Earth & Ocean Herbals & Wellness

November...darkest days of the year...time of gratitude...
strengthening ourselves for the winter days ahead

Mother Earth...

has blessed us with an abundance from fertile gardens. In the wild, She provided food and medicine from our plant allies, berries and roots to sustain us through the winter months. The final harvest is She do we.

Autumn...daylight has dwindled and the colder days are setting in. It can be a rather melancholy time, feeling the retreat of the earth into sleep. It is a time of resting, soup making, and tea drinking from the foraged plants of spring, summer and fall. In the darkness, creativity begins to  stir, concocting new recipes from a  replenished, well stocked herb shelf.  Self care, and supporting the good health of our families, is important during this this month, let's take a look at fortifying our bodies as we move toward winter! 

Let's Talk...Immunity!

 No magic bullets, and to build  immunity, a combination of approaches will do the job. Diet, exercise, sleep, stress level, spiritual connection, supplements AND herbs! I learned long ago that unless these things are in place, the body will not quite make the target goal. 

So as to not go on and on with each of these categories, I will make a few suggestions, and then pass along  recipes for making right now and having on hand.

Cut back on sugar - it has the capacity to curb immune cells which we need to attack bacteria for up to several hours.

Not sleeping? Here come relaxing herbs to the rescue! Passionflower, valerian, hops, chamomile, lavender, kava, skullcap...all supportive and healthful for a good night's rest. Check out the recipe I am sharing for a light bedtime tisane. 

Too stressed? We have all had a time when, after an extended period of stress,  our immune systems break down and we catch the first germ which comes along. Adaptogens are herbs which help our bodies to adapt to accumulated  stress in our lives. Ashwagandha, Eleuthero, Reishi are herbs which can help our bodies to rise above and maintain wellness. Also think about gentle herbs for the nervous system, such as lavender, oat seed, chamomile, skullcap. Try sipping this tea  for a bit of chilling out! 

Try  immunomodulating herbs...Elderberry, Echinacea, Astragalus...alone, or in combination, for strengthening. 

And lastly, the backbone of my personal arsenal for wellness...Elderberry Syrup and Fire Cider! 

Elderberry (Sambucus nigra)

Elderberry syrup is a go to in my family. Late August begins the foraging season, with the first batch of syrup being brewed up.  All the hype and praise for this plant is well deserved. I strongly encourage you to pick up a dried  pound or two  and get the syrup process going. Here is a recipe with suggestions for you to add in, as well as resources for purc hasing the elderberries.

Fire Cider - yes - FIRE CIDER - is a recipe handed down to us from Rosemary Gladstar. This yummy concoction, also known as an oxymel (a sweet /sour combination, made with apple cider vinegar and honey) has all 
of the components we 
Fire Cider brewing!

need for making our immune systems stand up and shout "HELL YEAH"!  Onion, garlic, ginger, horseradish and hot pepper, infused in apple cider vinegar, make up the base of this yumminess. What else can be added, you ask??? Lemon, orange, rose hips, turmeric, rosemary, thyme...I have even added my foraged stag horn sumac for a little more Vitamin C! 

So, go for it! Get those immune fires cranking! 


It has been a great autumn for classes and programs. The apothecary class was so much fun with lots of hands on! It was an awesome group of nine women who learned  to create a variety of both internal and external herbal preparations. A  materia medica was begun complementing our projects .  One rainy Saturday, a cordial class (ooooohhhhh) was held, and a walk at Beavertail rounded the plant identification season of autumn. I am always grateful, and my heart is happy, when the plants allow me to be their guide! 

Apothecary class participants!

Coming up in January...

Apothecary 101 - four week program

Skin - Going Deeper Than the Surface: Face and Body - two parts

Exploring the Body Systems - a multi week program - formulation, Four  Tier Formula, taste of herbs, actions, individual systems and materia medica for each system

All program dates and times  to be announced soon!

Do you need support on your personal journey to wellness?

As a Community Herbalist with 30 years of experience, I have a lot of wisdom to share. A one-on-one consultation with you provides an opportunity to  co-create  a personalized plan for wellness.  Moving forward, this would include herbs, as well as oth er types of support to possibly include supplements, diet, aromatherapy, exercise, body work, etc. 

Additionally, I am an licensed esthetician focused on holistic skin care, specializing  in treating skin challenges with appropriate herbs, skin care routines and supplements. Reflexology appointments also available.

Call 401-369-4297 for an appointment, or  email



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