From Our Director
On Wednesday, our own Sen. Bill Cassidy, together with a few other Senators, introduced his new healthcare legislation aimed at repealing and replacing Obamacare. We are happy to report that Sen. Cassidy's bill would defund Planned Parenthood and place strong pro-life provisions into law.

We congratulate Sen. Cassidy on his legislation and urge Congress to pass the Graham-Cassidy bill as soon as possible.

Also in D.C., the House of Representatives yesterday voted to end Washington D.C.'s assisted suicide law. We applaud this action and encourage the Senate to follow up on the House's stand for life!

For a Pro-Life Louisiana,
Benjamin Clapper
P.S. I am thrilled that so many yard signs have been reserved across the state!
Pro-Life Yard Signs

Thousands of Pro-Life Signs to Be Out in La.!

Thank you to everyone who reserved "Protect Unborn Babies, Love Their Mothers" yard signs! In less than a week after introducing the signs, nearly 4,500 signs had been reserved for churches, civic groups and individuals across Louisiana. The demand was so high that several locations ran out in a matter of hours!

Be on the lookout for these signs throughout the state during the 40 Days for Life campaigns in New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Shreveport Sept. 27 through Nov. 5.
If you need information on when and where to pick up your pre-ordered signs, contact Shanon Snyder at 866-463-5433.

Thank you for being boldly and publicly pro-life in your communities!
Life Chains

Help Form Life Chains
Throughout Louisiana

Life Chain Sunday, in its 30th year across the U.S. and Canada, is Oct. 1, and events are planned around Louisiana. If your Life Chain is not listed, email Sandy Cunningham or call 866-463-5433 so it can be included on our website. Life Chains will be Sunday, Oct. 1 unless otherwise noted.

* CENLA: Jackson Street at the bridge, Sunday, Oct. 29, 2-3:30 p.m.
* LAFAYETTE: St. Genevieve Church, corner of Evangeline Thruway and Simcoe Street, 4-5 p.m.

* LOCKPORT: 1200 Crescent Ave., 2-3 p.m.  
* NEW ORLEANS: Veterans Boulevard, Metairie, at the Veterans Memorial Square front of Lakeside Mall, 1-3 p.m.  
* PATTERSON: U.S. Highway 90 at Wise Street, 2-3:30 p.m.  
* PIERRE PART: La. Highway 70 at S. Bay Road, 2:30-3:30 p.m.  
* PONCHATOULA: La. Highway 22 at Eighth Street, 2- 3 p.m.  

* SLIDELL: Gause Boulevard, 2-3 p.m.
La. Highway 20 at La. Highway 304, 2-3 p.m.
  Click Here to visit website and check to see if a life chain has been added near your location!
Adoption Documentary
Students at Dominican High School viewed the film recently.

Attend a Film Screening in October! 
Joie De Vivre Media will soon host two pre-release screenings of the short documentary film I Lived on Parker Avenue. You are invited, but you must RSVP to attend.
Baton Rouge
Sunday, Oct. 22, 5 p.m., Catholic High School
New Orleans
Thursday, Oct. 26,
7 p.m.,  
Jesuit High School
I Lived on Parker Avenue is also being shown prior to release in high schools. For information on having the film shown at your school, click here.
To learn more about the film, click here
Kickoff for Life
LABL Hosting
'Kickoff for Life'
Join Louisiana Black Advocates for Life for its fall gala, "Kickoff for Life: A Pro-Life Jazz Brunch," on Saturday, Oct. 14, from 9 a.m. to noon in Fuselier Auditorium at the Immaculata Center, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette.
Keynote speaker will be Pastor Jonathan Burton of New Orleans, a former college and professional basketball player and current CEO of "Cross It Up," an organization whose mission is leadership development and empowerment of young people through sports and related activities.
Tables of six are $60, and tickets are $10 each. For more information contact Kathy Allen at 337- 290-9595.
NOLA Education

NOLA Student Leaders, Moderators Meet

Youth Programs Co-Director Alex Seghers conducted a Pro-Life Moderator and Student Leadership meeting Tuesday. Several moderators and student representatives from New Orleans- area school pro-life clubs attended to share ideas and discuss campus activism.
Alex Lucas, a Brother Martin graduate and co-president of Loyola University's pro-life club, also spoke about his experience in high school and college activism and offered his own leadership advice.  
PULSE Teams Update
What Are Our PULSE Teams Doing?

