By now the school year is well underway. Summer is but a memory as kids and parents alike settle into the renewed rhythm of the season. New schedules, new routines, and new adventures await. You'd think by now getting out the door in the morning would be easy.

How's it working out so far? 

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   Rise and Shine

The early morning hours can be a magical time. The day stretches ahead of us like a blank canvas, and anything seems possible. After a good night's uninterupted sleep, we awake refreshed and raring to go. The promise of a new day awaits. 
More often, our mornings are laced with chaos. The clock is ticking like a time bomb, and we're exhausted before the front door closes behind us.

Morning Glory 
  Making a few tweaks to your morning routine, or creating some new habits may be all you need       to make your mornings hum.
  • Set the breakfast table the night before. Clear the dinner dishes away and replace them  with cereal bowls, juice glasses, packets of oatmeal, or anything else that will make serving breakfast quick and easy. Make lunches right after dinner, too, and clean the kitchen once.
  • Do your homework while the kids do theirs. Review all the notices that came home in backpacks. Add events to the calendar, sign what needs to be signed, and return any necessary paperwork to the backpack to ensure timely responses to the school.
  • Plan outfits for the week ahead for the whole family. A hanging closet organizer, or labeled closet rod dividers will eliminate morning tantrums and the 'nothing to wear' exasperations.
  • Prohibit screen time of any kind in the morning and remove this time-sucking distraction.
  • Stagger morning wake-up calls among family members to give everyone a fair shot at the bathroom.
In the hectic din of morning, trying to get everyone up and out the door on time may seem like just a dream. Rest assured, it is possible to remove some of the stress with a few variations in your routine.You just might have time after all for a cup of joe..


Nancy Patsios
everyday  ORGANiZiNG