouraged to attend. For more information contact Bryan Haltermann
Advent Prayer Trees
Daughters of the King, an Episcopal Prayer Ministry, invite prayers for yourself and others. Attach your prayer request to the Advent Prayer Tree located in Tyler Hall or in the Narthex. For more information, contact Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau.
Christmas Pageant Children's Christmas Play
Parents, please contact The Rev. John Jenkins
We are excited to announce that our Christmas play will be held December 17, at the 11 AM worship service! ALL young children (up to 5th grade) are invited to participate. If your child will participate in the play, NOTIFY Fr. Jenkins today by phone (706.724.2485 ext. 205) or email. The play will complement what the children experience in their Godly Play formation program 9:30 -10:30 AM on December 3 and 10 (Advent 1 & 2); THEREFORE, we urge parents to have their children attend those presentations of the biblical story.
Make an Advent Wreath for your Home
Sunday, December 3, Drop-in 9 - 10:50 AM
Advent begins Sunday, December 3. Join us in Tyler Hall from 9 - 10:50 AM to make an Advent Wreath for your home. All supplies will be provided, including wreathes, live greens, and candles. $10 donation.  YES, we will have Christian Formation Classes on the 3rd as well. We've designed this drop-in time to allow time for both activities.  We have supplies for 40 wreathes. Please RSVP to the parish office so that we can ensure we have supplies for all.
Trolley Caroling
Sunday, December 3, 5:30 -8:30 PM
All Aboard for Trolley Caroling! Saint Paul's will gather together on December 3 from 5:30-8:30 PM for caroling on an Augusta trolley car! We will begin the evening with heavy hor d'oeuvres in Tyler Hall at 5:30 PM (bring a party food to share) and leave at 6:30 PM for caroling. RSVP to Ranie
Poinsettias, Wreathes, and Christmas Brass

Wreaths and red poinsettias in the church are enjoyed throughout the Christmas season and additional professional musicians enhance our Christmas Eve services. If you would like to contribute toward the cost of Christmas Eve music, or give a poinsettia or wreath, please return the form found in Sunday's bulletin to the Parish Office. Requests may also be made on-line here or by e-mail the parish office , or on the website no later than Friday, December 15.
Celtic Services During Advent
Amid the busyness that leads us to our Christmas celebration, Saint Paul's offers an opportunity to approach this celebration in a more contemplative and meaningful manner. While our Sunday morning worship through scripture, song, and prayer is instrumental in our procession to Christmas, our Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion service will offer a more focused and quiet counterbalance to the frenetic and harried world about us. Each Sunday evening there will be a singular focus on the themes of the Advent season. Themes of Creation, Light and Darkness, Obedience, and Birth and Re-birth will be offered through quiet reflection, focused prayer, calming music, all the antithesis of what we find in the hustle and bustle around us.
The Saint Paul's Choir needs basses
The Saint Paul's Choir needs basses. Could this be your contribution to our worship? Please contact Director of Music, Keith Shafer, and let him know of your interest. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 PM and Sunday mornings at 10 AM.
Looking Ahead 
Tuesday's Music Live 
Tuesday, December 5, 11 AM and 12 noon

Tuesday's Music Live, 30th season continues Tuesday, December 5, with two free concerts by perennial favorites, The University of Georgia Accidentals at 11 AM and 12 noon. Lunch following the concert is sold out. 
Festival of Lessons and Carols
Tuesday, December 5, 7:30 PM, Sacred Heart
This year's Festival of Lessons and Carols is at 7:30 PM  on Tuesday, December 5, at the Sacred Heart Cultural Center. Under the direction of Keith Shafer, this year's musical guests include the Davidson Fine Arts Chorale, the Augusta University Singers, and a brass quintet and percussion. For further information or to purchase tickets visit or call (706) 826-4700.
Angel Tree Shopping Adventure
Wednesday, December 6, 10 AM
Join us for the "Angel Tree Shopping Adventure" Wednesday, December 6, 10 AM . Volunteers will meet at Target on Robert C. Daniel Pkwy to shop for gifts and needed items for the party, and then enjoy lunch together at Atlanta Bread Company.  Please contact Kim Butler for more information on how you can get involved.
Angel Tree Breakfast & Party
Saturday, December 9, 9:30 AM, Tyler Hall
Make plans to join us for the annual Angel Tree Christmas Breakfast Party, Saturday, December 9 at 9:30 AM in Tyler Hall. We will enjoy a delicious home-cooked breakfast and celebrate with cookie decorating, story time, live music, and lots of fun and fellowship. There are many ways to get involved, and we welcome volunteers of all ages and abilities!  Click here for more information on how you can get involved in this beloved Saint Paul's tradition.  Please  contact Kim Butler  for more information or to volunteer. 
Augusta Choral Society Messiah Concert 
Saturday, December 9, 7:30 PM
The Augusta Choral Society will present selections from Handel's "Messiah" on Saturday, December 9, 7:30 PM at Saint Paul's Church. Joining the ACS will be Melissa Schultz, soprano; Sawyer Branham, alto; Richard Cook, tenor; The Lyra Vivace Chamber Orchestra and Keith Shafer, organist. Tickets are Adults/$35, Seniors/$30, Students & Military/$15. Tickets may be purchased online at or by calling 706-826-4713.  Friends of ACS will host a reception in Tyler Hall after the concert. All are invited.
News from the Diocese

 Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field  
November 2017
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our "Second Sunday"  Birthday Celebration  will be November 12.  Please Join us. 


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