Lake Charles PULSE Team

* The Lake Charles PULSE Team, including students from St. Louis and Barbe high schools, met recently. Students discussed a PULSE Crash Course, set for Oct. 5, as well as how to build up a strong pro-life presence in their schools.
Meeting dates are Oct. 17, Nov. 14, and Dec. 7. Contact Krista Corbello for location and times.

* The New Orleans PULSE Team will meet Tuesday, Sept. 26 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Louisiana Right to Life headquarters, 200 Robert E. Lee Blvd., New Orleans. The team will learn about sidewalk counseling. Contact Alex Seghers for information.  
NOLA Dinner for Life

Dinner for Life is
Next Thursday!

New Orleans Right to Life, in conjunction with Louisiana Right to Life, will host a "Dinner for Life" featuring guest speaker Fr. Beau Charbonnet at the St. Dominic Knights of Columbus Hall, 6254 Vicksburg St., New Orleans, on Thursday, Sept. 21, at 6:30 p.m. Dinner is $5 per person. First come, first served!
Pro-Life Persuasion

Pro-Life Persuasion Crash Course Oct. 21   

Do you want to become a compassionate and compelling pro-life advocate? Join us for a Pro-Life Persuasion Crash Course on Saturday, Oct. 21, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Lakeview Christian Center, 5885 Fleur De Lis Drive in New Orleans. The training and lunch is free, but please RSVP. 
Kathy's Story...
Check out the newest Louisiana Black Advocates for Life video, featuring State Director Dr. Kathy Allen, who shares her personal story.

Louisiana Black Advocates launched a large Facebook campaign yesterday.  Please like their page on Facebook ( click here), and share the video with your friends and family!

