Weekly Postings
October 6 - October 15, 2017
In This Issue

The ministry of the Flower Guild
Saint Paul's Flower Guild

How lucky we are to attend a church whose clergy and staff are without equal, whose music is unparalleled and whose outreach and educational programs are among the best offered anywhere in our community.

It is a pleasure to attend a beautiful historic church with a committed congregation. One ministry that could use some attention is the Flower Guild whose mission is to beautify the altar and its surroundings to the greater glory of God.

Not too many years ago the flowers on the altar were constructed by local florists, but now we have a very talented group of women and men composed of several teams of parishioners who alternate in the selection and arrangement of the flowers each week for the altar. This is a happy group of volunteers whose love of flowers has lead them to beautify our church for all to enjoy.
Because the Flower Guild depends solely on sponsorships from parishioners, it is important for us to remember this wonderful ministry which makes no profit and whose sponsorships equal the basic cost of the flowers. The cost to beautify the altar with two arrangements costs only $100, a mere fraction of what a florist would charge. Flowers on the altar may be placed in honor or memory of someone who is near and dear to us or in thanksgiving for a special occasion-a lovely way to support a ministry that we all enjoy. Recognizing a loved one is a long-held tradition at Saint Paul's and offers a one-size-fits all gift for that hard-to-buy for teacher, clergy or family member. A sponsorship of altar flowers is enjoyed by church members on Sundays and, at this time of year, by Tuesday's Music Live audiences every other week. Special requests regarding particular flowers or colors can be made when committing to sponsor a week. Plans are in the works to make the sponsorship commitment available online.

A Flower Guild workshop has been scheduled for Saturday, October 28 from 9 - 11:30 AM for current and prospective Flower Guild members. Please call the church office to learn more and to register. Margaret Brown, a parishioner at Saint Paul's and a florist in her own right, has graciously agreed to lead the group in learning the fundamentals of altar floral arranging. The principles learned this day can be applied to holiday decorating in our own homes.

Anyone can join the Flower Guild (anytime throughout the year)-the only requirement is a love of beauty. The group welcomes any parishioner who may be interested--no experience necessary!

*Please contact Elisabeth in the church office to inquire about the workshop or about sponsoring a week of flowers or Pam Uros to learn more about joining this wonderful group of volunteers.
Our Schedule This Sunday October 8

8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite I (no music)
8:30 - 9:30 AM
Continental Breakfast Tyler Hall

9:30 - 10:30 AM 
Christian Formation for all ages
10:00 - 10:45 AM 
Welcome to Saint Paul's for Newcomers & Visitors
10:30 - 10:45 AM 
2nd Sunday Birthday Celebration
Tyler Hall
11:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite II with the Saint Paul's and Canterbury Choirs
Following 11  AM  Service 
Lemonade on the Lawn

5:00 - 6:30 PM
EYC at Saint Paul's 

5:30 - 6:15 PM
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
with Prayers for Healing 
   Lessons for This Sunday are Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20; Psalm 80:7-14; 
Philippians 3:4b-14; & Matthew 21:33-46.
Adult Formation: A Life of Grace for the Whole World
Beginning this Sunday, 9:30-10:30 AM, Berlin Room
 What are the connections and implications between environmental realities and core issues of Christian faith, morality, and spirituality? Join this seven week program of prayerful inquiry and discernment for ourselves and our church. A workbook ($9) accompanies this program. Two meeting opportunities weekly: Sunday, 9:30-10:30 AM & Wednesday, 12 noon-1:00 PMMore information included in this email.    Contact Rev. Jenkins with questions.  
Welcome to Saint Paul's For Newcomers and Visitors
Sunday, October 8, 10 AM, The Parlor
New to the Saint Paul's community? Please join us at an informal gathering for newcomers and visitors, Sunday, October 8, 10 AM, in the Parlor. Get your questions answered and meet some of our staff and parish leaders in an informal gathering in the parlor. RSVP to Elisabeth in the Parish Office. If this time is not convenient, we are always happy to meet at another time. Please contact us!
Second Sunday Birthday Celebration
Sunday, October 8, 10:30 AM, Tyler Hall
This Sunday, October 8, is Birthday Sunday. Join us during "Coffee and Conversation" (10:30 - 10:45 AM) in Tyler Hall. ALL are invited to our brief but joyful celebration for all whose birthdays fall in October.
See who's celebrating in October!
Coat Drive Begins This Sunday, October 8
Coats for Kids at Craig-Houghton begins this Sunday. PLEASE help keep our young friends warm this winter!
Fall is officially here although it may not feel like it yet! Many students at Craig will NEED coats and jackets when the weather cools off. We can use heavy coats, lightweight jackets, fleece jackets, sweatshirt jackets, boys and girls gloves, mittens, and hats too. All sizes are needed, children's size 6-16 and adult sizes S, M & LG, new and gently used are accepted. Great places to pick up a coat or jacket are Target, Old Navy, Costco and TJ MAX. Cash donations are happily accepted also! Donation boxes are located in the Narthex and Tyler Hall. Questions please contact Kathy Enicks.

EYC (Episcopal Youth Community, grades 6-12)
Sunday, 5:00 - 6:30 PM, Saint Paul's 

 EYC  this Sunday: Capture the Flag FLOUR BOMB Edition. Be sure to wear DARK colors and come dressed to run, walk, and maybe even crawl! Dinner is included and friends are always welcome. If you have any questions, please email Ranie.

Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion

with Prayers for Healing
Sundays, 5:30 PM
This Sunday's guest musician is Rob Foster.  
Next Week October 9- October 15
Come Be a PK or Kindergarten Reader!

