Reminders and news from Archbishop McNicholas High School--November 8, 2017
Rockets host Tigers for food, fellowship and service

On Tues., Nov. 7, the Archbishop McNicholas High School's Theology Department and Service Club hosted about 40 students from the Cleveland Heights University Heights City School District who are a part of the Minority Student Achievement Network (MSAN). 

The  students were in Cincinnati to visit the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center and Holocaust and Humanities Center. McNicholas hosted the sophomore and junior students from Cleveland for dinner and a service project making blankets for local shelters.

"Throughout the evening we spent time getting to know each other, hanging out, and talking about our everyday lives," McNicholas junior Georgia Cheek said.  "This opened my eyes to the idea that even though people are different and come from different places, have different colored skin, or speak a different way, we are all the same and can come together through service projects and simply discussing our lives."

School News
Schedule notes
  • Wednesday, November 15--NO SCHOOL for students--Faculty and staff inservice
  • Nov. 22-26--Thanksgiving Break

Financial Aid applications for 2018-2019 school year due November 17

Families in need of financial aid must apply every year through FACTS Financial Aid Division. For the 2018-2019 school year, financial aid applications are due on Nov. 17, 2017. All existing and incoming families may apply for financial aid. For incoming families, you must have an application on file with the admissions office prior to applying for aid in order to be considered. Click here for more information.

Veteran's Day Program and Breakfast-Fri., Nov. 10

Rep. Brad Wenstrup and Frank Buschmeier at last year's
Veteran's Day breakfast.
Archbishop McNicholas High School will host a special Veteran's Day celebration this year on Friday, November 10, at 8 a.m. U.S Representative and U.S Army Reserves Colonel Brad Wenstrup will have the honor of presenting a medal to World War II veteran Frank "Bud" Buschmeier before giving the keynote address.

The program will also include a special presentation to the Archbishop McNicholas community for its support of the 37th National Veterans Wheelchair Games hosted in Cincinnati this past July. Ellen Graf, director of volunteer services, and Tracy Butts, chairman of the NVWG, from the Cincinnati Veterans Administration Hospital will personally thank the 169 members of Team Archbishop McNicholas High School who volunteered.

Following the program, all veterans and active duty personnel are invited to the fifth annual Veteran's Day Breakfast hosted by Archbishop McNicholas in the Café. Guests should arrive no later than 7:55 a.m. for the program, park in the reserved area of the main parking lot, and enter through the front doors. The breakfast will immediately follow the program. Please RSVP to Shawn Young at or 513-231-3500 ext. 5850.

National Honor Society inductions
Archbishop McNicholas High School will induct new members into the National Honor Society on Tuesday, November 14 at 8 a.m. at an all-school assembly. Parents of inductees are invited to attend. Please contact Dan Rosenbaum at with questions.

Junior tablet battery replacement
All batteries in tablets belonging to the junior class will be replaced on Weds., Nov. 15. Juniors will need to follow the instructions for leaving their tablets at school on Tues., Nov. 14 and picking them up the morning of Thurs., Nov. 16.

Knights of Columbus scholarships offered
The Knights of Columbus Ohio Charity Foundation offers scholarships for up to $1,000 to high school students. Candidates
* Must be a practicing Catholic.
* Must be attending an Ohio Catholic High School.
* No more than one winner per school.
* Must include latest grade transcript.
* Postmark deadline is Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The key considerations for candidates are
* Financial need.
* Grade point average of at least 2.5 or higher.
* Prior scholastic honors.
* School extracurricular activities.
* Church involvement.
* Community involvement.
See your counselor for an application or visit

THIS WEEKEND--McNicholas Theatre presents Radium Girls

Inspired by a true story, Radium Girls traces the efforts of Grace Fryer, a dial painter, as she fights for her day in court. Her chief adversary is her former employer, Arthur Roeder, an idealistic man who cannot bring himself to believe that the same element that shrinks tumors could have anything to do with the terrifying rash of illnesses among his employees. 

All performances at Archbishop McNicholas High School's Jeanne Spurlock Theatre.
  • Thurs., Nov 9 @ 7:00 p.m. (Special $10 tickets at the door!)
  • Fri., Nov. 10 @7:30 p.m.
  • Sat., Nov. 11 at 7:30 p.m.
  • Sun., Nov. 12 at 1:00 p.m.  

General admission tickets are $12 each at the door or online here.

Campus Ministry

Friday Morning Mass
Join us on Friday, Nov. 10 at 7 a.m. for Mass in the Chapel.
Daily Rosary in the Chapel
Members of the McNicholas community gather Monday through Thursday at 7:10 a.m. in the Chapel for daily rosary. All are welcome to join!

Holy Hour for vocations to the priesthood
The Archbishop McNicholas community is invited to come and pray for vocations to the priesthood in the St. Gregory the Great Chapel at Mt. St. Mary's Seminary on Sunday, November 12 at 5 p.m.
Rockets for Life a strong presence at Pro-Life Saver 5K run/walk 

Members of the Rockets for Life played a big part in the success of last Saturday's Cincinnati Right to Life 5K. Thank you to all that participated and helped in some way. It was a beautiful day!  Thank you to all our runners, walkers, face painters, and those that stayed and organized the children's run. Thanks to Mr. Corbett for painting the lovely arch for the kid's dash. Thank you all for your continued support for LIFE!

