The Upcoming Election for 80-20 PAC!
Dear Fellow Asian Americans,
80-20 PAC will hold an extremely important election in November, which will elect a President, a Treasurer, a Secretary and a Nomination Committee Chair, and all board members.
If you are already a PAC member, please exercise your right to vote solemnly. If you still have not joined the PAC, you will need to join first to earn this privilege.
According to the latest PEW report , we are the most rapidly rising racial/ethnic group in the United States: between 2000 to 2015, our population grew a whopping 72%!

Optimistically, we will have our own political voice very soon, if not now. However, to achieve this goal, we MUST participate in every aspect of American society, and politics is a major part of American socio-political fabric. As the nation's largest Asian American political organization, we have fought tirelessly on your behalf, whether to shatter the workplace bamboo ceiling or to eliminate the college admission barrier . Thus, 80-20 PAC is your most desirable route for political participation.

Please vote in November, or join now in order to vote in PAC elections!

Yin-Long (YQ) Qiu
Co-Coordinator and V.P. in Charge of Chapters

Kathleen To
Co-Coordinator and Secretary
 80-20 is a national, nonpartisan, Political Action Committee dedicated to winning equal opportunity and justice for all Asian Americans