Do you remember your favorite children's book? Come share your love of reading with our youngest students at Craig. Bring your favorite picture books and come READ!! The schedule is flexible. You can read any day, once a week or once a month. For more information or to volunteer, contact Kathy Enicks.
Senior EYC  (grades 10-12)
Monday, October 9, 3 PM
New Date for SR EYC! Paintball has been moved to Monday, October 9, 3-5:30 PM. We have a crowd signed up. 10 - 12th graders don't miss this! Dinner following at Nacho Mama's as originally planned. $40 per person, including dinner! Invite a friend, or two! Email Ranie with questions.

Tuesday's Music Live 
Tuesday, October 10, 12 noon
Tuesday's Music Live, 30th season continues Tuesday, October 10, at 12 noon, with a free concert by Mark Valenti, pianist. Lunch, catered by It's Official, is available after the concerts by advance reservation. The cost is $12 per person.  The full schedule including lunch menus is available at . Advance lunch reservations, $12 per person, required. Private tables are available for parties of 4 or more, and large groups can be accommodated. More than 150,000 music-lovers have attended the series since it began. The concerts are often standing-room-only with 200 staying for the elegant catered lunch in the River and Berlin Rooms.   
Second Wednesday Fellowship Dinner
Wednesday, October 11, 6-7 PM, Tyler Hall
Join us for our monthly fellowship dinner, Wednesday, October 11, catered by Janet Ferguson, owner of It's Official Events Unlimited. On the menu: ham, collard greens, mac and cheese, and dessert. $5 per person; $15 max per family. A reservation is not required; however, if you know you plan to attend, please RSVP to Todd Shafer so that we can be the best hosts.
Episcopal Relief & Development Hurricane Relief Fund
Episcopal Relief & Development works closely with church partners after disasters, equipping them to meet needs of those most vulnerable in their communities. Currently, our staff is responding to areas devastated by multiple Hurricanes, and watching developing tropical storms. Because of our strong diocesan partnerships, Episcopal Relief & Development is ready to assist in the recovery of the impacted areas for as long as necessary. You can help provide critical relief to affected communities by donating to our Hurricane Relief Fund. To donate and read the latest updates, visit
The Saint Paul's Choir needs basses
The Saint Paul's Choir needs basses. Could this be your contribution to our worship? Please contact Director of Music, Keith Shafer, and let him know of your interest. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 PM and Sunday mornings at 10 AM.
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) 
Saturday, October 14, 9:30 AM - 1 PM, Christ Church
EYC (grades 6-12) serves at Christ Church Saturday, October 14. In place of Sunday night EYC next week we will gather together at another Episcopal parish in Harrisburg, Saturday morning 9:30 AM  - 1 PM, to serve a meal to those from the neighborhood. Please come directly to Christ Church (1904 Greene St., Augusta). If you have any questions, please email Ranie
Veterans' Ice Cream Social
Sunday, October 15, 2:15 PM
Thank our Veterans for their service Sunday afternoon, October 15, at our quarterly ice cream social. We'll meet at the Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home on 15th Street in the dining hall at 2:15 PM to serve ice cream and cookies and spend time visiting with our Veterans. All ages welcome. Contact Louis Walker for more information.
RSVP for Fall Primetime Party 
Sunday, October 15, 6-8 PM
RSVP now for the Fall Primetime Party (adults 50+) Sunday, October 15, 6-8 PM, at the home of Millie and Steve Whitney. $5 per person at the door. Bring an appetizer to share. Need address/directions? Contact the Parish Office by email or call (706) 724-2485.
Looking Ahead 
Flower Guild Workshop:
Learn how easy it is to arrange flowers  
Saturday, October 28, 9 - 11:30 AM
A Flower Guild workshop has been scheduled for Saturday, October 28 from 9 - 11:30  AM  for current and prospective Flower Guild members. Please email the church office to learn more and to register. Margaret Brown, a parishioner at Saint Paul's and a florist in her own right, has graciously agreed to lead the group in learning the fundamentals of floral arranging. The principles learned this day can be applied to holiday decorating in your own homes.
CELEBRATE: "Night on the River,"
Friday, October 27, 6:30 - 9 PM 

The Creation Care Team invites the parish to celebrate God's good creation with an evening of locally sourced music, food, drink, and creatures (the human kind)! NO COST to attend & WE URGE YOU TO INVITE GUESTS, but we do ask you to RSVP your expected attendance number to Ranie Neislar. Contact Ranie if you need more details or would like to make a donation or volunteer to support the event.
Evensong & Reception following
Sunday, November 5, 5:30 PM, Nave and Tyler Hall
Evensong is at 5:30 PM on Sunday, November 5, and the service will include the premiere of the Preces and Responses that were commissioned by the Saint Paul's Choir from British composer, Paul Leddington Wright, and dedicated "in memory of our beloved cantor, James Claiborne Coleman III, who died last year. The choir will also sing Mr. Wright's Evening Service written for St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Wheeling, West Virginia, and his setting of "Let saints on earth in concert sing," composed for the Belmont School of Music in Nashville. Mr. Wright is the conductor and arranger for the BBC Television series, "Songs of Praise" and formerly the Director of Music of Coventry Cathedral. A reception in Tyler Hall follows Evensong and child care will be available. 
Open Sunday for Altar Flowers 
November 19 & November 26 are open for altar flowers. If you would like to sponsor the flowers in thanksgiving or memory of someone special, please  contact the parish office
News from the Diocese

 Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field
October 2017
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our "Second Sunday"  Birthday Celebration  will be October 8.  Please Join us. 


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