Tophat Homework

New Tophat Homework has been posted, which is due by midnight next Friday.  In accordance with student feedback, it includes some questions from lectures this upcoming week.

Answers to questions due yesterday are posted on the Tophat Homework Answers page.
Course Survey

Thanks to those who completed the course survey. Here is feedback related to Podcast viewing and preferences for Tophat homework. Most like the weekly homework, and most also listen to Podcasts.

(Click an image to see a larger version)

Several students commented about recitations and office hours.  I will work with the TAs to formalize some times for these activities. I don't hold formal office hours, as there is no good time that accommodates everyone. However, any student interested in meeting is welcome to contact me to find a convenient time.
Fall Break

Remember that next Monday is Fall Break.  The Respiratory 2 lecture will occur next Tuesday in Scaife LR3.
Answer Key For Exam 1

An answer key for Exam 1 is now available from this link.