October 5, 2017  |  Vol. 4 No. 40
A Time to Lean In to the Practices of Our Faith
Rev. Jen Crow
My heart is broken this week, and I imagine yours is, too. So much devastation, so much loss has come to our country and our world in these recent weeks. I find myself stunned some days, unable to take it all in. Violence shook us to the core this week in Las Vegas, with one man causing so much pain. Political maneuvers that have real consequences and communicate a lack of concern for everyone from the children of immigrants, to transgender people, to the people of Puerto Rico, line up in number week after week next to the seemingly never-ending natural disasters that continue to rock our earth and the people on it. And to top it all off, with each tragedy, we experience again the failure of moral leadership from so many of our elected leaders.

My heart is broken, and I am grateful for each and every one of you. As Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, President of our Unitarian Universalist Association, said this week in a letter of encouragement to clergy and leaders in Unitarian Universalism, "This is no time for a casual faith. The very real challenges and heartbreak of this time in this country and the world require a deep practice of our faith."

This is the time to lean in to one another, and to lean in to the practices of our faith. Our commitment to the inherent worth and dignity of every person, our respect for the interdependent web of which we are a part, our faith that calls us to live into a love that holds no one outside of the circle, a love that lets no one go - these are just a few of the practices of our faith that can guide us in these difficult times. We must hold each other through our anger and pain and despair, and call one another forward in faith, trusting in love, hope, and compassion as our guides.

Rev. Frederick-Gray closed her letter with these words from Adrienne Rich and I share them here with you:

My heart is moved by all I cannot save:
so much has been destroyed
I have to cast my lot with those
who age after age, perversely, with no extraordinary power
reconstitute the world.

I am so grateful to be in this life, this church, and this faith with you. Let us cast our lots with one another and reconstitute this world.

In faith,
Rev. Jen

October Worship Theme: Outsiders
Worship this Sunday
Sunday, Oct. 8, 9:30 & 11:15  a.m.
"I'm That, Too"
Rev. Jen Crow
There are so many ways that we place ourselves and others outside of the circle of Universalist love we preach about. This week we'll grapple with the concept of evil - where it lives and how we understand it as Unitarian Universalists.
A Look Ahead
Sunday, Oct. 15, 9:30 & 11:15 a.m.
Capital Campaign Wrap-Up Celebration
Rev. Kate Tucker

