Hero Birthday Special
Happy Birthday Month 
Jim Elliot -- Born: October 8, 1927
Christopher Columbus -- Born: October 31, 1451

Jim and Pete turned to see the Auca men, their deadly spears raised, running toward Nate, Ed, and Roger. Jim stood in the river, his hand on his pistol. Should he defend himself? He already knew the answer. Each man had promised the others that he would not save himself by killing those they had sought out in Jesus' name.
Jim Elliot and his coworkers surrendered their lives in Ecuador's jungle, trusting that their sacrifice would not be in vain. Decades later, this dramatic event has challenged countless Christians to live with one great purpose: to bring the gospel to those who have never heard. (1927-1956). 

Buoyant and determined, and having at last won the support of the king and queen of Spain, Christopher Columbus sailed west from Europe with three ships, confident he would reach the Indies by this new route and find the gold-laden civilization of the great khan.

After four risky expeditions in which he explored the Caribbean and landed in South America, Columbus died without acclaim, never knowing he had reached what would soon be known as the New World. While Columbus himself never realized the magnitude of his discoveries, his voyages across the Ocean Sea would soon be recognized as a major turning point in world history. (1451-1506)


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