First United Methodist Church
of Bradenton 
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations
      ...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

First United Methodist Church in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., is surrounded by floodwaters following Hurricane Irma.
United Methodists helping those devastated
by Irma

By Kathy L. Gilbert
Sept. 14, 2017 | UMNS
Filling coolers of ice, loading trucks with diapers and chain saws and cooking community “cleaning out the freezer” dinners are some of the ways United Methodists in Florida are responding to their neighbors left devastated by  Hurricane Irma .
Florida Area Bishop Kenneth H. Carter Jr.  and a conference assessment team made a 325-mile roundtrip across the peninsula of Florida and along U.S. Highway 27 on Sept. 13 to pray with residents and listen to stories of survival and loss from Hurricane Irma.
“We heard testimonies of broken people who are already feeding hundreds in their communities. At times, it was honest and raw. At times it was healing and almost hopeful,” Carter said.
Michele Garrett, on staff at  Suntree United Methodist Church  in Melbourne, Florida, couldn’t hold back the tears as she talked about her church loading up a 20-foot truck to send to two United Methodist congregations in the Florida Keys.
Suntree has a special connection to  Big Pine Key and  Key West  United Methodist churches. The Revs. John and Terri Hill, who lead those churches, are former pastors of Suntree. The Florida Keys were hard hit and people are just being allowed back into the area.
“I was bawling my eyes out when they closed the truck,” Garrett said. “Every single inch of that truck was packed. We had to put some stuff in the dining hall.”
Garrett said the outpouring of the community — mostly United Methodist churches in the area — was astounding since the only way they communicated the need for supplies was through Facebook.
“People wanted a way to express their love and support,” she said. “My house is fine. I barely lost power and I have zero damage.”
Giving was a way to be useful, she said.
Garrett told the story of one family who were on their way back to Miami when they heard about what Suntree was doing.
“They had evacuated to Georgia and were on their way back home. They pulled off the road and went to Target and dropped stuff off. They were part of the evacuation and they don’t even know what they are going home to — but they made sure to donate.”
The church also has a huge icemaker and they gave out coolers of ice to anyone who came to the building.
Jan Marie Etzel, who is on the leadership team at  Cornerstone United Methodist Church  in Naples, Florida, is without power, though her home is undamaged.
She said her neighborhood of Ibis Cove Circle is diverse with many different cultures and ethnicities but until the storm, many did not really talk to each other.
Etzel manages the church’s large community garden, which includes 197 tropical fruit trees. And she had plenty of frozen vegetables in her freezer. When she saw her neighbor across the street fire up his grill, she and other neighbors starting bringing over food from their freezers.
“Everybody came over and other people brought grills. Instead of losing the food we used it to feed each other,” she said. “The meal was incredible because it brought us all together and the flavors were just amazing.”
Carter said he was in awe of the courage and faith he saw in people whose lives were devastated.
“We met with pastors and lay leaders. We prayed in English and Spanish. We saw homes surrounded by water and sanctuaries drenched by the flood. We stood with people who have no clean water, no electricity, no internet access and no air conditioning. Some have no immediate prospects for any of this,” he said.
The bishop and a conference assessment team traveled from Lakeland to Naples to Immokalee to Sebring back to Lakeland on Sept. 13.
“We basically followed the path of Hurricane Irma’s landfall onto the peninsula of Florida and its path along the U.S. Highway 27 Corridor, one of the most impoverished regions of our conference,” Carter said.
The assessment team included the Rev. Alex Shanks, assistant to the bishop; Pam Garrison, disaster response coordinator; the Rev. Clarke Campbell-Evans, director of missional engagement; and the Rev. Rini Hernandez, district superintendent of the South West district.
Etzel said she has been meditating on all that has happened since the hurricane hit. “I am grateful for the storm because it really teaches a lot of lessons.”
Gilbert is a multimedia reporter for United Methodist News Service. Contact her at 615-742-5470 or .   To read more United Methodist news,  subscribe to the free Daily or Weekly Digests .  
United Methodists wishing to help can make donations directly through  UMCOR’s Domestic Disaster Response Advance #901670 .
Churches and individuals also can assemble cleaning buckets.  Here is how.

Free Irma Emotional Support Help Line Available:   
Free emotional support help line for people impacted. This helpline will provide those affected access to specially trained mental health specialists. The company's public toll-free help line number, 866-342-6892, will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for as long as needed. This service is free of charge and open to anyone in the impacted area.  
  Join us on Sunday
If you cannot make it, you can watch the service LIVE online at 10:30 am.
You will be seeing some restorations and improvements here at First Church.  
  • The restoration of the front steps leading up to the Sanctuary and the Business/Daycare entrance will begin soon.
  • Some of the stained glass windows will be undergoing much needed work beginning this month. 
Thank you for your patience and understanding through this process as we continue to keep the church beautiful and maintained.
Mark your calendar for
First Church’s 125th Celebration on
March 4, 2018. 

January 28th, there will be an ice cream social and Gospel Sing with  The Reflectsons , at Manatee Village Historical Park , 1404 Manatee Ave E, Bradenton.  Visit The Reflectson’s website by clicking on The Reflectsons.

A new church directory is in the works for the celebration. Everyone is encouraged to pose for the camera. Appointments will be scheduled soon for November 7th & 8th and January 18th & 19th. 

The Bradenton Sheriffs Boys Ranch is requesting sealed bottle water for their campus. They have no power and would appreciate any donations of bottled water.
Please bring them to the church and they will be delivered next week.

