Fall 2017, Week 1
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm, Friday 8am-4:30pm
858-822-3493 | | 
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"We should indeed keep calm in the face of difference, and live our lives in a state of inclusion and wonder at the diversity of humanity." - George Takei 
 Join us for QT Fest! 

QT Fest 
Wednesday, October 4th, 2017
5:00-6:30pm | the LGBT Resource Center

Join us for our LGBTQIA+ Community Fall Welcome!  Check out the LGBTRC for tours, games, and a resource fair.
This event is open to new and returning students and the campus community. 

Volunteer Training and Orientation

Volunteer Training and Orientation
Tuesday, October 17th, 2017
5:00-6:30PM |LGBT RC Conference Room
Want to be more involved with the LGBT community on campus? Come to our volunteer training and orientation to learn more about opportunities for leadership and involvement!  

LGBT Resource Center Affiliate Program
Leadership Opportunities

We're creating a community roster of LGBTQIA+ student leaders on campus to keep the community better updated of resources and opportunities. You have the option for your information to remain internal - for the LGBT Resource Center Professional Staff to be able to contact you regarding opportunities OR for it to be public- to be listed on our website for peers and community to know who our student leaders are.

F or questions, contact Maribel Gomez at

We're creating a community roster of LGBTQIA+ student leaders on campus to keep the community better updated of resources and opportunities. You have the option for your information to remain internal - for the LGBT Resource Center Professional Staff to be able to contact you regarding opportunities OR for it to be public- to be listed on our website for peers and community to know who our student leaders are.   F or questions, contact Maribel Gomez at
Queer Student Organizations and Affiliates  
Fluid Attraction
Mondays, 5:00-6:00pm
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center
This group is an open dialogue and supportive space for those who identify with bisexual, biromantic, fluid, pansexual, panromantic, queer and questioning experiences. We welcome you to attend, listen, participate, and connect with others as we explore fluid sexualities and/or fluid romantic attractions. This is a community space where confidentiality will be respected. For more information, please e-mail
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, every odd week
Conference Room| Cross Cultural Center
QUEER/TRANS PEOPLE OF COLOR is a student org that creates a safe space to dialogue, eduacate, and socialize around LGBTQ+ identified people of color. For more information about QTPOC,  contact
Mondays, 6:00-7:00pm
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center
QSUN as an organization aims to provide an open, welcoming, and safe space for individuals in the Sixth College community who identify on the queer and/or LGBTQIAP+ spectrum, or are allies of such individuals. Though this organization is not solely open to students of Sixth College, it is designed to offer an opportunity for a smaller and more close knit community.     
Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm starting October 17th
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is a national LGBTQ-affirming organization that aims to provide services and support for students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and to create a dynamic network between students and professionals in industry and academia. For more information, check out their Facebook page!    
QCAMP 2017 was a huge success!


Q Camp the UC San Diego Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Resource Center's Welcome Week event for new students was a huge success, with over 150 students attending. Q Camp oriented new students to the UC San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual + community. If you missed it, stop by the center or join us for our future events!
Intern Office Hours
Looking for community? Get to know our interns! Stop by during their office hours:

Afi: Mon: 8-10:30AM
Alejandra: Tues: 2-3PM; Fri: 11AM-12:30PM
Gavin: Tues: 10AM-2PM; Wed: 4:30-5:30PM
Jodie: MWF:12:30-3PM
Larra: Tues:10:30-11AM,  Thurs: 10:30AM-1PM
Marisa: Tues: 3-5:30PM
Noel: Fri: 8AM-9:30AM and 11AM-12PM
Sallie: Tues: 8-10:30AM
Sam: Mon: 11AM-1:30PM

Community Support Groups

Coming Out Group

Tuesdays, 4:00-5:30pm

Small Meeting Room | Women's Center


The Coming Out group is a place to meet and gain support while discussing your sexual and/or gender Identities in a confidential setting.  This group is for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, straight, or questioning folks who are coming out, considering coming out or may already be out.  Topics are determined by group participants and can include stress, fear, anxiety, loneliness, family/cultural issues, excitement and celebration with regard to coming out. The group is open to new members the first 3 meetings of each quarter and then closes to maintain safe space. First Fall  Meeting is Tuesday, September 27th


For more info, please contact Cat Thompson at  or Agustin Orozco at


The Coming Out Group is open for the first 3 weeks of each quarter and closes after for safety.

Men's Relationship Forum

Weeks 2-10 (Fall, Winter & Spring Quarters)
Mondays, 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Small Meeting Room | Women's Center 

Join us for conversations about our experiences as gay men, and connect with other gay men on campus.
This group addresses relationships, sexual health, community building and more.

For more information please contact:
Greg Koch at

Rainbow Newsletter submissions: 

If you would like to submit relevant events to be featured in the newsletter, please email
Campus Community Centers

Community Classifieds
Southwestern College 
October 6, 2017; 1-5PM 
900 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista  
Inclusion Matters is a year long conference that examines essential elements of inclusion and the benefits of diversity in order to develop more equitable and productive environments. Join us for this year's conference, which will focus on race and relations, and inclusive environments. To register, click here


UC San Diego  
October 11, 2017; 3:30-6PM 
Atkinson Hall Auditorium, UC San Diego

UC San Diego theater students will be participating with kNOw MORE!, Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Curriculum for youth. This performance uses dialogue, abstract, dramatized images and spoken word, to incite curiosity and prompt a learning journey towards understanding the red flags and vulnerability of human trafficking and the tragic social issue. The program also features  Buki Domingos, famous singer songwriter, activist, and survivor of human trafficking.  
The Center SD  
October 21, 2017  
Annual Project Trans BBQ at Balboa Park 
Don't miss your chance to attend the annual Project Trans BBQ on October 21! Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided.  Please bring a potluck item to share, or donate utensils or tupperware. Bring games to play, blankets, lawn chairs and pop tents. Everyone is welcome. The BBQ will be in Balboa park - enter at Upas Street and the event will be on the left hand side, just past the first curve, across from the playground. Look for the Trans flag! For more information, email

UC San Diego
October 20-22, 2017 
Family Weekend 10th Anniversary 

Invite your family to UC San Diego's Family Weekend 10th Anniversary Celebration, featuring the Game Masters exclusive evening at the Fleet Science Center. Check out the Whodunit Mystery Show, show off your College, and enjoy delicious meals throughout the weekend. Registration and schedule of events can be found here: For questions, contact Parent & Family Programs at or 858-534-7273.