Moving Intelligent Change Forward
November, 2017 Vol. 2 - In This Issue:
Value and patient centricity are the twin "North Stars" of enlightened and effective health care delivery. There are numerous examples of how the marketplaces of ideas and of industry are embracing this vision. I'm thankful for payers, providers and innovators who maintain an intensive focus on such change from the ground level up. Now to enlighten a few policymakers ...

Payers to Identify, Promote, and Reward SUD Treatment that Aligns with Principles of Care

Each of the below listed health insurance organizations, are writing to express support of the National Principles of Care for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment. 
Paving the way to a patient-centered approach in health care

We once thought of disease and its treatments with a one-size-fits-all mindset. That's changing, and not just because "personalized medicine" has become the buzz phrase of modern health care. A new era of research delivering truly patient-centered results is also providing individuals with the information they need to select the treatment that most closely meets their specific needs. 
Patient councils, apps show promise in incorporating patient voice into delivery reform

There's a growing body of evidence that links patient engagement to care quality, and providers are increasingly focused on improving the patient experience. But incorporating the patient perspective into healthcare innovation can be a challenge for providers.      
doctors-nurses2.jpg Patient value: Perspectives from the advocacy community
All healthcare systems are under financial pressure and many have therefore developed value frameworks to assist decision making regarding access to treatment. Unfortunately, many frameworks simply reflect the clinically focused values held by healthcare professionals rather than outcomes that also matter to patients.

What patients really want physicians to do after a medical error

After a medical error leads to a serious injury, patients and family members want physicians to better communicate the hospital's efforts to prevent a similar error from occurring again, according to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine. 
Why Getting Value Right in Health Care Matters

The most common answer to a question about the price of a new medicine or technology is, "the value it provides more than offsets the cost."  While often accurate, this oversimplifies a highly complex system that few currently understand. Value in health care isn't the same as value in any other sector. To get it right, we need to first acknowledge that it's not a one-size-fits-all proposition.  
Is There a Doctor in My Pocket?

Humans have always dreamed of better, fitter, longer-lasting bodies. But while many science-fiction fantasies, from videophones to self-driving cars, have been realised, health technology has lagged behind our hopes. Artificial organs and smart pills have been a long time coming.  
Continue the pursuit of value in healthcare

While the future of the Affordable Care Act is still uncertain, a number of initiatives that began under the law have shown the kinds of results that transcend politics and will keep the focus on value over volume.
Building a Comprehensive Real World Evidence Strategy

The healthcare landscape continues to evolve towards a technology-enabled, data and outcomes driven environment, anxiously focused on the possibilities available through Real World Evidence (RWE). While RWE is not a new concept, its ability to influence decision making across healthcare has increased significantly with the greater availability and access to real world data (RWD) sources.
One big thing people don't know about single payer

It is generally assumed that the biggest obstacle to a national health plan like Medicare for All will be the large tax increase needed to pay for it. But new polling shows another challenge: Almost half of the American people don't know that they would have to change their current health insurance arrangements if there was a single-payer plan.
Want Drug Regulators To Consider Real-World Evidence? Then Disrupt Their Outdated Regulatory Infrastructure

In a recent speech, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner Scott Gottlieb asked, "Should a product be marketed based on a data set that speaks to a limited and rigidly constructed circumstance, when the clinical use, and in turn the evidence we might have to evaluate the product, could have been far richer, far more diverse, and more informative?"
Passion + Quality = Change That Matters
I embrace the powerful opportunities in our evolving health care landscape. I founded Momentum Health Strategies to be a catalyst for change through continuous learning, diverse engagement and thoughtful policy and practice initiatives. I deliver innovative, strategic thinking and a passion for improving the patient experience. My personal drive and dedication to high-quality results will help you navigate the competitive terrain you face and convert your vision to action.

Momentum Health Strategies

Jennifer L Bright, MPA
(703) 628 - 0534