Welcome to the Member Highlights Newsletter!
The next newsletter will go out at the end of February. Submissions are open
here and will remain open until February 15, 2018.
Nancy TenBroek
enior Health Advisor for Asia, World Renew
Nancy shares the path that led her from occupational therapy to public health, as well as her favorite parts of her jobs and World Renew's biggest contributions to global community health.
New Reports, Studies, Guides, and Tools
These country profiles highlight population-based survey data relevant to preterm birth and low birth weight including risk factors, service utilization and health sector readiness for 24 countries predominantly in Africa and SE Asia. Originally released in November 2015, the profiles were recently updated with new data.
Mercy Corps
To better understand where and how practitioners can apply market systems development approaches to resilience-building in fragile contexts, Mercy Corps’ research set out to assess the relationship between the two models in three MSD-focused programs in South and Southeast Asia. All three programs operated in fragile contexts characterized by weak governance, thin markets and frequent exposure to a range of economic, ecological and social shocks and stresses.
Catholic Relief Services
This document summarizes the barriers to obtaining HIV testing and services (HTS) for children and identifies the strengths and successes of each program in linking children with services. The gaps and challenges still faced by each program inform the recommendations for improving HTS within orphan and vulnerable children programs.
The goal of this guide is to enable PCI and its peer organizations to make their data useful, unleash the power of their data, by being good data stewards and implementing quality data management practices. The guide is also intended to facilitate compliance with USAID policy and in doing so, ultimately, help to create this vibrant open-data ecosystem.
Scaling up evidence-based, country-led, effective, integrated nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions, programs, and systems in development and emergency contexts forms the crux of FANTA’s work. This report describes how FANTA’s multisectoral nutrition programming work has improved nutrition in USAID-priority countries and offers lessons learned to inform future efforts.
International Rescue Committee
The IRC has implemented integrated SRH/Protection services in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya to ensure female sex-worker (FSW) have safe and confidential access to comprehensive services. To address the gap in evidence in meeting the needs of FSW in humanitarian and low resource settings, the IRC conducted a routine project evaluation of the Peer Outreach model used to increase access to services.
Hesperian Health Guides
Hesperian and Concern America have teamed up to publish their methodology for use worldwide with "Cómo Enseñar Sobre La Salud" or "How To Teach Health." A follow-up course to "Where There Is No Doctor", the Spanish-language series has multiple levels of training with an instructor's guide and promoter handbook for each health care topic, including reproductive health, responding to accidents and traumas, and an index of essential medicines.
Institute for Reproductive Health, Georgetown University
This brief reviews the lessons learned from the Gender Roles, Equality and Transformations (GREAT) Project and offers insights into the art and science of implementing, documenting, and evaluating scale-up.
Grameen Foundation
While breastfeeding is culturally accepted in India, exclusive breastfeeding rates remain low, especially as the infant increases in age. This paper, developed using baseline data from the Rajasthan Nutrition Project, assesses the factors that influence whether women breastfeed initially and exclusively for six months.
Catholic Relief Services, Chemonics, CORE Group
This resource guides nutrition actors in selecting the most appropriate design, research, implementation, and evaluation tools, based on their program objectives, context, and available resources. It is targeted to program designers and technical staff, as well as others working in the area of nutrition globally.
Concern Worldwide
The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is designed to comprehensively measure and track hunger at the global, regional, and national levels. The GHI raises awareness and understanding of the struggle against hunger, provides a means to compare the levels of hunger between countries and regions, and calls attention to the areas of the world in greatest need of additional resources to eliminate hunger.
USAID's Maternal and Child Survival Program
A situation analysis of routine immunization (RI) in Kisumu City, Kenya was conducted to assess the immunization status of children, and to understand the challenges and barriers to access and utilization of immunization services among the urban poor. The findings of this assessment are invaluable for the development of strategies and plans to strengthen RI services and for achieving equitable coverage among different populations in Kisumu City.
Social Norms Exploration Guide and Toolkit is a participatory guide and toolkit for programmers and researchers who wish to identify, explore, and diagnose social norms to inform a program of action and related measurement techniques. Interested in testing the guide? Contact
Recent Blog Posts & Articles
CORE Group Members in the News
September 6, 2017 | Washington, DC | FHI 360
FANTA hosted over 150 attendees at this event that highlighted the project’s research and multisectoral nutrition activities and innovations, and the impact of its work at the global, country, and community levels over the last six years.
October 4, 2017 | Washington, DC | JSI
USAID's global nutrition project convened 180 international development experts from various fields to share lessons learned, results achieved, and resources that strengthen evidence-based multi-sectoral nutrition programming.
December 8, 2017 | Washington, DC | Global Health Council
This one-day meeting will convene policy and program leads from global health organizations across multiple sectors and encourage crucial conversations that drill down on barriers and best practices to address changes in the global health landscape.
March 16 - 18, 2018 | New York, NY | Consortium of Universities in Global Health
Join more than 1,700 global health faculty, students, implementers, and leaders from over 50 countries to explore the latest in global health and discuss ways in which academia, NGOs, government and the private sector can address the global health challenges before us.
June 4 - 7, 2018 | Bethesda, MD | CORE Group
Join us to discuss emerging challenges and gaps in community health, and explore tools and interventions to address them through skill building, networking, and program learning. As you engage in dialogue and learning with diverse stakeholders, you will contribute to greater programmatic impact through collaboration.
June 12 - 14, 2018 | Washington, DC | InterAction
Engage with fellow attendees from NGOs as well as business, government and academic sectors at the largest annual gathering of international development and humanitarian professionals. Providing unparalleled networking, topical and diverse breakout sessions, and high-level general sessions, the Forum delivers a stimulating environment to forge common solutions to pressing global challenges.
, in partnership with
and 1,000 Days, is
leading a new commitment
to global nutrition programming, securing a $1.17 billion pledge from 13 NGOs between 2018 - 2020. This announcement came at the Global Nutrition Summit, held in Milan, Italy, November 4, 2017. The
Eleanor Crook Foundation
$100 million by 2030.
Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, and
World Vision
announced a
major expansion of the WASH UP! program
designed to empower young children with lifesaving sanitation and hygiene habits.
IntraHealth International
announced a strategic affiliation
that will enable the two organizations to extend their reach and amplify their collective impact in the global health arena.
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