Learn How to Become an Angel Investor by Attending Our Free Angel Investor Workshops

The City of Chandler and its PHX East Valley partners are offering a series of free workshops for individuals interested in becoming angel investors. One workshop will be held every month through March 2018. The goal is to enhance access to early-stage funding for tech startups by identifying, educating, and activating potential angel investors in our region. 

Participants will be introduced to the knowledge and tools needed to invest in PHX East Valley tech companies. Led by Jim Goulka, Managing Director of Arizona Tech Investors, each session has a different focus. The first session, held in October, featured startups whose growth was accelerated thanks to angel investments. The next session will share techniques to evaluate startups for investment opportunities. 

Nov. 8 from 5-6 p.m.
ASU Chandler Innovation Center
249 E. Chicago Street

Visit to learn more and to register.
Chandler Innovations Program Accelerates Client Companies to Next Level of Growth
Chandler Innovations is a business incubation and entrepreneurial development program that is sponsored by the City of Chandler and powered by NACET. The program serves more than 30 innovative startups as they develop their messaging, gain traction, attract investment dollars, and scale and grow.  In the last quarter, CI clients have raised more than $450,000 in equity funds and grant money, and have generated over $800,000 in revenue. Highlights from our clients this quarter include the following:
  • iMed Transport: began their pilot program with one of the largest healthcare systems in the country
  • Skin Actives: launched a wholesale ingredient line
  • Workglue: received media recognition from TechAZ, the Marin County News and Marin Builders Association
  • Your Farm Foods: featured on 12News Midday, ABC15's Sonoran Living and AZFamily promoting their upcoming Tour de Coops event
  • Attribytes: graduated from the Arizona Commerce Authority's Venture Ready program
  • NeckupCheckup: secured their first pilot program
  • AniCell BioTech and ReachIPS: CEOs have been featured speakers at national/international industry events
Chandler Hosts Small Business Development Workshops at Sunset Library

The Chandler Public Library and the City's Economic Development Division are partnering to host a series of free workshops to help entrepreneurs start or grow their business. The workshops will run from  6-7:30 p.m.   each Wednesday over the next three weeks at the Chandler Sunset Library, 4930 W. Ray Road.
  • Nov. 1: City Resources to Help Build Your Business
  • Nov. 8: Creating a Business Plan and Marketing
  • Nov. 15: Financing Your Business and HR Issues

Attendees may attend one or all of the workshops offered in the series. Space is limited, and registration is required. Call 480-782-2800 or visit to reserve your spot.

Seeking Organizations to Participate in Chandler Science Spectacular Event

The City of Chandler would like to invite you and your company to take part in our seventh annual Chandler Science Spectacular event sponsored by Intel and Orbital ATK. The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 17, 2018, in Downtown Chandler.

Now in its seventh year, the Science Spectacular will continue the tradition of providing opportunities for kids to visit a block-long array of companies presenting their products and processes in a hands-on environment. The goal is to expose Chandler youths to the many educational facets of science and technology, while helping them explore the application of science in the Chandler business community.

Organizations interested in participating may download a participation form online at and submit it to Odette Moore at, or call 480-782-3038. 
Quick Links
City Council
Study Session
November 6, 2017
7 p.m.
88 E. Chicago St.
Council Chambers

City Council
Regular Meeting
November 9, 2017
7 p.m.
88 E. Chicago St.
Council Chambers