In an effort to help combat the opioid epidemic, Ohio MHAS is sponsoring statewide training of PAX Good Behavior Game (PAX GBG).

PAX Good Behavior Game:

PAX GBG is a classroom-based preventive intervention that gives teachers the skills and strategies to create nurturing environments in their classrooms by teaching self-regulation, co-regulation, and group regulation throughout their daily instruction. Thus, instead of merely implementing an “anti-drug” campaign, the PAX Good Behavior Game actually teaches students skills in delayed gratification that have shown in multiple controlled trials to dramatically improve behavioral, academic, and lifetime outcomes.
2-Day PAX Partner Training Opportunity in Region 1:

**Prior to attending in-person training, PAX Partners must complete 4-6 hours of self-paced online modules.

WHEN:               November 2-3
WHERE:          Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West
ADDRESS:       2275 Collingwood Blvd., Toledo OH
TIME:                8 a.m.-4:00 p.m., each day(Bring Your Own Lunch)
Having PAX Partners dramatically improves the implementation and results of PAX. With PAX Partner training, PAX Partners are able to support teachers with in-depth knowledge and skills to develop Tiered Support for children with higher needs. Research in adult learning indicates that partner-model interventions similar to PAX GBG have better implementation and results as well as improved staff outcome among implementers.

Register Today, Visit:

Registration closes October 19 th . Space is limited to 40 participants.

Visit for more information about the PAX Ohio Cures Initiative. For more information about the training, contact .
Training Funded by:
| ESC of Lake Erie West | 419-245-4150 |  Website