Rev. Paul Hobson Sadler Photo 

Rev. Paul's Inspirational Message 
Good Day Family,
Anniversaries, commemorations, and celebrations remind us of God's faithfulness to us along life's journey. They help us to assess our progress and make mid-course corrections when necessary. These occasions are fitting times to look back in order that we might effectively move forward. As we do, I am sure that we will see the powerful hand of God upon our lives at every juncture. God's hand was either on your shoulder to guide you or underneath you to carry you. Equally important, when you look over your life you are able to assess the progress that you have made along the way-the changes in your thinking and in your behavior that have helped you to move from where you were to where you are today.
These special occasions are also good times to chart a new course or begin a new direction. Birthdays, anniversaries and new years are all good times to change your focus, redirect your path or reposition yourself for growth, opportunity and progress in your life. Here is the key point: it is up to you to determine what you do with your growth opportunity.  It has been said, and I have shared it before, "The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity." You can't wait until you are ready or until you have time or until you feel like it to step up to the plate and hit the home run that has been pitched in your direction. The time is now! Today is the day. This is the moment that could begin a lifetime of joy and opportunity and blessing.
Today, as I reflect on some of the milestones in my own life and in God's church, I am inspired by the opportunity for even greater service to God. I am praying for a new and exciting adventure for you today. Remember it begins when you stop and make a change.
Ready for a New Adventure in The Lord!
Rev. Paul
Rev. Paul Hobson Sadler, Sr., Pastor
Mt. Zion Congregational Church United Church of Christ
Cleveland, Ohio


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