Practice of the Week
Draft Your Obituary. Most of us will never get the opportunity to have a newspaper reporter come to our homes and solicit the story of our lives. But the story of our lives matters deeply too. It matters to us and to our conscience. It matters to those whose lives we touch. To our loved ones. We all can play a role in shaping the unfolding drama of creation, so the story of our lives matters on an ultimate level, too. READ MORE... |
From the Minister
Hurricane Maria brought suffering to millions in Puerto Rico. Water is in short supply, the power is out on much of the island, communications are down, and temperatures are hitting 44 degrees C -- which is 112 F. It's a deadly dangerous situation for critically ill hospital patients. The San Juan airport is packed READ MORE |
Minister Coffee Chat. On Tuesdays, 3-5pm, I'm at an area coffee shop, available to meet. In October, I'll be at the Starbucks in Rye: 51 Purchase St. In November, I'll be at the Barnes & Noble Cafe, City Center, 230 Main St, White Plains. Drop by if you can! -Meredith |
Lifespan Religious Education
From the Music Director
In our ever-evolving sense of ethics and historical justice, CUUC joins other UU congregations in deconstructing Columbus Day and embracing the spirit of "Indigenous Peoples Day" to recognize the first Americans, whose legacy was...
Upcoming Worship Services
Sun Oct 8 On Statues and Statutes Cindy Davidson, Ministerial Intern
As UUs repudiate the
Doctrine of Discovery and re-think Columbus Day in favor of celebrating Indigenous People's Day, what work remains to be done the other 364 days of the year?
Sun Oct 15
What Other People Think
Rev. Meredith Garmon
Shockingly, it turns out that other people -- some of them, anyway -- have opinions about you. What can be done about this? Should you care what they think? Is it possible not to?
Workshop: Nurturing Our Children, Ourselves, and Nature, Sat Oct 7, 10:00am-3:00pm, CUUC
A workshop for educators and facilitators where we address the disconnect between humans and nature, and provide tools for adults to help children... Read more and register HERE. Co-facilitated by Rev. LoraKim Joyner (amoloros@gmail.com).
Music Committee Meeting, Sun Oct 8, 9:00am, Room 22
Attention music lovers - the Music Committee needs your support! Our work supports all matters musical at CUUC, including the running of CUUC's Concert Series, assisting the Music Staff in planning music as part of Sunday morning worship, strengthening the role of music in our RE program, making annual budget requests to the BOT, and planning music for summer worship services. Please join us - or let us know if you'd like to help out. Contact: Janet Bear (jsbear1@gmail.com) and Lois Holt (
Science & Spirituality, Thu Oct 12, 11:30am, Fireside Area
A bi-monthly meeting to explore the relationship between science and spirituality. We are discussing Evening Thoughts by Thomas Berry and preparing for How the Mind Works by Steven Pinker. Join us! Contact: Yvonne Lynn (ylynn20@gmail.com).
Collection of New Toys for Hour Children's Center at the Bedford Correctional Facility, Sun Oct 15 & Sun Oct 22
Please bring new, unwrapped gifts only (each item is checked by security). Click HERE for a list of items in highest demand. Feel free to donate a present not listed, but note the items that are not permitted. Contact: Ray Messing, (raymessing@gmail.com).
Harvest Brunch, Sun Oct 15, 11:30a, Fellowship Hall
The CUUC Brunch Gang invites you to an Indian vegan and vegetarian feast. Suggested donation: adults $5, Kids and Seniors $3, maximum per family $15. Contact: John Schwam (jgschwam@gmail.com).
The Fall Communitarian is Here!
Read all about it! Our magazine-length newsletter is now posted on the website. Find articles on your ministry, religious education, board of trustees, social justice teams, committees, choir, concerts, and the annual auction. Click HERE.
Social Justice
Team Events
LGBTQIA Social Justice Team Event: Trans* 102 with Rhyrus Falcone, Sun Oct 22, 11:40am, Fellowship Hall
Join us for a recap and follow up to last year's presentation Trans* 101 Talking Gender, followed by an LGBTQIA Social Justice Visioning session. Childcare available with advance request to
by Sun Oct 15. Contact: Tony Arrien (
"Reframing Westchester's Housing Crisis," Sun Oct 29, 11:45am, Fellowship Hall
Our guest speaker is Alexander H. Roberts, Exec Dir of Community Housing Innovations
. CHI is the largest provider of housing for the homeless outside of New York City, with 1,000 people in its facilities each night. Co-sponsored by the Racial Justice and the Hunger and Homelessness social justice teams. Childcare available with advance reservation to
A Night in Havana... NOW is the time!
