Photo courtesy of Assist 2 Hear, who recently installed our hearing assistive loop.

Church construction completion delayed to mid-December

Dear members and friends of First Universalist Church of Denver,

As the Moderator of our Board of Trustees announced during the Sunday service on November 5, our move back into our building has been delayed about two weeks, meaning we won't take occupancy until mid-December. Reverend Jeannie Shero and the staff are planning to hold Christmas Eve services in our new sanctuary, and we hope you can join us for that joyful occasion. Staff and BFF are also planning a party in January to mark the completion of the project.

Our latest delay is due to three factors:

1) Foam roof installation will not happen as scheduled due to the sub-contractor's health;

2) A newly discovered clog in the drain pipe serving the sump pumps most be diagnosed and corrected; and

3) The city has raised concerns about the flammability of the canopy cover at the front entrance.

Our architect and general contractor are working on solutions to each of these issues.   The Building for the Future Committee will help to update members as new information becomes available.

In the meantime, there is good news:

1) The new sanctuary ceiling is completed, hearing loops have been installed, new chairs have been delivered, and the carpet in the sanctuary will go in by November 15;

2) Dry wall is installed and being painted;

3) New asphalt has been laid in the East parking lot (where we were required to alter the slope to provide drainage around the building) and the North parking lot (where we dug the geothermal bore holes); and

4) The elevator is scheduled to be installed next week.

The Building for the Future Steering Committee continues to meet weekly with the architect and general contractor.  Everyone is working hard to bring this project to a successful conclusion.  One caveat - we must still pass final inspections by the city. 

We are hopeful this will not result in further delays, but as is always the case, we cannot completely predict the outcome. Fittingly, our worship theme for the month of December was already planned to be "A People of Hope." 

Look out for details about our Christmas Eve Services at 3:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., and 7:00 p.m. on December 24, which we anticipate will be our first worship services held in our beautifully renovated sanctuary.
We thank you for your patience and support.


The Board of Trustees
First Universalist Church of Denver
4101 E. Hampden Ave.
Denver, CO 80222