Quick Links 
Saxon Time

Tuesday and Friday - Honors Choir Rehearsal

Thursday  - Voicemale

Choir News  

Honors Choir  - Doc is available to work after school with anyone that needs it.  Please let him know what day you prefer.

Upcoming Events

Fall Concert -  Wednesday, October 18, 7 pm.  Sign Up for hospitality.  More details below.

Home Football Game Madrigals singing, Friday,
 October 22, 7 pm.

District Choir Auditions - November 4, more info coming.

Choral Guild News
Spring Trip - NYC!  Many thanks for your patience as we finalize our plans.  Questions, please contact Kathleen Harris,  [email protected]).

Choir Uniforms -  We will distribute them as soon as they arrive to allow the maximum time for alterations.  Please take them to your favorite alterations place right away - we need them for the concert on 10/18.  Questions, contact Kate,  k[email protected] or 703 608-9470.  

Concert Volunteers : Love to have your help in celebrating the first concert of the year - SignUp for baking desserts, bringing chips, table help, etc.  Questions, please contact Jaimie Galbreath, [email protected], and thanks.