Office of the City Auditor

City of Berkeley
City Auditor Ann-Marie Hogan
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November Council Meetings
 November 14th @ 6pm
Consent Item #11:  Our audit "PRW On-Call Program: Ensure Equity by Developing Procedures for Charging Services, and Improve Monitoring and Communication" found that the Parks, Recreation and Waterfront on-call program supports City needs.
However, most calls PRW mechanics handle are not for PRW related activities. PRW has practices in place for monitoring on-call work, but must document those practices. Flexible scheduling could save money and improve customer service.
Consent Item #12We request Council approval for continuing investment of Auditor's Office FY 2017 salary savings to help ensure that sufficient funds are in place to for planned replacement of the payroll module.
November 28th
Our audit "Measure GG: Fiscal Year 2016 Non-Personnel Expenditure Aligned with Taxpayer Intent" found good news:  the City is using Measure GG tax dollars as voters intended - to bolster emergency response services and enhance community disaster preparedness. Improvements are needed to ensure transparency in programming, but good practices are in place to prevent fund misuse. 'Appendix A: Scope and Methodology' explains why only non-personnel expenses were audited.
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City Auditor's 2017 Report on Results: a four page graphic report on how our audits and city staff actions made a difference. Click on the pictures on page two of the report to read the full audit reports.

Ask us a question - send us advice
Thank you for your continued support for our work to help Berkeley deliver services in a more efficient, effective, and equitable way. Please contact me at [email protected] or at 981-6750 with your questions or comments. I'm always happy to hear from folks who want to get more involved. I look forward to hearing from you.
Ann-Marie Hogan, Auditor
City of Berkeley Auditor's Office

Audit News

from the City Auditor

November 2017

Ann-Marie Hogan 2015

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