February 1, 2017      
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In This Issue
Dear Friends,
This has been an amazing first month with RI Interfaith Power & Light. Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me, and I look forward to meeting the rest of you soon!

Over the past few weeks, I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of strength, love, and support I've witnessed from people of all faiths, all colors, all ages, and all genders. People standing up, calling out, making themselves heard, and taking action. Yet, there still remains a significant gap between the percentage of people with an awareness of climate change and those taking action to solve the problem.

What are you doing to take action? Even though it's not a leap year, NOW is when we must leap into action. Here are 29 actions to choose from. First, read #1, then I challenge you to commit to one more action this month.

Stay engaged without losing sight yourself

One action every 10 days, with step by step instructions

The UN's guide to becoming a sofa super star

Protecting tropical forests = Reduce global warming

Our Interfaith Solar Initiative is hosting one on February 5th

With The Nature Conservancy's estimator tool

Reduce your carbon footprint with daily emails

from RISE  and  National Grid's EnergyWise program

SLCPs and near term response to mitigation

A message from  UN  Secretary-General  António Guterres

Tips from the EPA

With state plans to transition to renewable energy

Tips from the EPA

A guide from the Union of Concerned Scientists

Attend the book talk on February 15th

Tips from the EPA

February 17th at  Peacedale Congregational Church

 Improving the balance and health of human diets worldwide

Setting the record straight with science-based evidence

A guide from the Union of Concerned Scientists

Tips from the EPA

A Private Sector Program for Energy Efficiency

23)  River of Life: Connecticut River Pilgrimage
Various events celebrating water May 31 - July 9, 2017

We have the technology and practical solutions at hand

Hold them accountable for how they vote

A fact sheet from the RI DEM & Climate Change Consortium

Through RI IPL's Interfaith Solar Initiative

March on Washington April 29, 2017 - I'll be there

I want to hear from you! Let me know which actions you choose to take and why. 
Kristen Ivy Moses
Executive Director
Rhode Island Interfaith Power & Light
Protect Creation Not Pipelines
A letter from our national IPL president and founder

January 24, 2017

This morning, President Trump signed executive actions to advance construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines.

We have to resist this kind of deplorable action. 2016 was the warmest year in recorded history - this is not the time to move our country b ackwards by investing in fossil fuel infrastructure that will emit 1.3 billion tons of carbon during its lifetime.

This past weekend over 2 million people marched to express opposition to the Trump agenda - including his refusal to take responsible, science-based action on climate. Let's make sure he hears from millions more today.

As people of faith, we are called to care for future generations. They are depending on us to safeguard their rightful inheritance of a safe and livable planet.

Please take action today, let Trump hear our demands loud and clear and know that people of faith will not sit silently while he sells our children's and grandchildren's futures to the highest bidder.

Thank you for taking action. Thank you for being part of this movement.

With interfaith blessings,
The Rev. Sally Bingham
Interfaith Power & Light
President and Founder

SunSundaySun Sunday
A Solar Sunday Presentation

Join us on February 5th at UUCSC in Peacedale from 11:30 - 1pm for an informational presentation on the new Interfaith Solar Initiative. RI Interfaith Power & Light members, SmartPower staff and a solar technician will be on hand to answer your questions and to sign up interested homeowners. Information packets will be available and several experienced solar homeowners will be on hand to describe their experiences and to answer questions.

Sunday, February 5, 2017   ·   
11:30am - 1:00pm
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of South County
27 North Rd
Peace Dale, RI

ClimateProofYourFinancesClimate Proof Your Personal Finances

Climate Change is happening. Author David Stookey has investigated and analyzed measures you can ta k e to protect your assets against the primary and secondary effects of this change. His book,
Climate-Proof Your Personal Finances ,  is filled with practical advice and refere nce material that you can use during these times of turbulent change. Come and hear him speak.

On February 15th at 7:00, author David Stookey will give a talk on how to climate-proof your personal finances. The talk will be followed by a discussion and refreshments. The event is jointly sponsored by Emmanuel Church and the Learning Center of Channing Memorial Church.

February 15th at 7:00
Emmanuel Church
42 Dearborn Street
Newport, RI
Early parking is available in the Emmanuel lot.

Click here for more information about the book. 

BeforeTheFloodBefore The Flood Film Screening
Presented by RI Interfaith Power & Light

Urgent and captivating,   Before the Flood   is a movie the world needs to watch. It follows actor and activist Leonardo DiCaprio on a two-year journey around the world, creating a dialogue with people from all rungs of society about how we must respond to climate change. The movie was supported in part by National Geographic.

The video is produced and directed by Fisher Stevens who has worked in the entertainment industry for over 30 years. Before the Flood, is his third environmental film, following the Academy Award®-winning film The Cove and Racing Extinction. The documentary follows actor and activist Leonardo DiCaprio as he travels to five continents to gain a deeper understanding of climate change and its impact on the world. DiCaprio is well known for his dedication to the environment on a global scale.  In September 2014, DiCaprio was designated as a United Nations Messenger of Peace with a specific focus on climate change. In January 2016, DiCaprio was awarded a Crystal Award by the World Economic Forum in Davos for his work to bring global attention to the urgent need to address climate change.

The video emphasizes the most recent information regarding climate change issues.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the  world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
-Margaret Mead

Friday, February 17th at 7:00PM
Peacedale Congregational Church
261 Columbia St
Wakefield, RI

Snacks and discussion to follow

Click Here for more information about the film.

CarbonFastEcumenical Lenten Carbon Fast 
Reduce your personal carbon footprint with the 2017 Ecumenical Carbon Fast daily email messages. Sign-up below and you will receive daily messages from Ash Wednesday, March 1, through Easter Sunday, April 16. You and others in your congregation may wish to use these daily messages as a personal Lenten discipline or for weekly Sunday conversation.

Click Here to sign-up for daily Carbon Fast Emails 

RiverofLifeRiver of Life: Connecticut River Pilgrimage
May 31 - July 9, 2017

Rejoice in and give thanks for the miracle of all life that is made possible by the grace of God through water.  Come on a spiritual journey of renewal, restoration, and reconciliation, shaped by the Christian tradition around a series of activities along the Connecticut River, from the Source to the Sea.

Water is central to life, and living, flowing rivers have played an integral role in ecological, social, economic and spiritual practice worldwide s ince time immemorial. The Connecticut River is a prime example of a river carrying the lifeblood of a region.

CT River Pilgimage
CT River Pilgimage

The Episcopal Churches of New England, the New England Syno d of the ELCA, and Kairos Earth, in partnership with local, statewide, an d regional organizations along the Connecticut River, are organizing the first-ever pilgrimage along the length of the river.

A core group of "river pilgrims" will journey the full length of the river, being joined by "daily pilgrims" as they traverse individual stretches/communities, and by "pilgrims in prayer" for those who aren't able to paddle along or join in events but want to participate in the 40-day spiritual practices that correspond with the Pilgrimage dates.

For more information visit: www.kairosearth.org/river

Rhode Island Interfaith Power & Light
PO Box 15043, Riverside, RI 02915
www.ri-ipl.org  (401) 324-9142  inquiry@ri-ipl.org