A Reminder: Our fall worship schedule begins this Sunday with worship at 8:15 am, 10:45 am and 5:30 pm.
Dear friends, 
This fall will be special. We know that every autumn is nice - I have experienced the pumpkin spice insanity here at GSLC, and I am SO on board - but this year, we are leaning into a bigger-than-usual anniversary. 

On October 31, it will be 500 years since Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses, changing the history of the church and the world forever. And as we walk toward this commemoration together, we proclaim that it has not only been 500 years since the Reformation. Instead, we honor 500 years of continual reforming. 

Because we know that Reformation wasn't a once-and-done thing, for the next seven weeks in worship we will remember reformers through which God has worked in the intervening centuries. These incredible people from God's family tree are musicians, mystics, and community leaders. They are men and women, black and white, rich and poor. They founded hospitals, religious orders, and churches. There are even beer brewers and politicians in the mix - can you believe it? And of course, we'll hear from good ole Martin Luther himself. 

Each week, you will see a new Reformer's image in the sanctuary, and we'll learn about them together. This week, we focus on Dag Hammarskjold, peacemaker and former Secretary General of the UN, who was also man of deep and mystical faith. 

And as we are surrounded by this beautiful cloud of change-making witnesses, remember: the Reformation continues. Whatever our vocation, whether theologian or farmer, executive or parent, waitress or project manager, grandparent or child, we too, can be reformers. God continues the Holy Spirit work of creation in our lives, in our churches, in our places of work and study, in every place and every time. 

God is at work in you. And so, as we commemorate something that happened in 1517, we also celebrate what God is doing here and now, in all of us. Sunday, come at 9:30 am to check out how God is at work through GSLC's ministry with the Mnene parish in Zimbabwe. And you can also witness God at work starting Sunday as we host Family Promise all week. There are many ways to serve. Jump in, and be a part of God's ongoing Reformation.
See you Sunday-
This Sunday's Readings
Genesis 50:15-21
Psalm 103:1-13
Romans 14:1-12
Matthew 18:21-35
Good Shepherd's Autumn Worship Schedule Begins - Worship at 8:15 am, 10:45 am, and 5:30 pm .
Worship & Wonder (3 years old - 3rd grade) and 4th/5th Grade Sunday School begin.
High school youth and adults are invited to a special presentation and reflection from the Mnene Mission Team that visited the orphans in Zimbabwe this summer.
Pre-Confirmation, Confirmation, High School Youth, and Adult Sunday School will begin next Sunday.
Family Promise guests arrive this Sunday evening for their week at Good Shepherd. Opportunities to serve are still available. Sign up here; password is homeless.
Mail for Mnene Collection  Letters for our Mnene orphans can be dropped off at the Mnene table in the Narthex.  All are welcome to send a letter of love and support to any of our orphans!
Autumn in the Sanctuary  Bring in pumpkins and gourds to decorate the Sanctuary each Sunday. Plastic plates will be available.
Fall Picnic - Tuesday, September 26, 6:00-8:00 pm in Fellowship Hall  All are invited to an evening of food, fun and games  sponsored by Way of the Shepherd. Learn more and let us know you are coming here.

Installation of Pastor Marsha Anderson - Sunday, October 1 at 5:30 pm  Join us for Pastor Marsha's Installation during the 5:30 pm worship service, followed by a reception in Fellowship Hall.

More information about upcoming events is available in this week's  bulletin announcements.
Health and healing  for Courtney McLaren; Ashley McLaren; MaryLou Arnold; Kay, friend of Mary Franck; and Elizabeth Walker.

Safekeeping  for Emily Graff's deployment; Megan Hutzenbuhler on mission in Madagascar; Bryan Lester on mission in Mexico; Lt. John Gibson  III ; and Major Anthony Coulter.

Thanksgiving for a new class of Stephen Ministers at Good Shepherd including Julia Cooper, Ann Curtis, Mary Franck, Nancy Herje, Keri Merritt, Gail Phillips, Paul Phillips, Bob Reid, and Meg Stoyle-Corby; and for the youth and adults attending the Middle School Beach Retreat this weekend. 

Sympathy to Lois Smarrella and Mary Reed on the loss of their mother, Wilda Merckle. 

For the orphans of Mnene Parish, including Happiness Chipa and Komborerai Moyo.
Happiness is a petite, quiet 18 year old young lady, taking Form 4 classes at Rengwe Secondary School. She works hard, encouraged to do her best because of the positive example of her two older siblings, also in the Good Shepherd support program.  She lives with her aunt and uncle, who are unable to provide some of her basic needs.  She spent time with our 2017 mission team.  Her Mail For Mnene partner is Sue Ragone.
Kombo is 14, taking Form 2 classes at Musume Boarding School.  He struggles with his school subjects but continues to try to do his best.  He had been receiving tutoring while living with Annie which helped him in his studies.  In a video made while at Annie's house he sent greetings to his Good Shepherd friends and family.  His Mail For Mnene partner is Paul Lester.
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