Share your Photos from the National RTAP Technical Assistance Conference
If you've been learning and enjoying your time in Omaha at National RTAP's 2017 Technical Assistance Conference:
Transportation at the Center
, we're creating a Facebook album where you can share your photos of conference sessions, exhibits and more. If you have photos you'd like to submit, send them to info@nationalrtap.org, with the subject line Conference Photos. Please include a brief description with each photo. Thanks!
Changes to National RTAP Review Board
As National RTAP bids farewell with much gratitude to outgoing Review Board members Deb Dauenhauer, Sharon Peeler and William Telovsky, we also send a warm welcome to the following new Review Board members:
- Jessica Carter, Director of Public Transportation, Chilton Transit, Clanton, Alabama
- Marcele Edington, Program Manager, Michigan DOT
- Connie Sipe, Executive Director, Center for Community, Sitka, Alaska
Find out more about current and past National RTAP Review Board members on our
Review Board webpage
FTA and U.S. DOT Updates
U.S. DOT released fatal traffic crash data for calendar year 2016. Buses comprised the smallest component of fatal crashes for data from ten years ago and currently.
U.S. DOT seeks comment on the draft of their FY18-22 Strategic Plan. The comment period ends on November 13. The draft reflects the Transportation Secretary's priorities for achieving DOT's mission through safety, infrastructure investment, innovation and accountability.
Resources and News
TRB is holding a
Webinar on Practical Techniques for Successfully Communicating Technical Topics on November 9 at 2:00-3:00 PM EST. If you are a technical expert presenting at an upcoming conference, you can learn techniques that will make your expertise meaningful to others.
Below are upcoming NTI courses. See the NTI Website
or details and the full calendar:
- Managing Community Mobility, Urbandale, IA, November 8-9
- TAM for Tier II Providers and Sponsors, Coralville, IA, November 15 and Atlanta, GA, November 16
The Health Resources and Services Administration's Rural Transportation Toolkit compiles promising models and resources to support organizations implementing transportation programs in rural communities across the U.S The modules in the toolkit contain resources and information focused on developing, implementing, evaluating, and sustaining rural transportation programs.
APTA's Public Transportation's Impact on Rural and Small Towns shows that small-town and rural public-transit ridership increased 7.8% from 2007 to 2015. The report indicates that older individuals, veterans, and people with disabilities have the highest public-transit use in these areas.
FHWA's Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks is a resource and idea book for rural communities to implement safe, accessible, comfortable, and active travel for people of all ages and abilities. It covers existing guidance on bicycle and pedestrian design and transit access, and shows examples of peer communities and project implementation for rural communities.
The deadline for applying for Tribal Transportation Program Safety Funds (TTPSF) is December 11. A webinar has been posted on the Notice of Funding Opportunity. Projects are chosen that address prevention of transportation related incidents.
National RTAP Resource Share Webinar
Did you know that about 6,500 resources are downloaded from our
Resource Library each month?
Want to learn how to master our newly redesigned system? Sign up for the Resource Share Webinar on November 9 at 2:00 PM ET.
Get Your Team Started with National RTAP eLearning
There are currently about
650 teams registered for
National RTAP eLearning, where staff can utilize free self-paced training and managers can track their progress.
Whether you have a staff of 2 or 200, it is easy to register them to use our Learning Management System.
Learn more and get started today! If you have questions, contact us at
elearning@nationalrtap.org or 888-589-6821.
Look for us at these upcoming conferences!
MTAP Winter Meeting, Austin, TX, November 14-15, 2017
TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 7-11, 2018
Visit Us on Facebook and Help us Reach 250 'Likes'!
Thanks to so many of you, we only need 16 more likes to reach our goal of 250! Like our
National RTAP Facebook page
and stay up-to-date on all our resources and opportunities between editions of eNews.
Procurement for Small and Medium Transit Systems
November 5-6
Denver, CO
Tools for Tribes to Improve Crash Data
November 8
1 PM
Managing Community Mobility
Urbandale, IA
November 8-9
National RTAP
Resource Share Introductory Webinar
November 9
2:00-3:00 PM
Practical Techniques for Successfully Communicating Technical Topics
November 9
2:00-3:00 PM
Transit System Security
San Diego, CA
November 13-17
Effectively Managing Transit Emergencies
Landover, MD
November 14-17
TAM for Tier II Providers and Sponsors
Coralville, IA
November 15
TAM for Tier II Providers and Sponsors
November 16
Device Securement Training
November 16
12:00 Noon-1:15 PM
Travel Training Assessments: Determining Student Competency
December 6
2:00 - 3:30 PM
Elements of a Transportation Asset Management Plan Webinar 29: Process Improvements
December 13
2:00-3:30 PM
Annual Meeting
January 7-11, 2018
All event times listed as Eastern Time
Kids on Transit Webinar
During this recent National RTAP
webinar, three transit providers describe their initiatives to get youth to use public transit:
Amber Blake from Durango Transit in CO;
Michele Brooks on behalf of the Town of Acton, MA; and
Mary Anderson of Whatcom Council of Governments in WA.
Listen to the recording to hear these innovative strategies!
Contact us:
5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.:
718 7th Street NW, Washington, DC 20001