December 2017
Coffee & Donuts 8:30am
Adult Bible Study and Sunday School 8:45am
Worship w/Holy Communion 10:00am

Student Lunch 11:15am

From Pastor John
In a Peanuts cartoon, Linus tells Charlie Brown, "When I hear those coyotes howling at night, it totally depresses me. I start to feel lonely ... Then I get scared."   Charlie Brown says, "I thought holding onto that blanket made you secure."   Linus replies, "I think the warranty has runout."
That's how we feel sometimes.  We are afraid and fear so many things. We fear life, we fear death, and everything in between. We fear for our country and our children's and grandchildren's future.  Maybe we are afraid of being victimized by violence or crime.  Or, we fear a diagnosis. 
The message of Jesus' coming serves as an antidote to our fears. As we gather, worship, read his Word during December, his Word and Sacraments transform us.  The first words of Adam are "I was afraid." But the first words at the birth of Jesus are, "Don't be afraid."
We start a new sermon series in December. Coming Soon:  The expectation and arrival of the Messiah is like a grand, movie-like epic.  We get a hint of the highlights of the Christmas story in the first Sunday in Advent and told to stay tune for the big arrival of the Messiah.  As we wait we are called to repentance and remembrance of baptism by John.  The suspense heightens in the middle of the Advent season as we witness through the lives of Elizabeth and Mary that nothing is impossible for God. All this builds to Christmas story, where the Christ child is born, but not in a way that we expect. The plot twists and ends in a cliffhanger that invites us to wonder how we are called to participate in the story.
Won't you join us in the journey from fear to renewed faith?  Rest in Him and take a break from the blaring Christmas music which has been piped into our brains since November.  Check out our midweek Advent services,  and special Christmas and worship times too!

Prayer Thoughts
GOD the Father has a message for you  at this time of celebration -
His Son's birthday

How can you say I'm a distant GOD who is too far away to be really concerned about you. " I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have drawn you with loving kindness"  Jeremiah 31:3  I have loved you with a Father's heart.  You're not a speck to me. I have created you in our image, in our likeness Genesis 1:26    I AM He who created you and formed you, have redeemed you.   For you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Your frame was not hidden from Me when you were made in the secret place, when you were woven together in the depths of the earth. My eyes saw your unformed body.  All the days ordained for you were written in My book before one of them came to be. Psalm138:15-16   I  have summoned  you by name, you are mine Isaiah 43:1  Although a mother may forget a child she has borne, I will not forget you for I have engraved your name on palms of my hands  Isaiah 49:16  
I have loved you so much that I sent my Son, Jesus Christ, whose birthday you are celebrating to be the sacrificial lamb for your sins that you might have eternal life. For I so loved the world that I gave My only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him  should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Call upon me and pray to me, I will listen to you.  I will answer and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.  Jeremiah 29:12, 33:3    When you are in trouble, I will hide you under the shadow of My wings.  Psalm 17:8   For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

I AM the LORD your GOD. I will be with you every step of your day. I am mighty to save.  I take great delight in you I will rejoice over you with singing.  Zephaniah 3:17  As your Father, I lavish my love on you so that you may be called children of GOD.  I John 3:1
As my children I ask that you spend time talking (prayer) to me and studying  My words on a daily basis. There are many many many more promises in the scriptures for you to claim and to hid in your heart so that you can say Your promises have been thoroughly tested and you love them.  
Psalm 119:140  

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.  Mark 13:31 

Good News
If you missed the Vicar's sermon on November 19, it was based on Matthew 25. It was the story about the man who left his servants in charge of five, two and one talents and how each of them used their portion.   Remembering the blessings of Thanksgiving, would God be pleased if we returned a portion of our talents and blessings by investing in the Lutheran Church Extension Fund? Those investments support the growth of the His Kingdom, and benefit the investor. That's good news.

Christmas Ideas - Need help? 
Years ago, War Bonds were great Christmas gifts for children. Today, simple LCEF notes (like CD's) of different terms and interest rates are great for supporting the growth of the church along with providing a savings plan for your family members futures.  A nother option would be the Young Investors Club. Yes, looking forward is a challenge when getting started with a family. Or, if you like the idea of debit cards, go to " " for information.
Check out the LCEF display in the Fellowship Hall for best choices.

hanging greens
Hanging of the Greens 
We need some volunteers to help prepare the church for our "not so traditional" hanging of the greens.  We will meet in the sanctuary on Friday and Saturday Dec 1 and 2 at 9:30am.  Coffee and donuts will be available.  See you there!

First Lutheran Church Women's
Advent by Candlelight

The women of First Lutheran Church invite all women to join us for the Advent by Candlelight event. 
We will meet on Saturday, December 2nd from 5-7pm in the Fellowship Hall. 

This is an excellent time for busy women, their family, and friends to relax and remember why we celebrate Advent and take the this special time to prepare for Jesus Christ's birth.