Let's step up at First Church and please assist those in need.
From UMC Florida Conference:  We know that Florida’s United Methodists are in prayer for all those who were in the path of Hurricane Irma. There are several ways to donate to support those affected by Hurricane Irma. We encourage you to consider donating to your local church, the United Methodist Committee on Relief or donating through the Florida Conference at . Any funds donated through the Florida Conference will be used primarily to assist our churches and church communities.
Free Irma Emotional Support Help Line Available:   Free emotional support help line for people impacted. This helpline will provide those affected access to specially trained mental health specialists. The company's public toll-free help line number, 866-342-6892, will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for as long as needed. This service is free of charge and open to anyone in the impacted area. 
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is still responding to the devastation left in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. You can help these efforts – simply write your check to FUMCB and be sure to note “Texas” on the memo line or you may give on-line at . These funds will be sent on to UMCOR to help with disaster relief in the affected areas. Because of the magnitude of the need, the Leadership Team has agreed to match all donations for the Texas relief effort up to $5,000 using Endowment Funds earmarked for missions. 
On August 14th, the African nation of Sierra Leone experienced torrential rain, triggering massive flooding and mudslides. The death toll has topped 500, more than 600 people are still missing and more than 3,000 folks have lost their homes. 
In response to this disaster, the Leadership Team has authorized a gift of $10,000 from the African Missions portion of the Endowment Fund to this UMCOR project.
“Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28 

Mission/Outreach Opportunities: 

  • Nursery and Kids Connection (elementary age program) volunteers one Sunday a month. Just a love for kids, a background check and a short training session are all that is needed. 

  •  Altar Guild Committee: Everyone is invited to join who wishes to contribute to the care of the Altar for communion, paraments, brass, flowers, candles and robes. Join us for the ultimate behind-the-scenes volunteer experience! Serving on the Altar Guild provides an opportunity to make every task a prayer, and you are encouraged to consider all that you do as an offering to God. Please call the church office to join. 

  • Bed Ministry - pick up and deliver beds to children in need. Or give financially to this ministry. Each bed includes a wooden frame, headboard, mattress, pillow, and linens and cost $200 each.

  • Transportation Ministry - provide transportation for Members & non-Members that would like to attend worship service, a small group study or need a ride to doctor appointments. 

  • The Citizen Center operated by the United Methodist Cooperative Center is looking for English tutors once a week on either Monday or Wednesday for a couple of hours . These are immigrants with green cards who are seeking citizenship here in the U.S.A. If you can help please contact Steve Potter at 941-737-4166.

Please contact church office if you would like to be a part of one of these or other ministries. 
The Gathering Homeless Ministry

NEEDS: Men’s T-shirts, Men’s jeans & shorts, 32x30, all sizes
Toiletries: toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, razors
Extra volunteers needed in September! Please consider joining us.
Samaritan's Purse Christmas Boxes for Children
 Once again we will be filling shoe boxes for children at Christmas. Barb Edwards and Bev Clapper will co-chair this ministry. We are asking that you do not bring in loose items, but a filled box. If you do not want to purchase your own shoe box, we will have shoe boxes available for you to fill along with a list of items to put in the box. Donations will be appreciated to pay for the boxes and shipping cost of $9 per box. More information will be available in the coming weeks.
Wednesday night bible study at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
A Disciple’s Path is an engaging approach to discipleship from a distinctly Wesleyan perspective. Whether used as an introduction for new members or a renewal course for existing members, the program guides individuals to take the next step in discipleship and become dynamic, engaged followers of Jesus Christ. 

The study combines a Wesleyan understanding of our growth in God’s love and grace with the time-tested practices of spiritual discipline expressed in the membership vows to uphold the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Participants will develop spiritual practices, discover their unique gifts, and become engaged in ministry that brings transformation in their own lives, the lives of others, and the world. 

A Disciple’s Path will also be led by Sandy Barton on Tuesdays at 2 PM in the Parlor.
Wednesdays at 5:30 PM
Fellowship Hall
Cost: $ 5.00
Come and join us for PIZZA & PRAISE , bring a dessert to share, then stay for Pastor Clark’s Bible Study
“A Disciple’s Path” at 6:30 PM.

Please RSVP by Tuesdays at 4 PM by calling or emailing the church office.
941-747-4406 ~
Tickets have been reserved to see our own Jeanne Larrañaga in “A Little Night Music” , a Stephen Sondheim's romantic 19th century musical that whisks us away to a weekend in the country.  Thursday, November 9th at the Manatee Players. We will meet there at 7:00 pm. The cost is $26 if we have 24 reservations, otherwise it is $30. Money and reservations are due by Oct. 8th to Bev Clapper. Please call Bev at 756-9091 for more information.
Israel May 2018
Your time to visit the Land of the Bible
From the coast of Caesar’s palace to the Golan Heights, you will experience the beautiful coast and the nature and wildlife of the north. You’ll see the Mount of Beatitudes, the foundations of
Peter’s house, and the Jordan River. As you overlook the Golan Heights, you will see the Jezrell Valley and Megiddo. A morning boat ride on the Sea of Galilee will inspire you to let down the nets of your faith into the deeper riches of God’s blessings. Then
you will travel to the Dead Sea known for its therapeutic mineral- laden mud. At Masada, you will learn about commitment to
one’s faith.
Travel up to Jerusalem to follow the steps of Jesus along the Via Delarosa. Pray at the Western Wall or Wailing Wall, and explore the foundation of the old Temple. The Old City, the traditional religious spots, and the thriving modern Jerusalem will fill your heart with memories.
Israel May 2018 , plan now to attend an information meeting with Boaz Shalgi to hear about his company and tours to Israel.  Meet here at First on September 23 at 2:00pm. Seating is limited so please RSVP to
  First United Methodist Church of Bradenton 
603 11th St. West
Bradenton, FL 34205