2017 Auction, Sat Nov 18, 5:30p, Tickets $40
THIS is the week we begin to really need your help. Your auction team promises you a wonderful night - but YOUR DONATIONS are the key to its success! If every family donates just one item, service, or specialty, we will have over 200 items to share. PRO TIP: some of our most popular items are "People Helping People." For example you might offer to plant Daffodils in someone's yard, teach someone your favorite hobby, or take someone to your favorite hiking trail for a picnic lunch. Please take a look at our list for ideas - NEW ideas are even better. Fill out your auction donation form now. Paper forms are in the lobby or you can print out the form
HERE. Items don't need to be dropped off until the week before the Auction. Click
HERE to see list of suggestions!
Hurricane Relief Donations
As we plan our celebration of Cuban culture, we are keenly aware of those Caribbean islands suffering in the wake of recent hurricanes. The UUA has established the UUA Disaster Relief Fund to assist congregations impacted by natural disasters in repairing damage, and to respond to the needs of members and communities in their efforts to recover. The webpage also includes helpful links to other relief organizations on the ground in Puerto Rico.
Our Social Justice Teams - Opportunities for You to Engage in Service
The third part of our mission statement is to "engage in service to transform ourselves and our world." Our goal is for each CUUC Member and Friend to participate on a team. Sign up in the lobby or online HERE... Read more HERE.
Journey Groups help us deepen our understanding of life and strengthen our relationship to one another while we explore monthly themes together. Sign up using the sheets posted in the CUUC entryway or go online HERE. Please join even if you can only attend a few monthly meetings -- Journey Groups are how we help each other become the people we most want to be!
Sing, Sing, Sing - with the CUUC Choir!
Rehearsals Tuesdays, 7:30-9:15pm, Sanctuary
All voice parts welcome - you don't have to read music! We sing two Sundays a month and perform two concerts a year. Join full-time or part-time. Contact: Lisa Meyer at 516-299-2475 (daytime) or lisa.meyer@liu.edu.
Share the Plate for October:
Animal Welfare
In the aftermath of recent hurricanes, the Animal Advocacy Social Justice Team is researching groups that help unfortunate animals injured, displaced, and adversely affected by disaster. This month half of our non-pledge donations will go to a nonprofit organization that recognizes how animals are often the most vulnerable and forgotten victims.
The amount collected will be matched up to $1,000 by a generous couple in our congregation who have chosen to remain anonymous.
Process for a Share-the-Plate Request
There is no shortage of worthy causes, and as much as we wish we could honor all requests, there are only twelve months in the year. Please make your Share the Plate requests to the Social Justice Coordinating Committee (see Contacts below). We give priority to... Read more HERE.
In September the Hunger & Homelessness Social Justice Team collected birthday party supplies for children in the Food Bank for Westchester's BackPack Program. We're pleased to announce that--thanks to your donations--we created over 100 Birthday Bags, which have been delivered to a grateful Food Bank office. Thanks to everyone who contributed!
In the Community
Fine Arts & Crafts Fair, Sat Oct 7, 10:00am - 4:00pm, 4th UU Congregation, 1698 Strawberry Rd, Mohegan Lake
Features a wonderful array of local artists and artisans presenting their work. Pottery, leather, jewelry, quilted items, bee goods, natural cleaning products, knit & crocheted items, nature photography, and more. Bake sale and raffle. Find links to artists websites
Midnight Run, Fri Oct 20, FUSW Hastings
Help us make a difference for those in need. We need volunteers to help prepare food, pack clothes, and distribute and interact with the homeless in NYC. If you haven't gone on a Run before, there is no time like the present to get involved! Contact: Annie Patton (914-588-4782), Art Lowenstein (
arthur.lowenstein@gmail.com, 914-844-4189, or 845-424-3638).