Miriam Circle's next meeting is on Tuesday, December 12th, at 10:00 in the church library.  In December, we follow long standing traditions of our circle as we decorate our Christmas tree with Chrismons made many years ago by our group for the church's Christmas tree.  They're not as pretty as they once were, but their historic significance makes them beautiful.  Another tradition we follow is bringing our offering wrapped as an ornament and hung on the tree until the end of our meeting when we add those gifts to the offerings of previous months and divide it all to be sent to our mission projects.  Our meeting begins this month with the tree trimming then coffee and fellowship before our Bible study which concludes at noon.  We are waiting to see if the Winter Lutheran Women's Quarterly will have a study that is Christmas oriented, so just bring your Bible.  The study will be available at the meeting.  Come and join us.  We wish you a blessed Christmas.

Christmas is Coming!
The Tuesday taters' Group is inviting all interested women to join us at a Christmas Luncheon on Tuesday December 12th.  Doris Garrington has graciously invited us to her home for the event.  Doris' address is 2222 NW 25th St. in Brywood.  Turn north off of NW 16th Ave. onto NW 27th Terr .  Turn right onto NW 22nd Ave.   then left onto NW 25th St.  Her home is the last one on the left.

Let us know if you can come no later than December 8th by sending an email to Judy Telling at [email protected] or call her at 376-8607.  Doris will order sandwiches for all, with each guest paying a portion of the expense for the sandwiches.  If you would like to bring a small dessert plate or small portion of a side item to go with the sandwiches please let me know what you are bringing when you respond to this invitation.  Plan to take home the portion of item you brought which was not eaten.  We look forward to having you join us for a relaxing, cheerful, event.  See you there!

Judy Helling

Parents Sign-Up
Parents! Would you like stay in the know of all that is happening for your family at First Lutheran? Please sign-up for a monthly email newsletter which will include articles for you to read and dates to remember for the upcoming months. There also is a weekly text reminder that is sent out for weekly events. Sign up by clicking HERE .   If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Karolus.

Thank You's

Thank you to all who took and filled the boxes of food for Gainesville Community Ministries to distribute to families who needed help in putting together a nice Thanksgiving dinner.  We had 50 boxes filled plus several bags of canned items.  it was an estimated 950 lbs of food!  Thanks also to all the men and college students who helped get the filled boxes to our cars to make the delivery to GCM.  Some of them were really heavy.  We have a collection four times a year, so if you missed out on this one, you can watch for the next one to coincide with Mother's Day in May.  This is a congregation we are very proud to be a part of.  Your generosity is wonderful.  

John and Judy Helling
Thanks for the generous output of time and resources to the FLC family. We were able to complete 352 school bags which equates to filling 44 boxes or 1012 lbs ; that will be sent to deserving children worldwide. Thank you to Trivent Lutheran who provided a grant and THANK YOU to the 16 volunteers present on 10/28 to "stuff" the bags, the 10 sewers and to the outpouring of donated supplies.

Thank you to all the  volunteers who helped to make Christmas mementos for our shut in members and for the nursing home residents at the VA. We were able to complete 135 ! Thank for your willing hearts and hands. Thanks for helping to spread Christmas cheer!

Advent Wednesdays
6pm Open Arms Christmas Program on 
December 6th.

7pm Advent Worship with Haugen Evening Prayer on  December 13th and 20th. 

Christmas Eve Worship
10am Christmas Eve Sunday Worship 
5pm Candlelight Service 
7pm Candlelight Service w/Holy Communion

10am New Year's Eve Sunday Worship 


As the weather gets chillier, please remember our neighbors who may not be as warm or blessed. Old blankets or coats are welcome at St Francis house , Grace Market Place and Dignity Village. Socks are especially appreciated as they can be used to keep hands or feet warm. This is also, a good time to pick up some personal hygiene items or small Christmas treats to share. Please place any donated items in the box in the church office. We will collect any large items weekly for distribution. Thank you
First Lutheran 
Parking Lot Update 
The long-awaited renovation of First Lutheran's parking lot is scheduled to begin in early January.  The contractor estimates it will take 2 ½ to 3 months to complete.  The lot will not be available for parking Monday through Friday during the construction.  The unpaved space behind the campus house will also not be available for parking during the week because the contractor may have large equipment stored on this space.  People who park in the lot Monday through Friday will need to find other places to park during the construction period.  The contractor has assured us that the lot will be available for parking on Sundays for church service.  If all goes well, the lot should be finished by mid-March to April 1.  We will have parking spaces for First Lutheran and Open Arms staff.  The leadership of the Wednesday morning women's Bible Study has made arrangements to use the parking lot of the United Church of Gainesville on the corner of 5 th Avenue and 17 th Street for parking during their weekly meeting.  They will continue to meet in First Lutheran Facilities.  We will keep the congregation updated on the progress of this project.

Norm Nesheim, Trustee

In This Issue
Book Club
2017 Women's Book club

The FLC book club is meeting on Sunday 12/17 after church at Sweet Berries for discussion of what books we would like to share for the upcoming year. This is a great time for someone to come and join in the fellowship. For the month of December, we are reading any  book about Christmas. Hope to see you there !


Prayer Circle - First Sunday of each month at 9:15am
Women's Book Club - Second Saturday of each month at 10:45am
Miriam Circle - Second Tuesday of each month at 10:00am
Phoebe Circle - Third Tuesday  of each month at 7:30pm


Click  here to see the December Birthday celebrations!
Click  here to see the December Anniversaries!