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  Did you know?
Summer is fading and Fall is here! 
If you have a ceiling fan, reverse the direction... 
the fan should run clockwise 
while using heat in your home.  
Locate the switch on the base under the fan blades.
Stand under the fan, and if you feel a breeze, reverse the direction so that air is being drawn upwards. 
Again, the fan should be rotating in a clockwise direction.  
This pushes the air up against the ceiling and down the walls, to gently re-circulate the warm air 
without creating a cooling "wind chill effect."

More Tips for Fall:
  • Before packing away those summer clothes, go through them and determine which items to keep, which items to re-purpose into something else (cleaning rags, craft projects, etc.) and which to donate. 
  • Do you have a fireplace? This is a good time to have the chimney cleaned and get vent systems checked.

  • Bring in any houseplants that have spent the summer outdoors. They'll help clean the air.

Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce 
3605 Marietta Highway
Canton, GA 30114