Dear Friends,

Greetings from our ENCUENTRO ministry office!

Did you know that...

... Marina Pinto finished a new series of 5 radio programs for women called "Hope for Today's Woman"?  Through the program, Marina offers counseling, advice, prayer and a word of hope for women in their daily life.

One of the new programs talks about "Depression in youth".  Fiona - a student at Providence College - gives her testimony about a time of depression in her life; how she felt so far away from God and she thought He had abandoned her. Now she studies counseling and wants 
to help others who go through moments of sadness and depression in their lives.

... we are adding a new radio program called "REALITY" produced by Dr. Jorge Oscar Sánchez? It is a 30-minute Bible teaching program and will be distributed through our ministry.


You can listen to one of the programs here.
This program is about how to face the trials in our lives. What can we learn from difficult times and from severe adversities?


Diego Dávila, a Quechua believer in Bolivia, produced the 500 th  Tinkunapaj  (Encuentro) radio program in the Quechua language last week?
In 2007, Pastor Ernesto spent a few days teaching Diego to produce radio programs  that are based on 
the Encuentro program but in the Quechua language. In these past 10 years, Diego has tirelessly worked 
for his Quechua people and today his programs are broadcast on 70 stations. We thank the Lord for this achievement and for this tremendous blessing. Please help us pray for Diego, and that many listeners be blessed through these programs.
We thank you, dear friends, for your faithful support. With your help, we will continue offering restoration and salvation in Jesus Christ to all our listeners, families and young people.