Are you known as a thankful, positive person?? 
Are you best known as a complainer and negative??


Last Sunday our Pastor's sermon centered on PSALM 100

"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."

Psalm 100: 1-5 

Pastor Len explained that a person who really worships God will be a 
thankful believer 
not a complainer.

I was really struck by the message in 2 ways.

1- it is so important this Thanksgiving as we gather as a family, including our six very special grandchildren, that we stress the importance of being thankful people daily. Verses like Psalm 100 are to be our stimulus:

"...enter His gates with thanksgiving..For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."

We can all ask ourselves this question- THANKS or NO THANKS...
Is our reputation one where we are known as a thankful person?

As our Pastor pointed out: 
When we worship the Lord through His Word, prayer, song, and praising the Lord for all He has done for us through Jesus our Savior...we can't help but be THANKFUL


2- It has been my observation that thankful believers are very good witnesses
. Believers who are complainers are not very effective John 3:16 witnesses (love the world so much we give them Jesus). Complaining is habit forming and can become our unfortunate priority in our communication with others.

Bottom line:

We should all aspire to let the Word of God transform our worship and thinking so much that we are "naturally" THANKFUL for all the Lord has done for us and~
then "NATURALLY " we share our faith
in Christ...out of THANKFUL HEARTS

Now that I think about it, a THANKFUL HEART because of a person's faith in Jesus Christ, should make witnessing as normal as breathing in and out...comfortable and natural


Recently I met a man who I knew  only well enough to say "hello" but we recently had a chance to have a conversation. As we got to know one another I noticed he swore a lot
, often using the F___ word. He also complained a lot and rarely said anything positive

Eventually after I had asked him a lot of questions about his life....he asked me, 
"What do you do?"...I told him about 
Witness Breakthrough. He didn't ask me any more questions- BUT for the rest of our time together...instead of the F___ word he said, "Fiddledeedee"...and never swore again. He actually seemed to enjoy my company.

When I got home I looked up the definition of "fiddledeedee". It said- impatience, disbelief or scorn

I didn't know the definition of "fiddledeedee" and I'm not sure he did either...However I will tell you...I'm looking forward to our next encounter since we live in the same area. 


I fell in love with his soul. Without the 
Lord in my life...  
A life of NO THANKS...rather than THANKS...

I planted some positive seeds in his life and by God's grace and His mercy ...
My joy would be to soon continue the witness process in his life by giving him a wristband and my brief testimony that includes:

My unforgiven sinner background as an atheist , how I claimed Jesus as my Savior and knew I was and am forgiven.. and quote John 3:16

How about you? 
Our future fruitful WITNESS will be greatly enhanced if we are filled with THANKSGIVING and PRAISE as
 Psalm 100 encourages us to do and be...


"Thank you God for sending your Son to live, die and conquer by claiming Jesus as my Savior... I could be set free from the bondage of the sins of thought, word, 
deed, omission and commission. 

Thank you God for the Bible that gives insight into the past, present and future and helps me grow in grace and the knowledge of the "author of life" Jesus Christ

Thank you God that you have called Tudi and me to proclaim Him to people in your often open doors "where we live, move and have our being"


Thank you God for the privilege of training believers to be John 3:16 witnesses  through our ministry
so they learn to be compelled by love not duty to share the
 GOOD NEWS in humility and boldness "

Ted Sprague
Psalm 100
John 3:16
Acts 17:28

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