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Welcome to the League of Women Voters of Connecticut Monthly Update!   

LWVCT wants to keep you up to date on what we are doing.  During the first week of each month, we'll be sending you highlights of our most current action items and events.

"Connecticut's Fiscal Crisis - We Are There and What Can We Do?"
Join us at the Fall Conference as we hear different perspectives on our economy.  October 14, 2017 at the Thornton Wilder Hall in Hamden from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  Register at:

Important local elections will be determined this November.  Go to  http://www.votect.net It is your information source for the 2017 elections.
The League was instrumental in the original adoption of the Citizens Election Program, public funding for candidates for state office. Over the last year under,  the leadership of Elona Vaisnys,  CEProud has actively advocated for CEP and campaigned to educate the public on the value of CEP. Over the past six months we have been urging our Government 10 Minute Activists to continue advocating for CEP and the SEEC.
  • CEP grants enable candidates to challenge incumbents
  • Public funding limits the influence of dark money. Candidates are responsible to the voters, not lobbyists and special interest groups.
The Budget and CEP - After months of acrimonious debate, the legislature passed the Republican budget late in the day on Friday, September 15. This budget eliminates CEP and severely impedes the work of the State Ethics and Enforcement Commission. In concert with many of our coalition partners, we asked LWV members to urge Governor Malloy to veto this budget in order to force the legislature back to the table to negotiate for a budget that serves all of the citizens of Connecticut and preserves CEP and allows enough funding to SEEC to ensure corruption free elections. 

Thank you to all LWV members who contacted Governor Malloy and their legislators!
For more info on CEP go to:  https://ceproud.wordpress.com