Vocations Week 2017
Alum Tony Losekamp '13 embraces vocational calling to priesthood

After Archbishop McNicholas High School alumnus Tony Losekamp graduated in 2013, he attended The Ohio State University, committed to a degree in environmental studies and ecosystem restoration. Losekamp was deeply involved in student life at OSU, much like he was at McNicholas where he was Mardi Gras King, and found a community of like-minded students in the Scholars Program. 

But when Losekamp began attending Bible study through the OSU Newman Center, he began to see a different purpose for his life. Read more...


Service Club's Thanksgiving Food Drive

The Service Club will be collecting canned food for its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive from November 1-20. All donations benefit Hope Emergency and Interparish Ministries. Bring your donations to your theology class. Thank you for your generous support!

Freshmen: Canned Fruits

Sophomores: Canned Vegetables

Juniors: Cereal

Seniors: Canned Meat or Fish

Staff: Paper Products

Rockets for Life's collection for pregnancy help center
Rockets for Life is sponsoring a collection for A Caring Place Pregnancy Help Center who is in desperate need of
  • diapers (all sizes, but especially size 6 and pull-ups) 
  • clothes (fall/winter clothing for girls & boys sizes all sizes but especially sizes 2T, 3T, 4T, 6T, 6X)
All items can be dropped off to Room 309 in the Convent. We will continue to collect through December 15.  Thank you for your generous donations!  For more information on A Caring Place Pregnancy Center visit 

Be a part of the Rocket Community!

PTSA Meeting
Please join us at the next PTSA meeting on Tuesday, November 14 , in the Library at 7 p.m. All are welcome!
After Prom Meeting - Meeting Time Has Changed!
Believe it or not, it's time to kick into gear for After Prom planning! After Prom is one of the main events sponsored by the PTSA. It provides our students with a safe and fun activity that they look forward to all year. But, an event of this magnitude truly takes an army of volunteers to plan and pull off.  If you are interested in chairing a committee, serving on a committee or helping to decorate, please join us for a planning meeting on Tuesday, November 14 at 7:30   in the library.  If you are planning to attend the Meet the Coaches event or the PTSA meeting, just join us immediately after. All volunteers are welcome! This is an incredibly rewarding event to be involved with and a great way to meet other McNick parents. Questions? Please contact Kirsten Hagenbarth at . We hope to see you on the 14 th !

Rocket Shop Volunteer Needed
Looking for a fun way to get involved at McNick and to support the PTSA? A volunteer is needed to work in the Rocket Shop on the second Friday of every month from 1 - 3:00 p.m. If you're interested, please contact Kirsten Hagenbarth at . Training will be provided.

McNicholas Marketplace

Show your Rocket Pride and make sure St. Nick brings plenty of McNick sportswear to your home this Christmas. Don't forget siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles! Start your shopping today!
Rocket Shop
The Rocket Shop is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. when school is in session.  The store also will be open every Monday night from 5-8 pm starting after Thanksgiving through Christmas. (Nov. 27, Dec. 4, 11, and 18)  Re-orders of the new performance sweatshirts were placed, and the Rocket Shop will have holiday bundles coming in soon. Shop early for the best selection and sizes!
Athletic Boosters Sportswear Sale
SALE EXTENDED--Last day for orders for Christmas--Wednesday, November 15
The Athletic Boosters and BSN are offering McNick sportswear on NIKE apparel as well as sportswear with sport-specific designs. Click on the following links to access the online stores and place your orders. Orders will be delivered to McNicholas High School. 
Need a specific sport?
Click on the sport to access sportswear offered with the sports name on it.
Additional sports-specific attire is also offered by Athletic Boosters and Ellie-Bee. Click here to access those items.

Orders from the Athletic Boosters sportswear sale can be picked up during lunch periods on December 8 and 11 as well as  Wednesday, Dec. 13 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. 

Prospective Rocket families--We can deliver orders to the following grade schools: Guardian Angels, Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Bernadette, St. Louis, St. Thomas More, and St. Veronica.
Yard Signs
Last day for orders for Christmas--Tuesday, November 28
Order Your Personalized McNicholas Boosters Yard Sign today!  The proceeds benefit McNicholas Athletic Boosters and your favorite Rocket gets neighborhood advertising! The yard sign is metal with McNick colors and logos that can be personalized with up to three activities. Click here to print out your order form and return to school office by November 28. 
Ornaments and Trail Cups
Last day for orders for Christmas--Monday, November 20
The McNicholas Softball team is selling Ozark Trail Cups for and McNicholas ornaments as a fundraiser. Orders are due to Mr. Wehrman in Counseling by November 20 for delivery by Christmas break. Click here to print out your order form.
Note:  A limited number of the Trail Cups are available before Christmas, so order early.

In the Community

Nick Erdy Foundation's 13th Annual  Dinner, Dance, and Auction

Saturday, November 18, 2017
Norlyn Manor, 4440 State Route 132, Batavia, OH 45103
5:30 pm - doors open followed by:
Open bar
Dinner provided by Texas Roadhouse

Silent Auction  * Dinner* DJ * dancing  *  Raffle *  Split the Pot
Casual evening attire

For information, please visit our website at or contact Jane Erdy at (937) 579-5200.

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Archbishop McNicholas High School | | 513.231.3500 |