Now bear with us, we don't want to complain about the nice weather that we currently have. However, the dry windy weather, like we had yesterday, is quite challenging for effective leave control. While the great dry weather is much more pleasant to work outside, the dry leaves are very difficult to collect into piles and windrows for pick up. We will be altering our schedule a little bit this week and may not be able to make much headway with leaf removal until the wind subsides and rain begins on Thursday. As we do every fall, we will be working on most sites on Saturdays, as Saturday is easier to work around when no vehicles are present on most job sites. 
Fall leaves are a bittersweet experience. The fantastic fall color we've had over the last couple of weeks is spectacular. However, colorful leaves on the ground are not as beautiful as leaves on the tree. That makes for a tremendous workload for us during the month of November.  
We have equipped and outfitted ourselves to handle this challenge. Our fleet includes 25 trailer mounted vacuums (shown below) that we use quickly and efficiently pick up leaves. On most sites, our process involves  windrowing leaves into the parking lots then following that with our vacuums.  
To aid in overall site clean-up we recommend an increase in parking lot sweeps during the fall. Combined with our landscape leaf removal efforts, increased sweeping will keep your site cleaner during this messy time of year. We are also happy to coordinate with your sweeping vendor to assure cooperation.
During the fall, we will pick up over 10,000 cubic yards of leaves, that is over 900 of our trucks full of leaves or the equivalent of a football field covered with 5 feet of leaves. That is a lot of leaves but it is all recycled and composted into garden mulch for reuse. Some have asked if we do this ourselves but we don't. We instead utilize several existing composting businesses in the area as this is the most cost effective method and they are better set up to do this, their core business.  

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