Recent Sermon Podcasts
October 1, 2017
"This Is Us"
Rev. Ruth MacKenzie

September 24, 2017
"Stories of Intention"
Worship Associates

September 17, 2017
"Strategic Intentions"
Rev. Jen Crow
Listen to the podcast
Final Capital Campaign Info Session
Sunday, Oct. 8 after services
Learn about our vision for the future - deepening our presence in the city as a place of action as well as worship - and our ideas for renovations and construction to repair, improve, and make more accessible our Dupont Avenue home. If you haven't yet had a chance to sit down with a campaign volunteer to learn about the campaign, please plan to attend this Sunday!
Pathway to Membership Class
Sundays, Oct. 8 & 15, 1-3 p.m.
Joining First Universalist is a symbolic, spiritual act of saying "yes" to growing your soul in this place, with these people, within our free faith tradition. This new member class is a great chance to build community, explore Unitarian Universalism and our church's history, and learn how to get involved. To register, contact Sandy DiNanni at Sandy@firstuniv.org or 612-825-1701. 
Newcomer Circle
Sundays, Oct. 8, 15, 22 & 29, 1-2:30 p.m.
Are you new to First Universalist? Whether you are a recent visitor or a new member, you're invited to join a Newcomer Circle. These four-session gatherings of 6-10 newcomers offer a chance to get to know Unitarian Universalism, reflect on our spiritual journeys, and connect with other folks who are new to church. Registration is required. Email Sandy at sandy@firstuniv.org.
Open Labyrinth Walk
Thursday, Oct. 12,  6:30-8 p.m.
Did you know that there is a labyrinth in our social hall? We offer an Open Labyrinth Walk from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on the second Thursday of the month. Walk at your own pace, and stay as long or short as you like. Allow at least 15 minutes minimum for a full fast walk. A member of the Labyrinth Circle will be available to offer guidance. 
Capital Campaign Wrap-Up Celebration
Sunday, Oct. 15, after services
Don't miss celebrating with us as we wrap up our capital campaign, Not for Ourselves Alone: Building an Inclusive Future next Sunday, Oct. 15! Minister Emerita Rev. Kate Tucker will preach in worship, and we'll enjoy music by special guests Ann Reed and Give Get Sistet. Please join us for a special reception in the social hall after both services.  
Let's Talk About White Fragility
Sunday, Oct. 15, 1-2:30 p.m.
When white people experience racial stress, we often withdraw, defend, cry, argue, minimize, ignore, and in other ways push back: a response known as white fragility. This limits our capacity to bridge cross-racial divides and harms people of color. Join us for a conversation about "White Fragility," an essay by Dr. Robin DiAngelo. Please read the essay in advance; you can read it here.
Daytime Connections:
The Journey of the Hero & Heroine
Thursday, Oct. 19, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
How does your life story fit into the larger, mythic story of human experience? The Rev. Barbara Kellett, Spiritual Director and First Universalist member, invites us into a deeper understanding of our life story. Join us in an exploration of this powerful roadmap to guide us through life's challenging phases. To register, contact Sandy at 612-825-1701 or sandy@firstuniv.org. Lunch follows the program ($5-10 donation requested).
Peace Panel II: Climate Change as an Avenue for Finding Common Ground with Others
Sunday, Oct. 22, 12:45 p.m.
While Forum I dealt with opportunities for collaboration among nations, Forum II will address how climate change might inspire individuals to put aside differences in race, religion, culture, and belief to unite in the face of adversity. We may all find ourselves adopting new patterns of behavior, including the willingness to relinquish privilege and advantage, as we jointly strive to restore stability to our climate. More information
Bidding a Fond Farewell to Jerrod Wendland 
Dr. Jerrod Wendland has blessed us with his musicianship these past two and a half years.
For the past two and a half years, Jerrod Wendland has blessed this congregation with his musicianship, his masterful performances, and his research, bringing to life all kinds of music from different contexts and cultures. Jerrod has truly opened doors in our hearts and minds through music. He has been a beloved worship leader and collaborator.
So it is with sadness that we bid Jerrod goodbye at the end of November. Jerrod and his beloved wife, Emily, have decided to move back to her home in Portland, ME, to care for family, and to return to the land and the craggy shorelines that they both love so dearly.
Jerrod's last Sunday will be November 26th, and we will honor him on that day during the service. Jerrod asks that you write him a letter or an email expressing your good goodbyes and gratitude.
Over the course of the next few months the worship team will work on filling the position of pianist starting at the beginning of December. Many things are in play and we will keep you abreast of our progress.
Dearest Jerrod, it is hard to see you go. You have been so important to us and our worship life. We will miss you, and we wish you blessing in your new home and your new ventures.
Reimagining the Holidays: Announcing this Year's Recipient of Our Holiday Giving Program
As the winter holidays approach, we invite you and your family to join us in rethinking the meaning of gift-giving. By redirecting half of our holiday spending to a local nonprofit that advances racial equity, we can each strengthen our community ties and rekindle the season's true spirit. This year, Marnita's Table has been selected as the recipient of our biennial Holiday Giving program. (Thanks to congregation members who spread the word, we had a large, diverse pool of deserving applicants.) Marnita's Table is a local organization that is dedicated to bridging gaps across difference. Working with neighborhood groups, government agencies, schools, and faith communities, Marnita's Table empowers people of all ages and backgrounds to make genuine changes toward equity, inclusion, and understanding. In the coming weeks, you'll have opportunities to learn more about Marnita's Table and its important and innovative work. In the meantime, please visit their website: www.marnitastable.org
This Sunday: Religious Education
Family Potluck Lunch & Fun (RSVP Now!)
Families with children - from babies through 6th grade - are invited for a potluck lunch this Sunday afternoon, Oct. 8, from 1-2:30 p.m. in the Social Hall. Older siblings are welcome, too, of course. Your hosts are Lauren Wyeth, Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries, and our new Young Children's Program Assistant, Meera Kannan. Please join us!
We'll gather for fun and break bread with friends, new and old, as we celebrate the start of a new church year. Look forward to games and prizes for all ages, as well as great food and fellowship. 

Don't miss this chance for the whole family to get connected! Sign up here!
White Fragility, "13th" and More:
Racial Justice Learning this Fall
This fall, prepare to be challenged and inspired. We'll be talking frankly and soulfully about whiteness, America's legacy of racism, and how our Unitarian Universalist values call us to respond. The following opportunities are offered by our newly-formed Racial Justice Education Team, which aims to bring deep, challenging, and spiritually meaningful learning opportunities to First Universalist. We hope you'll dive in, take part, and grow your soul together with us.

-Racial Justice Education Team (RJET): Rev. Elaine Aron Tenbrink, Channing McKinley, Polly Talen, Jeff Sylvestre, Lynn Anderson, Abbie Finger, Lark Weller, Pam Berry, Emma Paskewitz, and Margaret Manderfeld. 

White Fragility and the Work of Robin DiAngelo
Why is it so hard for white people to talk about racism? Why do white people get defensive when challenged racially? These questions are at the core of Robin DiAngelo's writing and research, and this fall we are offering opportunities to engage them deeply.  

