Issue: 301                           
 October 5, 2017 
In This Issue

Quick Links
TCGIS Online Calendar

Upcoming Events

Oct. 7: PTO Herbstfest

Oct. 10: PTO Meeting

Oct. 12: Fall Strudel Sale

Oct. 16-20: No School - MEA

Oct. 25: Early Release

Oct. 26: School Board Meeting

Nov. 7: Picture Retake Day

Nov. 9-10: Parent Teacher Conferences

Nov. 12: Martinstag Celebration at the Landmark Center

Nov. 14: PTO Meeting

Nov. 20-24: No After School Activites

Nov. 22: Early Release

Nov. 23-24: Thanksgiving Break
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Administrative Information
Join Us for Herbstfest THIS Saturday!

Join the PTO and TCGIS community THIS
 Saturday, October 7, from 3:00-7:00pm for family friendly games, food, crafts, music, dancing and more! $5/person and $20/family. Also please consider volunteering at the event. The PTO needs drink servers, kid supervisors and clean-up assistance.  
Final Reminder: Order Pictures Before Sunday!

Today was picture day! Do you still want to order pictures? No problem! Click here to order pictures today. Any pictures ordered after Sunday will cost more due to shipping costs. They will also arrive later than the rest of the pictures. Contact Lauren Kalish at with any questions.
Annual Report for TCGIS

On September 26 the School Board approved the annual report and submitted it to our authorizer, St. Thomas. If you are interested in reading it, please click here.   
Middle School Parent Night Tonight

We hope to see you tonight from 6-8:05pm for the Middle School Parent Night!

The schedule will be as follows:
  • Director's Welcome in Aula: 6:00-6:20
  • 6:20-6:30 Advisory 
    • 5th grade - Aula
    • 6th grade - room 300
    • 7th grade - room 311
    • 8th grade - room 319
  • 6:35-6:45 period 1
  • 6:50-7:00 period 2
  • 7:05-7:15 period 3
  • 7:20-7:30 period 4
  • 7:35-7:45 period 6
  • 7:55-8:05 period 7
The purpose of this event is to give parents and teachers the chance to get to know each each other. Specific questions about your child's progress should be addressed during parent teacher conferences or earlier via email if needed.

Parents will have the opportunity to experience their child's Monday schedule. Schedules will be available to pick up in the Atrium upon your arrival.

Teachers will introduce themselves and share about the structure, contents and also expectations for the school year for their subject. After the "class" ends you will move on to the next class / classroom. We hope to see you there!
Looking for October Volunteers!

We are now looking for October volunteers for early morning recess! As of right now we only have volunteers for morning recess on Fridays next month and we'd like to have it as many days as possible! Please sign up here and contact Herr Prater ( with any questions.
Lost and Found at TCGIS

There have been a lot of jackets left on the playground recently. We have moved all of the left behind jackets and sweatshirts to the "Fundgrube" (Lost and Found) located at the bottom of the stairs by the Westeingang (West Entrance). We will be donating all remaining items in the lost and found the first week of November.

As the weather changes please have your child come to school with the proper clothing to play comfortably play outside.

Collecting Empty Cereal and Oatmeal Boxes

Frau Lenburg is trying to collect 175 empty cereal and oatmeal boxes so that students in Kindergarten through third grade can make lanterns in art class. This will be part of the celebration of Martinstag in November, but some classes will begin before the Fall Break.  Boxes can be brought to the office or the art room. Interested in a take-home volunteer opportunity, preparing boxes for the students? Please contact Frau Lenburg at
Visitors from St. Pölten, Austria

We had a lot of fun with our first group of nursing students from St. Pölten who spent a few days at TCGIS as part of their exchange program with the University of Minnesota, Mankato. After visiting and observing in different grade levels, they each taught a short unit on topics like hygiene, nutrition and dental care. Vielen Dank, Frau Riegler (grade1), Frau Berger (grade 2), Frau Cichocki (grade 3) and Herr Henitzl (grade 4)! 
PTO Announcements
PTO Announcements

PTO meeting- Oct 10th at 6:45 in the cafeteria 
Please RSVP for the meeting here and also indicate if you need childcare.  

Community Auction opens next Thursday! Learn more here. 

Find the PTO fall newsletter in your email for more information or check out our  Website and  Facebook page. 
GAI Announcements
GAI Announcements

Saturday, Oct. 14 at 11am Simply Jane Studies; GAI 3rd Floor Ballroom; $25.00 fee
Channel your inner artist and head to the GAI for this  German-art-inspired painting class! Simply Jane Studies will lead a group painting class focusing on a section of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner's painting 'View of Dresden Schlossplatz'.  

The 2017 GAI Fall camp program for children will take place during HERBSTFERIEN Oct. 16 - Oct. 20, 2017, onsite at the GAI. O ptions are available for full week & partial week enrollment (afternoon care until 5:30pm)

The camp will consist of structured programming in the morning from 9am to noon and afternoon care until 5:30pm. Camp activities will be conducted in German and will consist of a mix of learning, arts & crafts, music, play and free time. The kids may also go on short excursions through the Summit Hill neighborhood

Kaffeestube European Breakfast Café, Saturdays thru November 18; 8:30am - 11am
Enjoy our European-style breakfast buffet with your friends & family! Frühstück includes German rolls, cheeses, cold cuts, eggs, spreads, and more!