Dear CIM students and supporters,

October is here, and we have 172 students enrolled in the Fall semester. Please join me in sending a warm welcome to 17 brand new students!

I'd like to thank Administrative Assistant, Lorin Velikonja, for her work and dedication to the CIM since she started working in November 2015.  Lorin is is no longer working at the CIM and we have begun a search for a Registration Coordinator and Administrative Associate, a 30-hour/week CIM staff position. We would very much appreciate your help in spreading the news about this post to help us find the best possible person to help us "hand down the tradition".  Details are posted on Springboard for the Arts and the Minnesota Council for Nonprofits job boards.  Thank you!

CIM students after a performance at CHATFEST 2017, an event hosted by the Hmong Center for Arts and Talent
Give to the Max Day is coming soon, on November 16th and it is the centerpiece of our Fall Annual Fund Drive.  We are putting a call out for Challenge Fund donors to help create a match for GTTM 2017.  If you would like to be a Challenge Fund donor, contact me directly at or at the office on 651-815-0083.

In the autumn spirit, we invite you to join the CIM, CJAC and O'Shea Irish Dance this Saturday, October 7th for the Hamline Elementary Fall Festival featuring live music and dance, food, children's activities, public artmaking and booths from community organizations.  The Swallowtail ensemble will be performing from 1:00-2:15pm followed by O'Shea Irish Dance.

Finally, don't forget to check out our recently-created community blog and read up about our students' adventures and performances.

Have a wonderful month, and see you soon!

Norah Rendell
CIM Executive Artistic Director  
Welcome New Instructors! 

Please join us in welcoming the Center for Irish Music's newest instructors, Sean Gavin (flute, uilleann pipes and tin whistle) and Kelsey Lutz (fiddle). They recently relocated to Minneapolis after Kelsey was accepted to the University of Minnesota's law school, and we're certainly glad they did!

Let us honor YOU at our annual 
Volunteer Thank You Party! 

Have you volunteered for CIM in the past year? If so, we would like to honor you at our annual  Volunteer Thank You Party on Sunday, October 8th, from 2:00-4:00 pm. 

Volunteers should have received a private invitation via email.  If you did not receive one, please e-mail Aja McCullough Beers and we will send you an invite asap.

Thank you and we hope to see you there!


Saturday,  February 24, 2018  

Éigse [eg-shuh] is an Irish word used for festivals celebrating traditional Irish arts and culture. It is in this spirit that we gather for an evening 
to raise funds for The Center 
for  Irish Music and the mission of handing down traditional Irish music. Dress up in your 
finest, bring your friends and join us at the Celtic Junction for Éigse CIM, A Gaela Event.

Watch your email and our website for more information in coming months! 

Volunteers Needed! 

If  you have time and talents to share, please consider joining the Eigse planning team. One-time and ongoing volunteer opportunities are available, including: 
  • Kitchen & Meal Prep      
  • Silent Auction
  • Decor
  • Volunteer Hospitality 
  • Donation Pick Up
If you are interested or would like to learn more, please contact Aja McCullough Beers, Communications & Events Coordinator at CIM. 

Celtic Junction Arts Center Hosts Fundraiser in support of the Eoin McKiernan Library

Support our community partners, the Celtic Junction Arts Center (CJAC), as they raise funds for the Eoin McKiernan Library! 

The new Eoin McKiernan Library at CJAC
October 28, 2017
836 Prior Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55104

6:30 pm VIP Reception
7:00 pm Community Reception
7:30-10:00 pm Program

Purchase tickets online at 
or RSVP by October 20 to

Upcoming concerts and events featuring traditional Irish music, CIM students and instructors are now listed on 
our blog

Visit  and click on "Gigs and Events" to see what's happening this month! 

This is not meant to be an exhaustive listing of all of the possible events within the Irish community in the Twin Cities.  For more listings, please visit the IMDA's Event Calendar, which is a great resource for local events.

The Center for Irish Music is a 501c3 nonprofit, and we depend on donations to continue passing along the tradition of Irish music and song. Please consider making a gift to CIM today! 

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This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the 
arts and cultural 
heritage fund.