BB Gun Press
For Immediate Release
Brian Bumbery / Sam Citron
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Venues Can Now Claim Their Own Page on the Popular Concert Discovery App to Alert Fans of New Concert Listings

"Changing the concert business, one show at a time" - Billboard

NEW YORK - NOVEMBER 13, 2017 - Bandsintown , the popular concert discovery platform, has opened up its platform to allow venues and festivals to claim their own official profiles and alert local music fans of new show announcements in real time. Venues will now be able to establish their brand presence, customize their profiles,and  add and edit new events.

While over 15,000 promoters, venues and festivals have been using Bandsintown's promoter service for years to create campaigns in order to reach fans and boost concert attendance,
this marks the first time venues will have their own access to Bandsintown Manager, allowing them to publish events independently.

This Venue functionality of Bandsintown Manager is a result of feedback received directly from venues and promoters.

"We're excited to have over 500 Venues already signed up to the Beta release, which will become public on December 15th,' says Jon Ostrow, VP, Sales and Business Development.

Bandsintown users have demonstrated a voracious appetite for discovering new concerts and venues. In a recent survey conducted among 35,000 Bandsintown users, 49% of users reported discovering a new venue as a result of a Bandsintown recommendation while  41% of Bandsintown users reported attending shows at local venues more than five times per year. Furthermore, 57% of users reported attending more concerts thanks to Bandsintown.

Venue Manager is currently available in Beta release. Venues interested in joining Beta as a Venue Manager can sign up HERE.

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Bandsintown Group

Bandsintown is a digital media company powered by music.  With over 38 million registered concert-goers, a global reach to 130 million music fans through Bandsintown Amplified and over 440,000 artists using Bandsintown Manager to connect with their fans, Bandsintown is the premiere destination where artists and fans connect.   To learn what we do for fans, click here . For artists, click here . For promoters, click here , and for brands, click here .

Bandsintown is available on the App Store on iTunes and Google Play .

For more information, please visit .