A Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Join us for worship and religious education at 9:15 and 11:00am on Sunday Morning!
September 15, 2017
Sunday, September 17
Worship Service  -  9:15 and 11:00am
"A No Complaint World "
What would the world look like without complaining? What would church look like? Our homes? Would everything fall apart without constant critique, or could we learn to live with, as the Buddha called it, "suchness" - things as they are. And can a preacher get through a sermon on complaining without complaining about complaints? Rev. Bret Lortie speaking.

Religious Education
Welcome back to Children & Youth Religious Education - we're so excited to welcome this year's students! This Sunday  our preschool, kindergarten-first-second grade, and third-fourth-fifth grade classes will meet from 9:15-10:30 and 11:00-12:15 Start in the sanctuary for the first part of the worship service before going to classes - look for El Cuento de Ferdinando/The Story of Ferdinand this Sunday! The sixth-seventh-eighth grade and senior high youth group meet from 11:00-12:15. Childcare for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers is available from 9:00-12:30. Our theme for this year's K-12 curriculum is our first UU principle, affirming the inherent worth and dignity of every human being - for our younger UUs, we say "Each and Every Person is Important!" Remember to check in with your young people every Sunday and throughout the week to hear what they are learning about this principle, and to share with them what you are learning, too! Welcome to our RE school year!

Crackerbarrel - 9:30am
"Violence in Charlottesville, Virgina and Middlebury College, Connecticut"
Karl Popper discusses the Paradox of Tolerance, saying that unlimited tolerance of the intolerant may lead to undesirable outcomes. In the United States, the line has generally been at the breaking of the law or credible threats of violence. In Canada and much of Europe, 'hate speech' laws make the free speech less robust. How does the taking down of Confederate statues and renaming institutions fit in? Where should the line be drawn, and what are the costs and benefits? Facilitated by Scot Campbell.
Join us to stand in support of Black Lives Matter
You are invited to stand on Ridge Avenue between 12:10pm and 12:30pm to support the Black Lives Matter movement.  Signs and buttons are available for purchase at the back of the sanctuary. Signs and song lyrics will be provided for use.  Sponsored by the REAL team.

The Chris Isely Cancer Support Group -  9:15am
The group is open to anyone facing cancer, either personally or through a family member or friend. This lay-led group is a safe place for sharing and hope. Interested participants are encouraged to drop in any time. Questions? Contact Renee Hoff
Dr. Mary Lamb Shelden
Through Glasses Darkly

One of the things I do with my new students each year is ask them to close their eyes for a few minutes and remember a time when they learned something significant - something that mattered to them, something that stayed with them. I ask them to make it real in their memory - to parse out the sensory details of the experience. What do they see, hear, smell? What can they feel under their hands, under their feet? Who is speaking, and not speaking? What is being said, and not being said? What can they not quite remember? And how do they feel?

We're getting closer to the groundbreaking for lower level access (LULA).  Although it has taken some time to move through the process of providing access beyond a traditional lift, we are making it a reality. As you have seen from the printed materials in the lobby, this LULA will provide easy access to the lower level. The LULA looks like an elevator, has an easy one-touch button, and faster transport than a traditional lift.

To date, we have passed the first of two reviews by the City of Evanston. The first step was zoning followed immediately by our application for Preservation Council approval which was administratively approved, we are advised as of yesterday. Our architect is now submitting drawings for the final step... the building permit. Click here to read more.
Bike the Ridge
Bike the Ridge is Sunday, October 1! Ridge will be closed to vehicular traffic between Howard and Church Streets from 9:00-1:00pm. Make a special plan to bike to church. Decorate your bike on UCE's lawn. Everyone is welcome. A caregiver must accompany children. Don't forget to wear your helmet!

Do you sing? play an instrument? dance or choreograph? Are you a visual artist of any stripe or medium? Can you read a storybook or spin a great yarn? Do you do spoken word, improv, stand-up, reader's theater? Have you done Shakespeare in the Park - or in your living room?
Mary Shelden, your new Director of Lifespan Religious Education, is looking to recruit talent, to be deployed during the Message for All Ages during the weekly service, or periodically for special sessions of Children and Youth Religious Education. If you have a skill or talent you'd be willing to share to enrich our worship and RE programs, she'd like to know about it! Two ways of alerting Mary about your talent:
  1. (Preferred): Pick up a Talent Report Form from the RE bulletin board in the front foyer hallway, and slip it into Mary's mailbox in the UCE office - or under the office door, if the office is closed;
  2. Send an email to [email protected], and let Mary know about what talent(s) you 'd be willing to share.
Our Giving House for September is collectingHearty Soups and Stews. The collection will be donated to Connections for the Homeless. The sponsors for this month are the Food and Shelter Team.

