Convocation News
November/December 2017
A Newsletter for Members and Friends of the Convocation of
Episcopal Churches in Europe
This is a monthly convocational newsletter.
Advent - The Season of Preparation
First Sunday of Advent
Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life in which your Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge both the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Premier dimanche de l’Avent
Dieu tout-puissant, accorde-nous la grâce de rejeter les œuvres des ténèbres et de revêtir les armes de la lumière, dès cette vie passagère que ton Fils est venu partager en grande humilité: Qu’au dernier jour, quand il reviendra dans la gloire pour juger les vivants et les morts, nous ressuscitions pour la vie éternelle. Par Jésus Christ notre Seigneur, qui vit et règne avec toi et le Saint-Esprit, un seul Dieu, maintenant et toujours.
On Advent Sunday, we begin a new
Convocation Cycle of Prayer
available here
Convocation Convention 2017 Highlights
The Convocation Convention provides a time for Delegates, Clergy, and Guests to gather with their Bishop for worship, fellowship, conducting business, learning, and fun. This year's convention was ably hosted by the
Church of St. Augustine of Canterbury
in Wiesbaden, Germany. Thanks to the Rector
Fr. Chris Easthill
and the many parish leaders for all their work to make it a huge success!
The Strategic Plan
was presented at our Convocation Convention by the Strategic Plan Committee, led by
The Rev. Dr. Mark Barwick
, and
Helena Mbele-Mbong
on Friday, October 20. This plan will form the basis for the Profile, which will be the core document for the search process.
The Bishop Search Process presented...
The Rev. Sunny Hallanan,
President of the Council of Advice, and
Canon Michael Hunn
from the Presiding Bishop's office explained the process and announced the membership of the
Search and Transition Committees.
The time-line for the
Bishop Search Process
has been been established, and the Presiding Bishop has set a date for the consecration of the new Bishop in Charge (see timeline below).
The Rev. Canon Michael Hunn
speaking on the Jesus Movement
The Search/Nomination Committee and Transition Committee members were commissioned by Bishop Whalon
Financial documents
for 2016 and 2017 and the
for 2018 were presented and approved both at the Convocation Convention, as well as at the
Annual Assemblée générale of the Convocation Association 1901
(the legal entity of the Convocation).
The reports were presented by Convocation Treasurer
Denis Le Moullac
with the assistance of Convocation Administrator
Sophie Plé.
The Convocation is an a good financial position due to good stewardship on the part of our congregations, prudent management, and a somewhat larger investment income from our US-based assets due a favorable exchange rate. In addition to the 2018 budget, the Convocation will fund the Bishop's search and other non-budgeted expenses in 2018 such as General Convention from saving accumulated for this purpose.
Bishop Whalon made his annual
Bishop's Address to Convention.
Presentation of flowers and other gifts to the Bishop by members of the Council of Advice
Caireen Stewart of Christ Church in Clermont Ferrand was appointed to head the Youth Commission
Council of Advice Member
Sonja Marsh places names into nomination for the Council.
Bishop's Award recipients
Julia Wright, St. James, Florence,
John Richards, Senior Warden, St. Augustine, Wiesbaden
The Rev. Douglas Robinson
– Priest Associate, St. Augustine, Wiesbaden
First Bishop Joseph Schereschewsky Award for life-time achievement is given to Jane Doebler
Jane Doebler
of Christ the King parish in Frankfurt Germany has received the first Bishop Joseph
Schereschewsky Award for her long service to our Lord and to the Convocation as Youth Commission chair. (20 years!)
for the Convention and various reports are posted on the
Convocation Website.
were held for various offices, and we heard about ministries around the Convocation.
were approved including a resolution memorializing the General Convention regarding 1) canonical changes specific to the convocation; 2) ecumenical relationships, 3) authorizing BCP translations. A resolution authorizing Convocation's membership in the Conference of European Churches will also be presented.
