December 1, 2017

Editors' Pick   

This is the time of year when we're seeing a lot of movies, and truly "the best of them remind us of human truths," as Frederick Buechner perceptively notes. Here are some of the latest to capture our hearts and minds:
  • Coco reminds us to remember and honor those who have gone before us, acknowledge the afterlife, have a passion for life, and create family solidarity through rituals. 
  • Lady Bird is a source of wisdom about mother-daughter relationships. 
  • The Shape of Water addresses socially relevant themes like prejudice and acceptance of differences, within a multifaceted context of a Cold War era fantasy love story. 
Also New on the Website:  

Practice: World Aids Day
Practice: Advent 
Current E-Course: Lux Divina  
Upcoming E-Course: Everyday Mysticism 
Process Musings Blog: E Is for Enthusiasm 
Spiritual Literacy Blog: A Not So Quixotic Aspiration     
Your Spirituality & Practice Team 
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat 
Patricia Campbell Carlson 
Darren Polito