Prepare:  Let's Talk About White Fragility: Join us for one of these drop-in discussions of Robin DiAngelo's article "White Fragility." Please read the article in preparation.
Sunday, Oct. 15, 1-2:30 p.m., room 200: Led by Susan Schultz and Lark Weller
Wednesday, Nov. 1, 7-8:30 p.m., room 204: Led by Clemma Muller and Lark Weller

See Robin DiAngelo Live:  Join us for an afternoon of truth-telling about whiteness with Robin DiAngelo. Watch for more details to come.
Saturday, Nov. 18, 1-4 p.m. at Unity Church-Unitarian733 Portland Ave. South, St. Paul.

De-Brief: All who attended Robin DiAngelo's talk are encouraged to attend this de-brief.  We'll share what we learned, how we were challenged, and where we plan to go from here. 
Sunday, Nov. 19, 1-2:30 p.m., Room 203. Led by Clemma Muller, Susan Schultz, and Lark Weller.

"13th" - A Documentary Screening in Two Parts
What does the passage of the 13th Amendment in 1865 have to do with today? Everything. The powerful documentary "13th" analyzes the criminalization of African Americans, the U.S. prison boom, and their relationship to the abolishment of slavery via the 13th Amendment. Join us for a two-part screening and conversation in community.
Sundays, Oct. 29 & Nov. 5, 1-3 p.m. in the Cummins Room: Led by Jeff Sylvestre and Margaret Manderfeld.

Racial Justice and Our UU Faith
Join us for an interactive, reflective workshop exploring a framework and tools for understanding race, racism, and whiteness and the spiritual imperative that drives our racial justice work.  This is a two-part workshop offered three times this fall:
Saturdays, Oct. 28 & Nov. 4, 9-11:30 a.m., led by Brian Eshult & Lark Weller
Sundays, Nov. 5 & 12, 12:30-3 p.m., led by Susan Schultz & Pam Berry
Saturdays, Dec. 2 & 9, 9-11:30 a.m., led by Channing McKinley, Jeff Sylvestre & Emma Paskewitz
To register, contact Sandy at Sandy@firstuniv.org or 612-825-1701.
New Art Exhibit in the Social Hall
A new exhibit featuring work by two artists is now on view in the social hall, through Nov. 26:  Textile Landscapes by Linda Johaneson and Figures of Imagination by Brenna Busse.
At first glance, Linda Johaneson's "Textile Landscapes" appear to be paintings. However, her artworks are actually created with fabrics and fibers; she felts, fuses, and stitches wool, silk, cotton and synthetic fibers into 
beautiful landscapes - from Minnesota lake country, to the plains and mountains of Montana.

In Brenna Busse's "Figures of Imagination," the artist explores the complexity and meaning of our human-ness. Her figures are mostly clay, accented with colorful acrylic paint, with sticks for limbs. The figures celebrate our connection to nature - to our being nature. 
Sunday Flowers: Arrange, Donate, Share
Flower Arrangers Needed
If you enjoy Sunday flower arrangements, have a bit of creativity, and would like an enjoyable way to contribute to our congregation, consider arranging Sunday flowers. Committee members will be happy to assist you the first time or two as you select and arrange the flowers from your local florist or floral wholesaler.
Donating Sunday Flowers
If you have a special occasion or individual you would like to honor, consider donating a Sunday flower arrangement. A Visual Arts Member will consult with you, arrange your flowers, and the flowers will be yours after the services. 
Sharing Sunday Flowers
Wonder what happens to Sunday flower arrangements once the services are done? Most often, flowers are delivered to individuals in our congregation who are unable to attend services or who are experiencing a life-changing event.  Several more individuals are needed to help with this meaningful role. Please consider joining or forming a team of 2 - 3 people to distribute flowers on Sunday after the second service or on Monday. It's a once a month commitment and a meaningful way to connect with others in our congregation.  

For more information about any of these opportunities, contact Visual Arts Flower Chair Dick Rueter at   dick.rueter49@usinternet.com.
Time to Get Serious About Parking
We all know our parking lot overfills every Sunday. Last winter, 12 church members contacted a number of other churches to see what they do. The group has sifted through ideas and come up with two to try this year at First Universalist: shuttle service and ride sharing.  The goal is to double the number of family units accommodated by our lot.

Idea 1: Shuttle service to/from a nearby parking lot. This idea works well at White Bear UU. A team of 3-4 volunteer drivers with their own cars shuttle people from a nearby lot before each service, and back to the lot after each service.
Need: one or two coordinators to post sign up sheets in the social hall for volunteers to sign up for the month ahead, each volunteer taking one service on one or two Sundays. The coordinators will also monitor for problems. 

Idea 2: Members can agree to car pool to/from church with another member or family that lives near them. The two households would check in on a Saturday evening that the other family is also going to church, agree who will drive, and when pick up time is.
Need: one or two coordinators to take names of those who agree to try this and suggest ride sharing matches. The coordinators will also monitor for problems. 