The closing Eucharist
was held in the Church of St. Augustine of Canterbury. The Bishop's Sermon can be
heard here
. The
Canterbury Cross
was passed on to
All Saints Church in Waterloo
where the next Convocation Convention will be held in 2018.
St. Boniface in Augsburg was admitted to Convention as an Organized Mission
Augsburg delegates
, Alice Bartusch, Dagmar Hamberger, Agnes O'Sullivan,
pictured with
Bishop Whalon
Archdeacon Baer
Council of Advice
The Council of Advice convened at the end of Convention to organize itself. The members of of the Council and their roles can be seen on the
Council of Advice webpage
. One lay member of the Council, who was elected at this convention, resigned for personal reasons and has been replaced per Canon by an election within the Council. We welcome
The Rev. Chris Easthill, Deacon Richard Cole, Anne Swardson
(elected to a second term),
George Battrick
to the Council.
Timetable for the Bishop Search Process
O God, we pray for the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe as we discern and elect a Bishop to serve your people, build up your Church and proclaim boldly the Gospel to the world. Send us, we pray, an Apostle who is a wise counsellor, a merciful pastor, filled with your joy and grace. May your servant have the abundant gifts needed to lead your flock and the strength and courage to administer them. And may we renew and rededicate our lives to your will and service. All this we pray in the Name of our Great High Priest and Servant of the servants of God, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
October 2017 - Convention in Wiesbaden
- Strategic Plan presented to Convention
- The Search/Nomination Committee and Transition Committee commissioned
November 2017
- Search/Nomination and Transition Committees organize themselves.
- In consultation with the Presiding Bishop's Office, a Search Consultant is engaged by the Council of Advice
Winter 2017/18
- Search Profile is written by Search/Nomination Committee and approved by Council of Advice
- The Position is announced in various church venues
Spring 2018
- Nominations for Bishop are received
- Nominees are vetted and a shortlist of candidates is compiled
June 30, 2018
- List of Candidates from Search/Nomination Committee is made public
- Three week window is made available for additional nominations to be made, according to nomination protocol.
August 15, 2018
- Final list of Candidates is made public
September 27-30, 2018
- Presentation of Bishop Candidates ("Walkabout") in Paris, Munich, and Rome
October 19, 2018 -
Election Convocation Convention
in Waterloo Belgium
- Election of the Bishop in Charge
Following the Election
- The Standing Committees of all the Episcopal dioceses and all diocesan bishops are asked to approve the election. This process can take several months.
- The Presiding Bishop, deo volente, receives notice that consents have been received from a majority of bishops and standing committees of the Episcopal Church.
- The bishop-elect begins her/his transition to assume office.
April 6, 2019
- Ordination and Consecration of the new Bishop in Charge at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Paris - The Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church presiding
Further information on the Search/Nomination and the Transition Committee Members and Committee Duties
can be found here
Consultant for Search/Nomination and Transition Process
Council of Advice
is pleased to announce that
The Very Rev. Ronald Clingenpeel
wil be our consultant for the Search & Nomination and Transition process. Ron has great experience with many dioceses, including some places that are not the normal -- which is certainly the case with the Convocation. We look forward to working with him."
The Rev Sunny Hallanan+
Rector, All Saints' Episcopal Church, Waterloo
President, Council of Advice
Listening Sessions during Advent
"The Bishop Search Committee
would like to hear from as many parishioners as possible to more accurately communicate to candidates what the Convocation is today and what we want to become. To that end we would like to ask you to hold a listening session to give your members an opportunity to share their thoughts. Our committee has drawn up some questions to guide these discussions which will be distributed soon. Written summaries of the sessions will be a resource for the subcommittee in charge of writing the Convocation profile
Check your parish/mission newsletters for a listening session in your congregation.