Please bring double cans as we are a little late in getting started. The collection for October will be toiletries including feminine hygiene pads, shampoo, bar soap, toothpaste, razors. The collection will be donated to the Evanston Interfaith Refugee Round Table that meets at UCE and serves many faith communities helping refugees. The sponsors for October are the Retired Women's but not Retiring Group. Thanks to everyone who is sponsoring. A list of all the collections will be available soon. You can post it on your refrigerator and be ready with your donations. 
Want to expand your circle of friends at UCE? Join us in the UCE tradition of Friendship Dinners (for adults) shared in the homes of fellow members and friends.  Hosts provide the main dish; guests bring the other dishes.  This is a wonderful way to get to know other UCE folks in a relaxed, intimate setting, and begin lasting friendships.
Our dinner dates in 2017-2018 are:  October 14, 2017,  December 9, 2017,  February 24, 2018,  April 21, 2018
Never tried it?  Used to participate but dropped out? 
Now's the time to jump in--or back in-- to this updated, 21st Century version of this 50-or-more-year-old tradition. Find out why it has been around for so long!  Sign up to host and attend some or all these dinners.  Can't host?  You are still welcome to participate (but without enough hosts dinners don't happen).
Look for our sign-up table at church on Sundays, September 10 - September 24 or click here to sign up online.   Sign-up ends September 24.
Questions? Contact Gay Menges or Luanne Vanderpool.
Please sign up to help with our upcoming soup kitchens at UCE. We need volunteers to purchase food, cook, serve, and/ or clean up. Thanks in advance for helping us feed our hungry neighbors with love and dignity. 

Click on the dates to sign up and for more details.

Contact Marilyn Wroblewski for more information.
If you play a folk type musical instrument (or anything else that would blend with guitars and banjos), please bring it. Or just come and sing along! We supply words (and chords if needed). All are welcome! 
Thursday, September 21, 7:30pm
UCE's personal investment club meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30pm, Join us as we discuss the top 100 stocks investments.
CUUPs will begin meeting at UCE on the first Sunday of the month at 12:30pm, starting October 1. 

2nd Unitarian's CUUPs (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) chapter, Covenant of Earth and Sky, is holding a Mabon (Autumn Equinox) ritual on Sunday, September 24 at 7pm at 2nd Unitarian, 656 West Barry Avenue, Chicago. All are welcome, regardless of beliefs. If possible, attendees should bring a sweet or savory dish for the post-ritual potluck. Those who would like to carpool should contact Taryn Nelson Seawright.
Ellen Rieger will be facilitating a grief group for the church community beginning September 18 at 6:30pm. The group will meet every other Monday from September 18 through November 3. Anyone who has had a loss is welcome to attend. For further information please contact Ellen
The Moral Arc: What Say You?
October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Facilitated by John Tobin

Great American Freethinkers: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Frederick Douglass
November 7, 14
Facilitated by Rev. Jerome Stone

The New Testament for UU's
November 28; December 5, 12, 19
Facilitated by Amy Pooley

Click here for detailed descriptions and to sign up for any of these classes.
If you are in a care-giving role of any sort, we invite you to drop in at the next Caregiver Support Group. Upcoming meetings are September 26 and October 12 at 7:30pm in Room 12.  If you have questions, please contact Joyce Lofstrom or Renee Hoff.
Non-Fiction Book Group
Sunday, September 24, 12:30pm

Join the nonfiction book group as we discuss Writing My Wrongs: Life, Death and Redemption in an American Prison by Shaka Senghor. The author tells of his nineteen year incarceration and how he forgave the people who hurt him and began to atone for the wrongs he had committed. Since his release, he has shared his story and become an activist and mentor.
Are you looking for ways to take action or learn more about a social justice issue you care about? Are you trying to figure out how to join the social action and justice activities of the congregation? Come to the next Journeys to Justice session. This is a time for our social justice teams to showcase their work and let you know how you can get involved. All are welcome!
Upcoming UCE Events

Sunday, September 24, 12:30pm
Journeys to Justice

Sunday, September 24, 12:30pm
Non-Fiction Book Group

Sept. 22 - Sept. 24
Lake Geneva Fall Retreat

Wednesday, September 27, 7pm
Sing Thing

Sunday, October 1, 9:00am
Bike the Ridge

Tuesdays, October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 7:00pm
The Moral Arc: What Say You?