If you can help us work on either, please speak with Larry Gottschalk at the Connecting Table in the social hall during coffee hour after either service this Sunday.
Donations for AFA Hope Food & Clothing Closets
First Universalist is beginning our sixth year of partnership with Augsburg Fairview Academy (AFA), one of our six faithful action Community Partners. Young adults from diverse communities who face educational barriers to achievement in traditional schools are welcomed into AFA, a charter high school  that prepares them for college, career and life. The 125+ students come from diverse backgrounds including African American, Somali, and Native American. Many are homeless or marginally housed during the school year.  The Hope Food and Clothing Closets were developed by AFA students; they chose this project to meet their needs and to provide hope. First Universalist is the primary contributor to the Hope Food and Clothing Closets.
We are currently focused on building up our supply of toiletries: toothpaste and toothbrushes, men's and women's deodorant, lotions, condoms, tampons and other sanitary products, chapstick, and ethnic hair products - buy these at Target, Wal-Mart, etc.  in the ethnic hair products aisle.
Clothing: hoodies; fall jackets; t-shirts; jeans for men and women; and men's and women's underwear and socks. Clothing should be clean, teen appropriate, and in good repair.
Bring items to the Hub on Sundays or drop off during the week at the shelves labeled for AFA by the 34th Street entrance. Thank you for your generosity!
Become an Usher!
Ushers are needed for the 9:30 a.m. service on First and Fourth Sundays and the 11:15 a.m. service on First and Third Sundays. Ushering is a great way to meet others and help provide a welcoming Sunday morning experience once a month. If you're not free to make a monthly commitment, consider joining the team as a substitute usher. We can always use your help. If you'd like to know more or to volunteer, contact Karen Larson at karentischlerlarson@gmail.com
Association of Universalist Women (AUW) Fall Retreat
The AUW (Association of Universalist Women) Fall Retreat: Wide Open Heart will be held on Saturday, Nov. 4 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at First Universalist Church.
This retreat, open to all women, will be a great way to relax, renew friendships, and share new experiences. Singer-songwriter Ellis will share her music.  Workshops include Belly Dancing, Nia, Beading, Painting, Handwriting Analysis, and much more. Free child care is available with one week notice. C ost is $35 for AUW members and $45 for non-members.

Sign up at church, by mail, or on AUW's website through October 29.   Contact Marilyn Lamoreux  612-388-3796  or Ann Styx  612-325-6747  with questions.
Cycle of Life and Pastoral Care
Let Us Keep You in Our Thoughts and Prayers
If you are experiencing a crisis or transition, or celebrating a joy, please let us know. To be included in our Cycle of Life each Sunday in worship, contact Sandy DiNanni at sandy@firstuniv.org or 612-825-1701. If you would like support, call the office at 612-825-1701 or contact any member of our Pastoral Visitors Team.
Congregational Care: Caring Corner
Write a note to a congregant who could use support! There are cards available in the library, which is located off of the Social Hall. You are welcome to stop by and write a card at any time. Just leave it in the basket and the church will mail it for you. Learn more about congregational care on our website
Planned Giving & the Heritage Circle
Please let us know  when you designate First Universalist Church as a beneficiary in your will or estate plan so we can thank you for your generous commitment and welcome you to the Heritage Circle. The church office and the Planned Giving Committee can help you. Learn more on our website.
Quaker Songwriter/Activist Carrie Newcomer to Perform Concert
Saturday, Nov. 11 at Hamline Church United Methodist in St. Paul

Carrie Newcomer will be performing a very special concert at Hamline Church United Methodist in St. Paul, MN on Saturday, Nov. 11 at 7 p.m.
Carrie is a singer-songwriter and social justice advocate who weaves her progressive spirituality into her lyrics and music. Barbara Kingsolver wrote, "Carrie Newcomer is much more than a musician. She's a poet, storyteller, snake-charmer, good neighbor, friend and lover, minister of the wide-eyed gospel of hope and grace." 
For more information about Carrie Newcomer, visit:  www.carrienewcomer.com . Get more information about the concert and purchase tickets here.
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Church Office Hours
Sundays  8 a.m.-1 p.m.
Monday-Thursday  8:30 a.m.-8 p.m.
Closed Fridays and Saturdays
Weekly Liberal Submissions
We encourage you to submit news!
Do you have an announcement that you'd like published in  The Weekly Liberal? Fill out our  online submission form. Edits for length and/or content may occur.  The Weekly Liberal  is compiled and edited by Communications Manager Jenn Stromberg. Past issues, deadlines, and policies can be found on our  website
Contact Us
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis
3400 Dupont Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55408
For staff contact information, please visit our Ministers and Staff page.
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis
3400 Dupont Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN 55408


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