Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time
Monday, November 21, 2017
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Prayer Practice for the Week
Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina, or Divine Reading, is a prayerful way to read scripture that has four steps: Reading, Reflecting, Responding, and Resting. ( Learn more.)

Click the link for an audio file of Will reading Matthew 21:10-14 to you three times with a minute’s pause between each reading. The recording ends in silence to allow you to complete your prayer experience in your own time. 
Daily Devotion

Scripture of the Day
“Do not lay a hand on that boy!” ( Genesis 22:12)

God promised Abraham and Sarah a child. Late in their marriage, Isaac was born. And for a few years they shared a joyful celebration and a sigh of relief. Until God ordered Abraham to bind his son Isaac, lay him on an altar, and sacrifice him. It was an awful tale to recall. How could God ask a father to murder a child? Abraham obeyed God and did as he was commanded. I imagine the hot tears streaming down his face. Down both their faces. Perhaps it was always only just a test, or maybe God was moved by compassion observing the love of a parent for their child. God interceded at the last minute, ordering Abraham to stop. Perhaps this tale lives on as a dramatic reminder of an old way coming to its end. Let no parent sacrifice the life of their child to uphold the useless tradition of their tribe. But I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do with it. Does God want me to sacrifice someone or something that I love? Or is it enough to know that I am willing to go the extra mile for my faith?

God, how great is your faithfulness, not only to order life as we know it, but also to make changes to this order as we evolve. Draw me ever deeper into our relationship that I may hear your call to sacrifice and listen through to your command to stop. Be my alpha and omega, my start and my finish. And when I cannot possibly believe another way exists, provide for me a substitute ram, reveal to me a different way. Amen.
Spiritual Practice
You have two days to complete this assignment. For every person who will be at your Thanksgiving Table, write a "Thank you" note. It does not need to be long -- especially if you have a big family -- but write a note expressing why you are grateful for that person. This is especially important if you have a family member with whom you do not get along. You don't need to ignore the tension in the relationship, just find something you are grateful for about them.