Small conch on trembling aspen, Pine County MN - Eli Sagor
Upcoming webinar on predicting the emergence and effects of fungi on forests
Even the healthiest trees harbor fungi and other microorganisms, including both pathogens (which weaken and kill organisms) and saprotrophs (which consume dead tissues). In the era of DNA-based assessments, we are now learning that the diversity of these organisms in trees can be staggering. What we do not yet know, however, is how to predict the emergence and subsequent effects of these 'endophyte' organisms in managed and natural forests. Prof. Jonathan Schilling, UMN Plant & Microbial Biology, will discuss his goal to improve these predictions at the next webinar.
Oak wilt status: SAFE
The risk of spreading oak wilt has been downgraded to Safe. During the Safe period, there is virtually no risk that an oak can become infected with oak wilt by over-land transmission of the fungus. Now is a good time to trim any oaks on your property that may need attention. For more information, check out our oak wilt information page.
Avoid a holiday invasion!
Halloween has come and gone, temperatures and leaves are falling, and our thoughts naturally turn to the winter holidays. Many people enjoy decorating using natural materials (so do we!), but you should take extra care to not use invasive plants in your seasonal decorations. One to watch out for is Oriental bittersweet.
Preparing trees & shrubs for a long winter's rest
In the upper Midwest, long winters are a way of life for both people and plants. Like the adage "there's no such thing as a hard winter, it's really just poor clothing choices," the same can be said for woody plants if we expect them to survive the four months of slumber. It's not that winters are that bad, it's more that plants weren't properly prepared. But it's not too late to bundle your trees up!
NOVEMBER 21 - Webinar: Even the Healthiest Trees Harbor Fungi that will Eventually Kill Them (Online)
Predicting the emergence and impact of  fungi and other microorganisms on natural and managed forests.
DECEMBER 9 - Aitkin County Private Woodlands Committee Winter Tour (Palisade, MN)
Aitkin County Private Woodlands Committee Winter Tour
A complete listing of events can be found on our Events Calendar.