Upcoming Convocation Events
- November 26-27: Visitation at St. James in Florence, Italy
- December 2-3: Visitation at Christ Church in Clermont-Ferrand
- December 10: Institution of Fr. Mark Barwick in Strasbourg
- December 16-17: Visitation at St. Boniface, Augsburg, Germany
- January 27-28: Visitation in Mons, Belgium
- February 5-7: Clergy Retreat
- February 9-11: COMB meeting in Geneva, Switzerland
- February 17-18: Visitation at Buon Pastore, Milan, Italy
- February 24-25: Visitation at St. James the Less in Nuremberg, Germany
- March 2-4: Spirituality Conference, Tutzing, Germany
- March 9-11: Visitation at St. Paul's Within the Walls, Rome, Italy
- March 8-10: CAECG meeting at St. George's in Berlin, Germany
- April 12-13: Province II Synod Meeting, Albany NY
- April 27-28: APL Vestry Workshop for Italy in Florence
- May 3-5: TEC-ELKB Dialogue in Augsburg, Germany
- May 10-13: YAE/JAE Events
- June 15-16: APL Vestry Workshop for Francophonie (FR, BE, CH) in TBA
- June 22-23: APL Vestry Workshop for Germany in Nuremberg
- Sept 27-Oct 1 Bishop Candidates Walkabout
- October 18-21 Convocation Electing Convention in Waterloo
Were you unable to attend Church on Sunday?
Bishop Pierre Whalon's
sermons are available on-line
His most recent sermon preached in
St. James Church in Florence
is available
This Bishop's Sermon Archive is found here:
Also check out:
European Institute of Christian Studies
Academy for Parish Leadership
Mark your calendars for 2018
APL regional workshop will focus on both general matters about vestry leadership and issues particular to different parts of Europe.
- April 27-28: APL Vestry Workshop for Italy in Florence
- June 15-16: APL Vestry Workshop for Francophonie (FR, BE, CH) in TBA
- June 22-23: APL Vestry Workshop for Germany in Nuremberg
In 2018 the Academy of Parish Leadership will host three regional Vestry Training Workshops in the Convocation.
Parish Outreach: American Cathedral in Paris
"For it is in giving that we receive" - Francis of Assisi
Love in a Box (LIAB) is a Paris-wide school and community volunteer project that creates and distributes gifts to children at Christmastime, and although mainly run through the
American Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
, the program is non-religious and nonsectarian. At the Cathedral over 800 boxes are made during Advent by a dedicated army of volunteers.
Boxes or backpacks are assembled by parishioners, schools, and community groups and contain personally chosen items from a specific list (toys, candy, something to write on, something warm, etc). Created with love, these gifts are distributed through organisations which provide services to families and children who would otherwise receive nothing.
Lived Ecumenism: Lutherans among us!
Katie Osweiler is an ordinand in the ELCA and will be ordained in the near future. She has been licensed by Bishop Whalon to be an Assistant Clergyperson at All Saitnts in Waterloo Belgium. Katie and her family were recently transferred to Brussels due to her husband's employment and they will be with us for several years.
The Rev. Scott Moore is serving as Priest in Charge at St. James the Less Church in Nuremberg, Germany. He lives in Erfurt with his wife who is also a Lutheran clergy and is at the University of Erfurt. In Erfurt, Scott is involved ecumenically and leads a weekly English Vespers/Evensong service in the history Augustinian Monastery Church in Erfurt.
News from the wider Church...
Read the latest on the
and much more....
A la radio : le Magazine Anglican
Le « Magazine Anglican », animé par Laurence Moachon, paroissienne de la Cathédrale de la Sainte Trinité à Paris.
À propos du Magazine Anglican :
Depuis septembre 2012, Laurence Moachon présente le 4e samedi du mois, le Magazine Anglican. Avec l’objectif de faire mieux connaître la tradition anglicane au public français, elle traite de sujets d’actualité culturelle, historique, liturgique ou ecclésiologique dans la Convocation et la Communion Anglicane.
"Go forth for God; go to the world in peace; be of good courage, armed with heavenly grace, in God's good Spirit daily to increase, till in his kingdom we behold his face."
Hymn 347 - Holy Eucharist; Music: Litton
The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe | 23 avenue George V, 75008 Paris, France
+33 (0) 1 53 23 84 06 | office@tec-europe.orgl |