Maple Valley Touchdown Boosters Newsletter

End Of Season Banquet :
Monday, November 27th
6:30 p.m.
THS Commons

Potluck Sign-Up Link Will Be Coming SOON

Donated desserts are needed for our dessert dash (where each table has the chance to be the first to pick their dessert). If you know of anyone in the bakery business (or you like to bake) we are looking for donated items.

E-mail Boosters at mvboosters@hotmail.com if you are able to collect or donate a dessert or 2.

Come prepared with money to donate towards your table's dessert pick...the table that collects the most money gets to pick their dessert first.
Booster Meeting
Tuesday, 11/14
7:30 p.m. @ THS
(Near The Commons)

Please join us to start preparing for next year & see what opportunities are available to help with now!