Spread the message: #saveblackbabies
Sex Trafficking, Abortion Have Common Link

New State Law Could Help Young Trafficking Victims Being Forced to Abort
By Sandy Cunningham,
LARTL Communications Director
A girl - we'll call her Jane - was forced into the sex trade then forced to have an abortion by her older "boyfriend."
"Nobody asked me if I wanted the abortion. It was one thing to be forced to have sex, but when I was forced to kill my baby, I wanted to die, too," Jane said.
Jane's story is not uncommon. The sexual exploitation of persons under the age of 18 is becoming more and more common, even here at home. Cindy Collins, director of Pregnancy Help Slidell who also works with trafficked girls and women, said this generation is at risk.
"Traffickers make more money selling a person because they can sell her multiple times over a course of years. With drug trafficking, the drugs are sold one time," Collins said.
"Children are vulnerable due to age and culture, social media, internet access of traffickers, gangs, girls aging out of the foster care system, runaways, many reasons. This is a generation at risk for predatory relationships, trafficking, and forced abortion. We are seeing the evidence in the stories we hear and the young women we help."
According to non-government U.S. sources, the average age of sex trafficking victims is 11 to 14 years old.
Collins said trafficked girls and women are often forced to have sex with five to 35 men a day, and many have experienced multiple pregnancies, which can result in multiple abortions, often ordered by their traffickers.
Dr. Laura Lederer, a former senior advisor on Human Trafficking at the U.S. Department of State, published a study in 2014 that surveyed 107 sex trafficking victims. The study found 55 percent of participants reported having at least one abortion, 30 percent reported multiple abortions and one female reported having 17 abortions.
"That is a deep trauma, not only the abortion experience, but the deep feeling of regret because this is a life she never intended to live, and now it's taken the life of herself and her child, a second victim," she said following release of the study's findings.
Louisiana lawmakers recognized the seriousness of forced abortions in the sex-trafficking trade in 2011 when the body passed HB 636, better known as the "Signs of Hope Act." This law requires a "Forced Abortion Prevention Sign" to be posted in every Louisiana abortion facility and also created the Louisiana Woman's Right to Know website, further enhancing the state's Woman's Right to Know law, enacted in 1995.
The Louisiana Children's Code also requires that non-emancipated minors have parental consent in order to get an abortion, but traffickers have had no trouble skirting that law.  
Jane's "boyfriend" didn't have a problem seeing to it that her baby was killed by abortion. Neither did the trafficker of another young woman helped by Collins' agency.
"A 'friend' of the boyfriend was going to take her to the abortion facility and act as the legal guardian," Collins recounted.
"(Traffickers or others) will pose as parents or legal guardians, and because the law has not been strict enough and the possibility of forced prostitution has been overlooked or misunderstood, the girl does not receive help," Collins said. "Also, she's been told if she does not abort she will lose her life. We've also been told by those we've helped that abortion facilities did not counsel them or help them."
The Louisiana Legislature addressed this problem this year, passing the Screening for Exploitation of Minors Before Abortion Act. Sen. Beth Mizell (R-Franklinton) authored the legislation that strengthens the law already in effect, requiring proof of
identification from parents who give parental consent and requiring court-ordered counseling if it is suspected that the minor is a victim of criminal sexual exploitation.
Louisiana Right to Life played a key role in conceptualizing the legislation and lobbied the bill throughout the process in both the Senate and House. The bill was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards on June 12 and took effect Aug. 1.
"The system has been abused. It wasn't always a parent providing the signature. Now, with a photo ID, you can make sure it's a parent; there is a trail to follow," Mizell said.
The bill also enhances the judicial bypass proceedings for emancipated teens or girls who can't provide parental permission. It gives the judge the ability to provide counseling and/or a Court Appointed Special Advocate and determine if the young woman is mature, informed, and attempting to get an abortion of her own free will or if there are other issues at play and the young woman has been victimized.
"This gives the judge the ability to find out if the girl is in need of a protective order," said Dorinda Bordlee, senior counsel of the Bioethics Defense Fund, which consulted on the legislation.
Collins is hopeful the new law will make a difference.
"This bill will provide protection for victims of human trafficking who otherwise have been overlooked or it was assumed they wanted an abortion," she said. "Even if just one young woman and her baby are saved from trafficking and abortion, this piece of legislation will have been well worth it."
Chers Bébés Coming Soon!
Annual Fund-Raiser 
for Acadiana Youth Education Nov. 2

Acadiana and Louisiana Right to Life will host the fourth annual Chers Bébés: Acadiana's Soirée For Life, on Thursday, Nov. 2, 2017.
This year's event returns to Le Pavillon (1913 Kaliste Soloom Road) in Lafayette. Doors open at 6:30, and the event begins at 7 p.m.
Annette Domingue

Chers Bébés benefits the Dr. Zerben Bienvenu and Dr. William Smith Fund for Acadiana Pro-Life Education. This fund is dedicated to the pro-life education of middle and high school students across Acadiana through interactive presentations and activities. Through these efforts we continue to strengthen the pro-life spirit of Acadiana for generations to come.
Chers Bébés will also be held in honor of Mrs. Annette Domingue and Mr. Dud Lastrapes. Annette and Dud have served Acadiana's pro-life cause generously for the past 40 years and have set a remarkable example to follow.
The event is being underwritten by generous donations and sponsors, and guests will not have to pay to attend (there will be an appeal for donations at the end of the evening).
Event organizers are currently seeking sponsors and table hosts.

For more information or to become a sponsor or table host, click the link above or contact:
* Krista Corbello, 337-303-8886 or
* Ryan Verret, 337-257-3029 or rverret

Click Here for New Orleans Information
Click Here for Baton Rouge Information
Click Here for Shreveport Information

Upcoming Events
Sept. 21:
Sept. 27 - Nov. 5:
Jan. 20, 2018:
Life March South
Jan. 21, 2018:
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday 
Jan. 27, 2018:
Life March North
Feb. 3, 2018:
Life March Central
Feb. 23-25, 2018
PULSE Immersion Weekend BR
March 23-25 
PULSE Immersion Weekend Covington 
April 17, 2018:
Louisiana Right to Life     1.866.463.5433    @LARightToLife

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