Standing Strong with Our DACA Students and Families!
CABE supports and believes in our DACA students and families!

—CABE Board of Directors
—Elodia Ortega-Lampkin, President 
— Jan Gustafson Corea, CEO
THE CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION FOR BILINGUAL EDUCATION (CABE) STANDS STRONG alongside the hundreds of thousands of DACA students and their families impacted by the outrageous decision by the White House to rescind their rights granted under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Act. As educators, we are dedicated to the education rights of all children, including those from diverse immigrant backgrounds. Our school systems have invested valuable resources in our DACA students, and they in turn have responded by successfully continuing their education and by contributing in important ways to the workforce.   

EACH STUDENT DESERVES to be treated with respect and as a valuable human being--with hopes, dreams, aspirations, and goals--and allowed to fulfill those dreams in the only country they know--the United States of America. 
CABE sends out a call to all of our members, chapters and partners to act on the CABE vision of Biliteracy, Educational Equity and 21st Century success for All, and support DACA students and families in our schools and communities. 

ONE WAY TO SUPPORT is to call the number below in Washington DC to express your dissatisfaction to Congress about the announcement and to request congressional action that protects the rights of DACA students and families!
CALL TODAY! 866-575-9410
CABE's Hiring!
We've just opened two new positions:

Deputy Director
PD Specialist

Go to CABE's Job Corner to learn more about these opportunities.
The Demise of DACA
DACA is dying, which leaves us with many questions, including: Can employers now fire DACA students? Will DREAMers lose their drivers licenses, health insurance cards, and social security numbers? Can they enroll in college? How can they best prepare for what's next? 

A Heart-felt Call to Action!
Californians Together is calling for each of us to contact Congress to request their support of three important bills that will impact our DACA students:

Legislative Update
Need to get caught up on current legislative news? We can help!

CABE's Lobbyist brings us up-to-date on the latest from Sacramento.

Nickleback Songs for DACA

Have you contacted your Representative in Congress about DACA protections yet ?

No? Then, Nickleback wants to know:

"What are you waiting for?"

Nickleback has other songs and videos that are DACA-appropriate. Check this one out...

When We Stand Together!
CABE Awarded Prestigious National Professional Development Grant!
CABE's DELIGHT-ful new project includes Teacher Professional Development and a Family Leadership Program that builds on the success of CABE's i3 grant Project 2Inspire. Learn more...
Kudos to These Chapters!
CABE thanks these chapters for submitting their annual reports by the deadline and congratulates them on receiving their annual chapter membership rebates:

#2 Tri-KABE
#6 Riverside
#7 Sacramento
#13 San Joaquin
#40 Whittier
#62 Long Beach
#65 San Diego-South County
#73 North Orange County
#76 Yolo/Woodland
#100 CABTE
Announcing 2017-2018 Regional Events
Monterey on October 26,2017
Bakersfield on November 30, 2017
Anaheim on February 2, 2018
Riverside on May 9, 2018

For more information and to download brochure, please visit:
Save the Date!
March 28-31, 2018
in Sacramento