Watch out NFL....NBA and MLB

One day an Army Chaplain came through the hospital...
I made an appointment with him...
When we got together  I told him my situation...
At the end of our time together he said, 
"Have you considered God in your life?" 
As an authentic atheist and thinking I had it all together ...I was shocked at his question and wasn't interested... but told him I would take the Gideon's Bible he offered me and read it...
I did and after 2+ weeks of reading it daily...
I knew I was a sinner and needed Jesus Christ as my Savior...
after claiming Jesus, my life was dramatically changed...
I became supercharged about my faith in Christ


NFL and others...
learn the lesson:
"Respect Authority"
"WATCH OUT"  NFL, NBA and MLB you also need an "ARMY"
  to see your situation honestly...
the ARMY of people and fans who are not going to put up with the disrespect you have shown to our Flag, Military and Nation

Everyone I know believes we all should stand up for what we believe in...
but we should never disrespect America

It is nonsensical for players to take a knee and disrespect the Flag... 
Rather they should be  diligently involved in the issues they believe in

who left the NFL game because of the disrespect shown by some of the players at the playing of the National Anthem

I too am saying publicly via this email if I see one player disrespect America from either team...
I'm turning off the game immediately

Already in the last many weeks I have only watched one quarter of one NFL game...
and it made sick to know I watched that much...
I didn't enjoy it...
because of the NFL disrespect...
an issue much more important than a football game 
(I am an avid Atlanta Falcon fan)

please watch out...
Thanks to an Army Chaplain I did get out of the Army after 3 months...because my cause was just...
However, if I had it to do all over again...
I may not have made the same stand?! 

Sometimes you can be right but wrong! 

But by God's grace...


God used my brief stay in the Army as an opportunity during my
 REBELLION to positively change my life forever...
He did it after I had confessed my sins and claimed Jesus as my Savior...
and asked Him to be Lord of my life...
one of the key lessons I'm learning is...

GREAT LESSON- "Watch out NFL"..

Sadly I have personally seen many men, women and youth ruin their lives by not submitting to and respecting authority


RESPECT AUTHORITY (see verses from Romans below)
but don't compromise your God given CONVICTIONS

GREAT QUESTION for everyone:
NFL, NBA and MLB (you and me)... 
Are we "most important" ready to publicly RESPECT AUTHORITY and 
then live out our God-given CONVICTIONS as led?

Ted Sprague 

Please read and apply these "heavy duty"  2 a healthy brief but essential ACTION PLAN TO FOLLOW

Submission to Governing Authorities
Romans 13:1-2

"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities
, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves"

NFL, NBA, MLB (you and me)

and live the ABUNDANT LIFE 

-read the Bible slowly and let God speak to you

-acknowledge you are a sinner in need of a Savior

-claim Jesus as your Savior

-attend a church where the name of Christ is honored and the Bible is always referred to for insight and direction

-get involved in small group fellowship and Bible studies

-don't keep your faith to yourself...tell others you encounter about your faith in Christ...keep your testimony simple and clear:

1-Life before Christ

2-How you came to Christ 

3-What has happened since...include a favorite verse (the Word does not return void)

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