Important Voter Registration Deadlines for 2017
The last day to register to vote for the November 2017 election is October 13th. If you want to change party affiliation to vote in the 2018 primary, the deadline is October 13th. If registering by mail, the form must be received by October 18th. Find the form HERE.
Greeters Needed :-)
Make our Sunday visitors feel welcome - come a little early to share your smile and a warm greeting. You can sign up for one or more Sundays HERE. Contact: Jane Dixon (lilrhodie@gmail.com).
CUUC has already converted to using LED light bulbs in the Sanctuary fireplace area to reduce our energy use and seeks to put LED bulbs in other parts of the building.
If anyone knows of another among us who is in need of a caregiver, please contact Janet Giewat (914 617-2137 or bean1a2@aol.com) or her backup Adine Usher (914 328-2307 or adinevictoriaray@gmail.com).
This Week at CUUC
The full calendar can be found HERE. Room numbers subject to change; please check the board on Sunday morning. To reserve a room, please contact Pam at the CUUC office (914-946-1660 x2, admin@cucwp.org).
Wed Oct 4
- 7:30pm Program Council
Thu Oct 5 - 9:30am Rental: League of Women Voters; 7:30pm Journey Group Facilitators
Fri Oct 6 - 7:00pm Rental: WCSPP
Sat Oct 7 - 9:30am Nurture Nature MultiGen Workshop; 10:00am Zen; 12:30pm Journey Group Facilitators; 1:30pm Rental: WCHJ
Sun Oct 8 - 9:00am Music Committee; 9:00am Refugee Resettlement; 9:00am LGBTQIA meeting (tentative); 9:30am Nursery Care; 10:00am Worship; 11:15am Coffee Hour; 11:30am Environmental Practices; 11:40am Animal Advocacy; 11:40am Racial Justice/In The Spirit of Truth
Mon Oct 9 - Office Closed; 6:30pm T'ai-ch'i
ues Oct 10
- 5:45pm Rental: WCSPP class; 7:00pm Rental: WCSPP; 7:30pm Choir rehearsal; 7:30pm Rental: Westchester Refugee Task Force
Wed Oct 11 - 7:30pm Board of Trustees
Thurs Oct 12 - 11:30am Science & Spirituality Group; 7:30pm Journey Group Montrose
Fri Oct 13 - 11:00am Journey Group Davidson
Sat Oct 14 - 10:00am Zen
Sun Oct 15 - 9:00am Economic Social Justice; 9:00am LGTBQIA (tentative); 9:30am Nursery Care; 10:00am Worship; 11:15am Coffee Hour; 11:30am Harvest Brunch; 11:40am Sunday Journey Groups
Minister: Rev. Meredith Garmon, minister@cucwp.org, 914-946-1660 x3
Director of Lifespan Religious Ed. & Faith Development: Perry Montrose, dlre@cucwp.org, 914-946-1660 x4
Community Minister: Rev. LoraKim Joyner, amoloros@gmail.com
Ministerial Intern: Cindy Davidson, intern@cucwp.org, 781-710-1640
Youth Program Coordinator: Chandeerah Davis, ypc@cucwp.org
Music Director: Adam Kent, music@cucwp.org, 212-595-7280
Choir Director: Lisa Meyer, choir@cucwp.org
Congregational & Communications Administrator: Pamela Parker, admin@cucwp.org, 914-946-1660 x2
Bookkeeper: Diane Pearson, cuucwpbookkeeper@gmail.com, 914-946-1660 x5
Board of Trustees
Board Chair: Dean
Vice Chair:
Karen Dreher,
Treasurer: Chris Kortlandt, kortlandtbunch@gmail.com, 914-834-7112
Steve Miller,
Social Justice Coordinators
Jeff Tomlinson, jefftomlinson8@gmail.com
Mary Cavallero, marycava4@gmail.com
Pamela Cucinell, pamelajcny@gmail.com
Your Moment of Zen
The Purpose of the Practice. Badger attended the circle irregularly because of family responsibilities. One evening he was able to come for zazen and questions. He asked, "What is the purpose of the practice after all?" Raven asked, "Do you have an inkling?" Badger hesitated, "I'm not sure," he said.
Saturday Zen Practice at CUUC:
newsletter is e-mailed each Thursday.
Please send submissions to admin@cucwp.org by noon on Tuesday.