Tuesdays, November 7, 14, 7:00pm
Great American Freethinkers: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Frederick Douglass

Tuesdays, November 28, December 5, 12, 19, 7:00pm
The New Testament for UU's

Thursday Nights, 7pm
UCE Addictions and Recovery Group

Sunday Mornings, 9:00am & Wednesday Mornings, 9:30am

Community Involvement
Click each event for more information.

YWCA Let's Talk at Lunch
Third Thursday of the Month
Upcoming Membership Classes

Intro to Unitarian Universalism 
September 17, 2017, 
12:30 - 2:00 pm
An overview of our faith, led by Rev. Bret Lortie 

Orientation Toward Membership 
Saturday, October 28, 
9am - noon
Led by Assistant Minister, Rev. Eileen Wiviott. An interactive class exploring what it means to be a member of this congregation.

Sign up at the guest table in the lobby or email Rev. Eileen Wiviott at  [email protected]. Childcare available upon request for both of these classes.

*Our next New Member joining Sunday will be Sunday, September 10. If you have taken or will be taking the classes and would like to join the church on the 10th, please contact Rev. Eileen.
Things to Know About our Community

Interested in knowing more about UCE? How to submit something to Joys and Sorrows? How to get a nametag, or a rainbow or pronoun sticker for your nametag? Interested in bringing flowers and lighting the chalice on a Sunday? Click here for more information about our community!
Yoga at UCE

Join us every Sunday at 9:00am and every Wednesday at 9:30am.

Yoga at UCE is designed to reduce stress, bring relaxation, increase range of motion, and find balance - restorative yoga. If you never have done yoga before, this is your opportunity. Drop in, wear comfortable clothing for stretching, and try it. Yoga is learned by doing. Community yoga mats provided if needed.

Add Your Photo to the Photo Member Directory

Remember that there is a directory of members that includes photos on our website. This is a password protected document. Contact the office if you don't know the password. If you would like to add your photo to the directory, or update your photo, please send  a photo to  Carli Magel , or let her know you'd like your picture taken on Sunday morning. 
UCE Facebook Groups
Did you know that, in addition to the UCE Facebook Page, there are two UCE groups that members can join - the UCE Member to Member Group and the UCE Social Action Group?  

These are closed groups that allow members to post directly to each other. If you have an event you want members to know about, or have a cause you hope to bring attention to, in addition to the newsletter and order of service, you can post to the Facebook Group. Click the links above or search for the groups by name when you are on Facebook and ask to join.
Connecting UU: a path to belonging at UCE

45 minute discussions; Sundays at 10:15 in Room 12
These sessions are open to all,
no matter where you are on the journey. 
Childcare available. No need to sign up in advance.

UU Principles  - Understanding the seven principles, an enlightening discussion led by members of the New Member Committee.

UU Sources A discussion of the six sources from which we draw wisdom and spiritual nourishment.

Spiritual Journeys (4 parts) - take any one or all of them in any order. Explore your religious and spiritual background, where you come from, what you want to cherish and what you want to release, and how you practice your spirituality.

How to Get Involved  - Learn how to become more engaged in the life of the church, find groups and activities of interest, discover the way things get done, answer your questions about belonging in our community.

UCE History and Tour - Learn more about the history, architecture and art of our building through a guided tour led by one of our long-term members. Tour begins at the back of the sanctuary near the large mural.
 for Spiritual Practice

Ministers' Schedules

Rev. Bret Lortie  is available on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and by appointment. Monday is sabbath and Friday devoted to writing. To send a message or read Rev. Bret's blog, visit

Rev. Eileen Wiviott has office hours most Tuesdays,
Wednesdays, and  Thursdays, and often evening meetings on those days. Mondays are sabbatical days and Fridays she works from home. Please contact her via email at [email protected] , or via phone at (847) 864-1330 x111 (office), or (224) 565-3952 (cell).
UCE Board of Trustees meeting is held the third Wednesday of each month in Room 3. All members are welcome.
| 847-864-1330 | [email protected] | http://www.ucevanston.org
1330 Ridge Ave.
Evanston, IL 60201