The superintendent of schools decided not to recommend the approval of the MCRC fitness room expansion to the School Board. The project is postponed for now. Any questions can be directed to Kris Quallich or Tom Cahalan, per their request.



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Fall into Fitness- Get Back on Track!
           Written By Elsie Velazquez  
           Cert. Personal Trainer  
           Prescription Fitness
Yay...fall is here! For many, it's 'back to school' time for children and for others it is simply a time to get back into a more regular routine. Although summer is a great time to kick back, there is usually a price to pay for kicking back.  For some, that price is the cost of a new pair of jeans because the old ones just don't fit the same.  Well, before you run out to the mall, here are some suggestions for falling back into shape!  For those who have been good at keeping up your healthy habits through the summer, you'll find tips on how to keep them going.
I know that end of summer can be traumatic - gone are the longer sun-filled days.  In exchange we get cooler temps with less daylight.  On a positive note, fall weather makes for some of the best outdoor workouts of the entire year.  Getting your fall workouts started now will give you the momentum to make it through the upcoming season (I won't say what it is) without packing on the weight.
Fall is a great time to get back into healthy habits.    Why wait for the New Year to start when you can do it now and look and feel fabulous by New Year's Eve.  Fall is great time to set new goals and re-calibrate your fitness plan.
Below are some tips to get help get you started and set you up for success in the long haul.
  1. Take advantage of the weather. Fall is the perfect time to visit the beach or new trails and enjoy the changing scenery.
  2. Make a plan to sleep better. Sleep aids your metabolism so you don't want to skimp on sleep if you can avoid it.
  3. Always stay hydrated. We tend to think that water is more important in the summer.  While that may be true to some extent, it is important year round to stay hydrated.  Don't drop the ball on this one!  If water is not your thing, fall is the perfect time to look into herbal teas.  BONUS!
  4. Make cinnamon your go-to spice. One teaspoon of cinnamon has as much antioxidant power as a half cup of blueberries.  It helps to keep you feeling fuller longer and aids in regulating blood sugar.  You can add it to your coffee or tea, sprinkle it on oatmeal or toast, or mix it into other dishes.  The possibilities are endless.
  5. Pull out your slow cooker and use it! There are many healthy recipes that you can prep in the morning and come home to a ready-to-eat meal.  No excuses not to eat healthy.
  6. Keep an activity and food log diligently. Record your daily exercise and what and how much you eat.  You might be shocked when you see your habits in writing.
  7. Try a new activity. If you've never run a 5k, now is the time to give it a shot!  If you've never tried intervals while walking or jogging, perhaps you can start adding them.  If you've never taken a yoga class, sign up for one.  Trying something new is a great way to empower yourself.
  8. Join a fitness challenge. There are many gyms and websites that offer these.  If you prefer to work solo and are disciplined enough, create your own.
  9. Set realistic expectations. I've always thought that practicing the 80/20 rule is a realistic way to live.  Instead of aiming for perfection when it comes to diet and exercise, decide that you will eat healthy five days a week and allow for a few indulgences on the other two days.  Instead of trying to work out every day, which could lead to burnout, exercise 5 days and relax on the other two.
  10. Don't fall victim to your TV. If you find you just cannot avoid watching more TV, at least keep moving during commercial breaks with squats, lunges, planks and jumping jacks. Do a set or two during each commercial break and you'll have a nice little workout session by the time your show ends.
If you need more information about getting started in an exercise program, please feel free to contact the Prescription Fitness team at [email protected]

Do you always forget your MCRC card?  
Don't want to carry your MCRC card?

We now have two ways you can enter MCRC without your card. This service is available at only Front Desk Stations #1 and #2, not the Express Desk.

#1 Memorize the bar code numbers on your card.
Store them in your phone if you like. You will be able to key in the             numbers on a key pad to enter.

#2 Get one of several free apps for your phone
Search for a bar code generator app that will generate a bar code for you after you have taken a picture of your membership bar code. You will then be able to scan in with your phone. Here is one suggestion:
        * Stocard
    A rewards wallet where you can store all your rewards cards.     Free app for iPhones.
13 - Senior Lecture & Lunch Series - 10:30 am - "Your Medina County Clerk of Courts - What They Can Do for You!" - Dave Wadsworth & Staff - Medina Clerk of Courts. Lunch provided by Willowood Care Center
20 - Senior Day at the MCRC 9:30 am to 12:30 pm  
31 - Trick or Treat night in Medina 
8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18 - Registration & Skills Testing for Youth Basketball League
14 - Family First Night
In This Issue
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5:30am - 10pm
Saturday: 8am - 8pm
Sunday: 10am - 6pm

Natatorium closes 1 hour prior
to facility closing.

The MCRC Operating Calendar does not correspond with the Medina City School District Calendar. The MCRC will remain open for business during school vacations, teacher in-service days, some holidays and snow/calamity days.

Mike Wright
Recreation Center Director

Susan Becks

Senior Programs Coordinator

Darlene Donkin
Aquatics Manager

Maureen Dowell

Programs Specialist

Kurt Gehring

Recreation Supervisor

Nita Justice

Programs Manager

Michelle Kwiatkowski

Office Administrator

Linda Loveless

Marketing Coordinator

Christy Moats

Finance Assistant

Sandy Tomazic

Rental Coordinator

Julie Worsdall

Pool Manager
  • Swim Parties
  • End-of-the-Season Sports Parties
  • Showers
  • Business Meetings
  • Non-Profit Group Meetings


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