September 15th, 2017
Vol. 1, Issue 5
Dear Lakeside Community,

Congratulations to Miss Nelson's classroom for having the most school spirit this week. They will have the Lakeside Raccoon & bragging rights for the next week. Great job 3rd graders!

Thank you to our wonderful parent volunteers for taking our school pictures this week. I am very excited to see how they turn out.

Attendance - Please use the  (or call) when reporting your child's absence. Only emailing Nancy may create a delay in transferring information because she is not at work everyday.

Message from 4th/5th Grade - The 4th and 5th graders will be collecting money donations for victims of Hurricane Harvey. We have researched ways to support the victims and have found that donating money is the best thing we can do. The class has decided to send the donations to the Red Cross.
A container will be put in the office and posters will be made to encourage all students to participate and to encourage their parents, families, and friends to donate also. 

Girls on the Run - Please consider joining as a coach to Girls on The Run for Spring 2018. Practices start late February, twice a week for 2 hours, through mid May. Coaches may be parents (mom or dad), grandparents, family friends- or anyone interested in teaching girls about self- confidence and good life choices. Coaches receive a discount towards their child's tuition for the program. Girls on the Run is for girls in 3rd-5th grades, however coaches of 2nd graders can sign up their child. We are also looking for a head coach to help organize practices. If you are interested please go to  for more information and to sign up as a coach please go to

We need two parents to serve on the  School Site Council . Heather Wingfield is our staff representative. Our tasks are minimal, since we have no discretionary funds for the team to oversee. Our main role will be implementation of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). Can you attend 3-4 total meetings this year during school hours? If so, please consider joining us. Email me  HERE . Thank you!

     Reminders about toys and money - please do NOT let your children bring them to school  unless it is a day when Student Council is having the Student Store (money then permissible), and we will provide plentiful reminders. Here's what we are encountering, so you know why this is a problem:

Parent Information - If you are going to be on campus for any reason please make sure you sign-in with the office first. This helps us ensure we know who is on our campus at all times for the safety of all students and staff.

Shammy Karim
Upcoming Events
September 23 - Lakeside Rocks Concert
September 25-29 - 5th Grade Puberty Talk
September 25-29 Dance Residency
September 29 - Dance Performance
 19621 Black Road Los Gatos, CA (408) 354-2372