Here is this month's Bible-a-month Extra. Read on to find out how Bible-based literacy classes are helping people in Laos...

October 2017: Laos
Illiteracy is a significant problem in Laos - approximately 20% of the population over 15 years old cannot read or write.  This month your support will help equip the Church to run literacy classes and help those seeking new understanding.

Mountainous and thickly forested, Laos lies between Thailand and Vietnam in Southeast Asia. It is ethnically diverse and most highly populated around the capital city of Vientiane. Large communities are found beside the Mekong River which stretches along the southwestern border, and the Hmong people live off the land in the mountainous northern regions. Yet nearly a quarter of the population of this beautifully green country lives below the poverty line and about 20% are illiterate.

Laos is a communist country and the largest religion there is Buddhism. Only 3.38% of the population is Christian and in many areas of the country there are restrictions on Christian activity. In recent years the situation has improved slightly, but in villages and rural areas Christians still find themselves to be targets of persecution. There is persistent social pressure and building new churches can be prevented.

The Lao people living in the cities have access to education and so literacy levels there are higher. In the rural areas, however, there has been no investment in education and literacy levels are low. It is these rural communities that Bible Societies want to reach with Bible-based literacy classes.

The 'Learning through Listening' project has a style of teaching that is having an amazing impact in Laos and other countries. A small group of people gather together and listen to teaching and Scripture on a small audio device. They can follow along using textbooks and new reader Scripture books.

Churches in Laos are keen to work with people in their communities to bring this life changing teaching, and Bible Societies are helping them by providing the resources and training that they need.

Teaching people to read gives them dignity and value. These Bible-based literacy classes not only teach a vital life skill, but help people to engage with the message God gives them in the Bible.

Phien has 12 children, and it is for them that she recently attended a training workshop to learn how to teach...

"My name is Phien. I got married 27 years ago. We were a very poor family. We had no farm and no land. Some days, we had enough to eat and some days we didn't have any food for our children. So we did whatever job we could find and the children helped too, like sawing wood, just so that we could earn a little bit of money. After my 12th child was only 8 months old, my husband became sick and passed away.

"Throughout it all, God was with me. Whenever I had to deal with a tough situations in my life, I prayed to God to help me. I also prayed for God to help me be a good parent. It has been so hard; I have cried many times as I worried about where I can get food or money to raise my children. As I continued to ask God how I can live, I read my Bible and prayed. This way I could be in touch with God and He encouraged me to continue living through my hard life. Many of my children have grown up and can now make some money, one is even building a new house now, though it is not finished yet.  I thank God for helping us until now and continue to trust that God will protect us from any problems that I face.

"That is why I am attending this facilitator training workshop. Since we are poor and moved homes many times, most of my children never went to school. My oldest child only finish up to 3rd grade while my second child only finished 1 st 
grade. Thankfully, though, my daughter can read a little. So, I came here to learn how I can teach them to read and write. I know what life is like when you can't read or write. That is why I also want to help the other believers at my church to be able to read and write."

Pray Pray

Please pray for this work...

  • For the churches that have a desire to help their communities. Pray that they will remain strong and be a shining presence in Laos.
  • That those attending the literacy classes would gain understanding, and that they would be strengthened and comforted by the words of God that they learn to read.
  • For peace in the rural areas of Laos. Pray that this important work would continue.
A Bible Society staff member has asked that we pray...

"Pray for the continued approval from the government. We strive to have a good relation with the national church and the government so we can do our work openly. Pray for logistics and the safety of our staff as we help start classes in more rural provinces that take over a day to reach by bus."

What will your £5 do? Give

This month your gift of £5 
could help to provide a literacy textbook and a new reader portion of Scripture to someone in Laos who is learning to read.

Thank you for your contribution as a Bible-a-month partner. If you would like to make an additional donation to this project then please get in touch with Bible Society NI using the contact details below.

Text your donation now. Text BAMC17£5 to 70070
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